SAL de IBIZA is a line of superb table salt products, all made with 100% natural salt of the highest quality. SAL de IBIZA is collected exclusively in the Natural Reserve of "Natural Park of Ses Salines d'Eivissa". It contains no additives or preservatives and is not subject to any refining process. Slow drying in the sun and gentle grinding in ancient stone and is made SAL de IBIZA, and it is for this reason that maintains more than 80 minerals and oligoelememtos. Just not remove or add anything. For a good healthy salt requires nothing more than sun, sea and wind. Authentic "Crystal of Life"! "Fleur de Sel" (flower of salt), 125g in ceramic jar with natural cork and white ceramic spoon Flor de Sal is the purest of all salts. Is obtained by applying traditional farming methods whose origin lighting beard comes on the French Atlantic coast. Salt grown through this method, it is 100% natural and from manual harvest until it reaches the palate has not undergone any alteration. Flower of salt is sea salt appreciated as a very high quality. s pulling white to pale pink. The taste is aromatic and subtle. When these salt crystals melt in your mouth is when you discover how salt really should know. For more than 2,700 years ago is extracted from a marine salt Ibiza sublime characteristics. "Fleur de Sel" is considered lighting beard the queen of this salt, which is extracted from the currently protected natural area of salt. Only sunshine and light wind, fragile crystals are carefully extracted form manually. Fleur de Sel is particularly rich in valuable minerals and base members. SAL de IBIZA "Fleur de Sel" is especially soft and rich flavor. Use: It is always used in oil, having cooked meat, fish ... It goes very well with meats or grilled steak, salads, freshly cooked lighting beard vegetables, grilled foie SAL de IBIZA, Flor de Sal, Chemical Analysis * Salt content (NaCl): 92.73% Moisture: 6.64% Potassium: 243.25 mg/100g Magnesium: 182.10 mg/100g Calcium Fluoride 14.30 mg/100g 0.99 mg/100g Iron: 0.74 mg/100g Selenium Iodine 0.12 mg/100g 0.06 mg/100g Cadmium: no perceptible Mercury: no perceptible Copper: no perceptible Arsenio: no perceptible Lead: no perceptible Price 11 + info :
+ Passeig Delicadeses of Barcelona, Barcelona Botiga gourmet, high Xarcuteria i vinacoteca. Amb Degustació zone. Located at the barrels of Sant Andreu de Barcelona. Fabra i Puig 3 Bcn 08030 Tel 93 345 76 83 Visualitza the meu complet profile
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