by Kirsti stvang krocket
Your page Many Android phones come equipped with an LED bulb that lights up and flashes on incoming notifications, such as when an SMS, you lose a call, get a new email or liknenden. This saves you from activating the screen to check what happened. Some phones also have different colors in this light, so you can distinguish events from each other. But often it works for only a few tasks. krocket Light Flow is an app that allows you to customize the colors of the notification light beyond the standard, and with even more apps and features. See also: Dash Clock - the ultimate Android lock screen Infinite settings application has a relatively simple user interface, at least at first glance, but it still has many setting options. Extremely many. Just what can seem a little overwhelming, but to set up notifications are not that difficult.
Alerts: In addition to assign different notifications of different colors, you can also set up sound and vibrations beyond the default settings krocket on your phone offers. (Photo: KIRSTI STVANG) There are a number of predefined alerts, and you can also set up a bunch of your own, both for system functions, applications and features in apps. In addition krocket to the case lysvarsler contacts that are important to you. You can choose between pre-and custom colors. Do you have more incoming krocket notifications, the LED bulb will flash until the various krocket alerts continuously, and you can also adjust it so that the key comes first. Night-blink Brightness and how the lights should flash when the phone is charging and at night, are also among the things you can adjust. To use Light Flow is you have to have a phone with LED bulb that can display more colors, such as Samsung Galaxy S4 or Google Nexus 5. See which phones are compatible with the developer's website here. Light Flow available in both free and pay version. The free version takes 20 seconds to change the color of the LED lamp, while the pay version change every 2.5 seconds. Lighthouse krocket Flow (Google Play, gratis/15 million) Read more mobile cases on DinSide
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