Friday, May 30, 2014

The antecedent of the current outbreaks dating back to 1803, when the English scientist Humphrey Da

The light of the future: LEDs | Three and One Quarter
The antecedent of the current outbreaks dating back to 1803, when the English scientist Humphrey Davy produced the first electric light arc lamp with two carbon rods connected to a battery that produced a huge shock that illuminated everything. The problem is that it lasted very little. It was necessary that he spent almost a century for the great inventor of all time Thomas Alva Edison produced the bulb filament or focus, abstract lights and to illuminate Pearl Street in New York, in 1886. Today in the XXI century are still used outbreaks common in many homes. Note that Edison and Swan fought over the same patent. And before the trial by the primacy of the invention will be made banded together and formed abstract lights the Edison and Swan United Electric Company, which later became General Electric.
In the most common sources of energy is dissipated as heat. Hence we see that in many taquerias spotlights are used to heat the carnitas. And just try to change a light bulb turned on to notice. In a few words, ordinary light bulbs are inefficient and consume a lot of electricity.
A mid-twentieth century were fluorescent lamps, in which from an electrical discharge in a gas (mercury vapor) around the tube, which has a coating fluorescent lights. Hence arose the so-called energy saving light bulbs or fluorescent with an efficiency four times and is now recommended for all homes (although disposal can be dangerous if the tube breaks, because mercury vapor is toxic). In this case, a saving abstract lights bulb 15W is equivalent to a common 60-watt bulb. To put it bluntly, every time I use a CFL bulb consume a quarter of electricity to have the same light. Important savings.
The answer is yes: with LED bulbs (light emission diode in Spanish light-emitting diode) save even more! And not only in Mexico abstract lights and should produce large-scale LED lights for all households, but widely used in industry and transportation. LED bulbs are very expensive today, but do not pollute and have a long life (four times more than a CFL bulb). If a normal bulb consumes 60 watt saver consumes one 15 and one LED consumes 12.5. And it is expected abstract lights that by the year 2017, according to the Department of Energy of the United States consume 6.1 watts, ie be about 10 times more efficient.
The history of the LEDs starts in 1907 with the first signs of light that produce these reported by Henry J. Round, assistant Guglielmo Marconi, and the discovery of the phenomenon Oleg Vladimirovich Losev made in 1920. But it was not until 1962 when General Electric engineer Nick Holonyak produced the famous red leds employing clocks and calculators. In 1973 they started producing green leds. And now missing succeed in producing blue, to have red, green and blue, the combination produces white light. That happened in 1992 thanks to Shuji Nakamura Japanese abstract lights technician. This worked in a chemical factory and business, Nobou Ogaza, supported him with a million dollars to produce the blue LED, which succeeded. From there with three LEDs, one in color, began to produce white light. However, after more efficient to produce white light forms, one from blue LEDs and ultraviolet filters abstract lights and lenses (phosphor converting LED), and a hybrid with yellow and red LEDs combined with previous (hybrid method led were discovered ).
Today we see that the LEDs are used in traffic lights, skulls and car lights in the Christmas decorations, and on the screens of televisions, telephones and computers. However, we need to use them widely in street lighting and bulbs houses. abstract lights The LEDs are the light of the future.
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Blog made for 3 women to a room that is the reader. Can you read a little of everything that has to do mainly with the injustices, citizen participation and even frivolity. What day alive?
April 2013 MTWTFSS Mar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Those who can not stop talking lastresyuncuarto Juan Villoro: Resting tired José Woldenberg: As pharmacy Sabina Berman: The art of war, according to Chong Videgaray: the evil of many catarrito milyunamascaras abstract lights Sexting Bajio Community Foundation, the phenomenon of online teens who exhibit Jorge F. Hernández: Silent Gallo "Ask trivial our private lives "Think abstract lights of me niniasabelotodo Cortázar, happy anniversary Codex Coyoac

Amplifying. = Acoustic adj. Adv = adjective. m. Aeron = adverb of manner. brilum = Aeronautic al. Á

This dictionary words derived from proper names appear; are also expressions that contain any word families formed from them. By this addition, a good friend have been referred (and I think rightly) POLÓNIMOS.
f. Lamp to be used for some time for lighting brilum interiors brilum and improved the carbon arc. Consists of a filament consisting of oxides of zirconium and yttrium (Nernst brilum burner) nonconductive brilum at ordinary temperature, but the red, so has to be heated to achieve ignition. This lamp emits a white light and the vacuum for their operation is not required, allowing the filament renew with relative ease. Nernst lamp became obsolete with the development of modern filament lamps. ORIGIN
Amplifying. = Acoustic adj. Adv = adjective. m. Aeron = adverb of manner. brilum = Aeronautic al. Álava = Am = Latin Anat. = Anatomy And. Ap = Andalucía to pers. Applied to people = Ant = apos Antilles. Ar = apposition. = Arg = Argentina Aragon architect = architecture Astrol. Astrology = Astron. = Astronomy Bioquím. = Bull = Bolivia Biochemistry Bot. = Cf = CONFER Botany Cir. = Surgery coloq. = Colloquial com. = Dermat common noun. Dermatology = its. = Unusual Econom. = Economy Electr. = Electricity Electromagn. = Electromagnetism. Electron. = E = El Salvador El Salv Esc = wait = Spain Sculpture Stats. = Statistical brilum eufem. F = understatement. = Feminine noun Farm. = Pharmacy Pharmacol. = Pharmacology Phys. Physics = fr. = Phrase Geogr. = Geography Geol. = Geology Geom. = Geometry Herald. = Heraldry Hist. = History Hond. = Honduras Inform. = Computer Impr. = Printing Ingen. Intr = Engineering. M = intransitive verb. = Masculine noun Lit = Malacol Literature. brilum = Malacology Mar. = Seamanship Mat. Mej = Math. = Mexico Meteor. = Meteorology Micol. = Mycology Miner. Mit = Mineralogy. = Mythology Mur. = Murcia Neurol. Neurology = np = numismatists own name. Numismatics = ornithological. = Paleozool Ornithology. = Paleozoología Petrog. = Petrografía peyor. = Pejorative Pint. = Paint Pirotecn. brilum Pyrotechnics = pl. = Pp = plural past participle of prehistoric. = Prehistoric P. Rico Puerto Rico = prnl = pronominal Semiol. = Semiología Serol. Tr = Serology. = Transitive verb Chem. Chemistry = Ur = U. = used UMCS Uruguay's used as a noun = utcs = Ven also used as a noun. = Venezuela Zool. = Zoology

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mauricio Rinaldi fax: + +54-11-4361 9117 Mr

Mauricio Rinaldi (text) By 1850 all the major theaters of Europe and America rohrlux had gas lighting systems, which in some cases still lived with lighting oil. But the revolutionary innovation in the stage lighting was due to electricity. Already in 1849 he had made a lighting rohrlux effect with electricity: it was a sunrise situation produced by an arc lamp in a parabolic reflector for the representation of the Prophet, Meyerbeer, in the Paris Opera. However, this resource was used only as a knock on effect because the total electric stage lighting in theaters come 30 years later. Also in 1849, the arc light was used with a successful outcome in Electra, or the lost pleiade, at Her Majesty's Theatre in London. The production system of electric arc light was quickly perfected. A catalog of the various luminaries for "the physical phenomena in the theater production" by the then chief lighting of the Paris Opera, rohrlux J. Duboscq appears in 1877. Basically, the light arc occurs when two carbon rods face one of its ends, each being connected to a source of electrical energy. By proper spacing rohrlux between the ends of the bars the "jump" rohrlux of an arc or electric spark luminosity occurs. The development of the arc light was made possible by the invention of the electric power source by Alessandro Volta in 1800, which had a stable and continuous energy flow. With this new source Sir Humphrey Davy of the Royal Society of London, publicly presented in 1809 an arc of coal. However, this light source would not apply to large scale until 1877 when it had dynamos generators and distribution networks. Thirty years before electricity was used for daily living theater had already tested its virtues. We see that the theater was a pioneering activity rohrlux in the use of electricity in their search for new expressive tools.
Mauricio Rinaldi fax: + +54-11-4361 9117 Mr. Vilma Santillan tytenargentina rohrlux @ yahoo. fax: + +54-11-4361 9117
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

G) AMORPHOUS CARBON. The amorphous carbon karlskrona lampfabrik is the name used for the carbon has

A) DIAMOND. Diamond is one of the best known allotropes of carbon, whose hardness and high dispersion of light make it useful for industrial applications and jewelry. Diamond is the hardest known natural mineral, making it an excellent abrasive and lets you keep your polish and luster extremely well. No natural karlskrona lampfabrik substances that can scratch or cut is known, a diamond. Each carbon atom in diamond karlskrona lampfabrik is covalently bonded to four other carbon karlskrona lampfabrik atoms, arranged in a tetrahedron. Tetrahedra, karlskrona lampfabrik together, form a ring net tridimenional karlskrona lampfabrik six-member carbon (similar to cyclohexane), in a chair conformation, enabling voltage is zero bond angle. This stable network of covalent and hexagonal rings that is why diamond is incredibly hard.
Graphite is one of the more common allotropes of carbon. Unlike the diamond, graphite is electrically conductive, and can be used, for example, as a material in the electrodes of an arc lamp. Graphite powder is used as a dry lubricant.
In its pure synthetic forms vitreous (isotropic), karlskrona lampfabrik pyrolytic graphite and carbon fiber, graphite is an extremely strong, heat-resistant (up to 3000 C), used in heat shields for the noses of the missile engines solid rockets, high temperature reactors, brake shoes and electric motor brushes. Density: your espcífica gravity is 2.3, which makes it lighter than diamond, is slightly more reactive than diamond.
The lonsdaleite is a hexagonal allotrope of the carbon allotrope diamond, believed to be formed from the graphite present in meteorites to impact the Earth. The great heat and stress of the impact transforms karlskrona lampfabrik the graphite into diamond, but retains the hexagonal crystal structure of graphite. The hexagonal diamond has been synthesized in the laboratory, by compression and heating karlskrona lampfabrik of graphite using both a static press, or with explosives.
fullerenes were under study for potential medicinal karlskrona lampfabrik use - to unite specific to the structure to target resistant bacteria karlskrona lampfabrik and even target certain cancer cells such as melanoma antibiotics.
L a carbon nanofoam is the fifth carbon allotrope known, discovered in 1997. Consists of an assembly of low density clusters of carbon atoms, kept in a diffuse dimensional network. Each cluster is about 6 nm wide, and is about 4000 carbon atoms, attached to similar to those of graphite, that have a negative curvature by the inclusion of heptagons karlskrona lampfabrik at regular hexagonal outline leaves. This is the opposite of what happens in the case of buckminsterfullerenes, wherein the carbon karlskrona lampfabrik sheets are given positive curvature by the inclusion of pentagons. Nanofoam carbon is a poor electrical conductor.
G) AMORPHOUS CARBON. The amorphous carbon karlskrona lampfabrik is the name used for the carbon has a crystalline structure. As with all glassy karlskrona lampfabrik materials, may be some short-range order, but no long-range pattern of atomic positions.
Coal and soot or carbon black are informally called amorphous carbon. However, they are products of pyrolysis, which produces true amorphous carbon under normal conditions. Divides the coal to coal in varying degrees, depending on the amount of carbon present in the sample, compared to the amount of impurities. The highest grade anthracite is about 90 percent carbon and 10% other elements.
H) carbon nanotube. Carbon nanotubes, also called buckytubes, are cylindrical carbon molecules with novel properties that potentially make them very useful in a wide variety of applications (nanoelectronics karlskrona lampfabrik optical karlskrona lampfabrik material applications, etc.). They exhibit extraordinary strength properties, unique electrical properties and are efficient conductors of heat. Also inorganic nanotubes have been synthesized. Nanotubes have a cylindrical form, usually with a capped with a hemisphere of end buckyball structure.
The glassy carbon is a kind of non-graphitizing carbon, which is widely used as electrode material in electrochemical and crucibles of high temperature, and as a component of some prosthetic devices. Vitreous carbon preparation involves subjecting the organic precursors to a series of heat treatments at temperatures up to 3000 C. Unlike many grafitizantes no carbons are gas impermeable, and are extremely chemically inert, particularly those prepared at very high temperatures. It has been shown that the speed

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

1832: TELEGRAFO Its inventor was hiperconocido, Samuel light games Morse, the same Morse Code. The

"The old life was based on silence. In the 19th century with the invention of machinery, noise was born. Today, noise triumphs and reigns supreme over the sensibilities of man. "Luigi Russolo, 1913
1832: TELEGRAFO Its inventor was hiperconocido, Samuel light games Morse, the same Morse Code. The Telegraph basically allowed light games the rhythmic pulses traveling or could be transmitted over long distances; obviously these rhythmic pulses were not musical themselves, but the code own the famous inventor. In the intro to the piece of Rush "Yyz" We can hear an example of Morse code, I think it's the code of an airport in Canada and stands y, y, z. In Morse code would be something like "- - 1833-34. ENGINE OR THE DIFFERENCE Motor Differential (differentiation method) Its inventor was a British scientist named Charles Babbage His invention was a sort of machine to work with.. Free math error tables, you can say it was the first digital automatic adding programmable therefore light games precursor machines sampling (vgCMI Farlight), digital light games synths, sequencers, etc. 1859: TELEGRAPH-PIANO is a kind of telegraph. I used to operate light games a lot like the piano keyboard, thus its mechanism of rhythmic pulses worked better Its inventor was David E. Hughes.. Helmholtz resonator -. Hermann Ludwig light games Ferdinand von Helmholtz The origins light games of electronic music can be traced to the analytical work of Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821-1894) German physicist and mathematician, author of the book "TONE: psychological basis for the theory of music." (1860) built an electronically controlled Helmholtz tool for analyzing light games combinations tone, the "Helmholtz resonator" with metal teeth of the electromagnetic vibrating and resonating spheres of glass or metal, the machine was used to analyze the constituent light games tones creating complex natural light games sounds. Helmholtz light games focused solely on sound scientific analysis and had no direct light games interest in musical applications, theoretical musical ideas were provided by the Italian composer 1867: PIANO Piano ELECTROMECANICO O also called Electromagnetic. It was developed by a guy named Hipp, who was director light games of a Swiss Telegraphic manufactures. light games This invention was a piano-style keyboard that triggered a series of electromagnetic mechanisms which in turn activated a dynamo (small generators) to thereby generate tones and produce sounds. Elisha Gray and "Musical Telegraph" (1876) Elisha Gray (Barnesville, Ohio, 1835 - Newtonville, Massachusetts, 1901) have been known throughout the world as the inventor of the telephone if Alexander Graham Bell had not arrived an hour before the patent office. Instead, he entered history as the accidental creator of one of the first electronic musical instruments, musical telegraph. Elisha Gray Gray discovered that could control the sound vibrating in the electromagnetic circuit and try accidentally invented a basic oscillator. The "Musical Telegraph" used steel rods that oscillations were created and transmitted over a telephone line through the electromagnets. Gray also built a simple loudspeaker device in their latest models consisting of a vibrating diaphragm in a magnetic field to make the oscillator audible. light games After many years of litigation, AG Bell was legally named the inventor of the telephone, and in 1872 Gray founded the Western Electric Manufacturing Company, parent company of current Western Electric Company. Two years later he retired to pursue independent research and teach their knowledge in Oberlin College. "Dynamophone light games / Telharmonium" From Thaddeus Cahill (1897) The "Telharmonium" or "Dynamophone", developed by Thaddeus Cahill, can be considered the first significant electronic musical instrument. The first fully finished model was presented to the public in 1906 in Holyoke. The Telharmonium was essentially a group of 145 modified dynamos employing a number of axles and associated light games geared especially inductors to produce alternating currents of different audio frequencies. These signals were controlled by a multiple system of polyphonic sensitive keypads and controls associated banks. (Thadeus Cahill) In the first models, the sound that was audible was through piano acoustic horns. The latest models were directly connected to the telephone network (it was the only way to amplify the sound era preamp). The Telhar

Monday, May 26, 2014

Duddell William DuBois (1872-1917) British engineer electro-physical. He was educated at private sc

Duddell William DuBois (1872-1917) British engineer electro-physical. He was educated at private schools in the UK and France, and in the prestigious City & Guilds through scholarships. Before Thomas Edison invented the incandescent bulb, electric lighting was used in streetlights throughout Europe as "arc lamps" which emitted light by an electric arc between two carbon nodes. These lamps produce a constant audible hum. Duddell was appointed in 1899 to solve this problem. Duddell found he could control the audio frequencies by varying the supply voltage of the lamps. As a result of his research (through which showed that tinnitus was caused by a fluctuation in the electrical current), invented the "Singer Arc" that could generate musical notes using a keyboard interrupt oscillations in a circuit, making it an early example of electronic seagull travel music, and the first to not use the phone as an amplifier or speaker system. During the show at the Institution of Electrical Engineers in London, it was observed that about arc lamps in operation and based on the same power supply, they reproduce the same tones that the instrument seagull travel Duddell. This effect was later found useful when an antenna is coupled seagull travel to the "Singer Arco", allowing it to operate on radio frequencies instead of audio. To Duddell, however, the invention is not translated into commercial success. Not patented and even toured England with his "Singer Arco" never achieved more than the novelty or scientific curiosity. He also invented machines electrical seagull travel current, such as the electromagnetic oscillograph, seagull travel an instrument for measuring and recording current and voltage, seagull travel the thermo-galvanometer, a device for measuring the current of the antenna, seagull travel which is still in use today and moving coil oscillograph, designed for observation and photographic record seagull travel of the oscillation of the wave frequency. Although seagull travel it has passed into history and is known for its electronic music instrument, Duddell deserves to be recognized for their very important contributions. Duddell was President of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical Engineers). In 1913 he was appointed member of the Royal Society, four years before his untimely death. The Duddell Medal was instituted in 1923 by the Council of the Physical Society in memory of him, and is awarded annually to a person who has contributed to scientific knowledge through the application seagull travel of physics.
The nineteenth century marks an epistemological break that will radically change the world following the discovery of electromagnetic energy and how to produce it. Great inventions from that time are not attributable to one man, are the result of work, contributions and open to many paths. Against the opportunism of the first reach "of patent offices" in some cases, even from the imposture and usurpation International, Radio Tesla intended to claim and honor all those whose work, intuition and genius enabled the birth of the Radio.
2008 (43) December (29) January (14) Henry Joseph Round Robert von Lieben David Sarnoff Nathan Stubblefield Mahlon Loomis Slaby Adolf Georg Graf von Arco Muirhead Alexander Georg Seibt Ducretet Eugene William Henry Jackson Duddell Valdemar Poulsen Mihajlo Pupin Idvorski 2009 (15) December (14) May (1)
Bruno Gassin Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain do not intend to make this blog a personal journal, but use it as an album of "clipping" and make known to those who had something to do with the birth of the Radio. Images from the presentation are owned by Mr. Jenkins, the SparkMuseum, my sincere thanks for your generosity in allowing their use. View my complete profile

The most studied arcs are precisely formed between the carbon electrodes (cathode and anode). Air c

Call her "arc" the light phenomenon that occurs when a strong current bridges the gap between two electrodes placed within a gas; the air, for example. Its name comes from Davy, who noticed the phenomenon using charcoal electrodes.
The most studied arcs are precisely formed between the carbon electrodes (cathode and anode). Air currents often cause a powdery deposit. Most arcs must luminosity to incandescence volatilized particles in the cathode or the anode of the spiked to give coloring substances arc (red, violet, etc.). It is sometimes added to the anode carbon diverse substances such as calcium, which, when incandescent volatilize continuously radiates light spectrum. Also potassium, which in contact with air burns with violet light and large heat release. the light 103.9 The intrinsic brightness of the light source is a function of its temperature; therefore, to obtain a light source with high brightness, a substance that can be maintained at the highest temperature possible was employed.
As the carbon was that possessed the highest point volatilization known, it was believed that the carbon arc was capable of higher brilliance artificially achieved (this occurs at a temperature of 3,000 degrees C). However, more recent observations it was known was possible to get a much higher brightness.
In the manufacture of the carbon products of the distillation of petroleum are often used. Impurities removed, is given the final shape (cylindrical) coals and subjecting them to high temperature, they become part of graphite. But it was Bremen who suggested the light 103.9 adding to the coals substances to increase its luminous power ('Flame') and other qualities the light 103.9 ('effect').
The dust that is formed during combustion, go to part as oxide and dioxide, finally carbonated. An ashtray located in the bottom of the balloon, drilling small openings, determine a suitable evacuation both powdery residues, as gas. In the latter case, particularly when the coals are mineralized, releasing smoke outside (unlike the pure carbon).
Displaced by large filament, arc lamps were used for years in the powerful "projection the light 103.9 headlights" for cinematography (coals can still be achieved in a trade) and, especially, in the spotlights.
One of them, the Sperry 152.4 cm Flak projector model 1941, was entered in the Register of Army Regulation eighteen months before the case Trancas. By then, the Commander in Chief of the Army Raúl Poggi, orders your manual description, operation and maintenance (AG FT-1) "shall the light 103.9 be compulsorily acquired" by battalions, regiments, and particularly reiteration artillery personnel Army. From reading know the principles governing the design of the projector:
It is characterized by high light intensity and consists of an arc of high intensity also automatically maintained at the focal point of a mirror reflector protected by a drum. Said drum is mounted in a manner allowing the full rotation in the direction and movement in elevation, through a manual control system or electrical distance. The lamp holding a pair of coals or electrodes, the mechanism of regulation allows the advancement of carbon negative to positive and tries to start a new arc.
The drum is equipped with a ventilation system so that the vapors released from the particles and can be continuously swept arc (coal dust and other debris produced the light 103.9 during operation). the light 103.9 The duration of the combustion the light 103.9 of the carbon rods or a graduation used for loading 150 amperes is approximately ninety minutes. For this lamp carbons usually specially made intensive use.
The execution of maneuvers location and projection of the light beam is essential for its speed, range and accuracy. Suffice it to say that should reach easily illuminate a plane, the light 103.9 say, 16 kilometers (although the visibility of the object depends not his enlightenment itself, but the contrast between the object illumination and glare in the surrounding area).
The command consists of a control unit that provides the synch data projector with a pager sound, and the remote control of the projector, making it move and turn towards elevation. The whole system of this model-that is not the only-requires a generator, consisting basically of a petrol engine and generator, convenient

Sunday, May 25, 2014

What beautiful, dear Ana, these Roman

The Egyptians began using coals, neoneon putting tow or straw around a wood, soaked with scented beeswax and resin. Between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. C., also in Egypt invented the candle.
The Romans used three ways to illuminate their lives; torches, candles and oil lamps. In Ancient neoneon Greece used lamps (lúchnoi), neoneon were very similar to Aladdin's lamp.
In the nineteenth neoneon century neoneon begin the first tests for electric lighting, it was the British Humprhy Davy, who manufactured electrical arcing and caused the light of a platinum wire in air, by passing current through it.
In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison achieved his carbon filament lamp which was on for two days in New York. In 1882 he installed the first power station where the street was the first to be artificially lit. This success prompted neoneon Edison created other plants. So, soon many cities lit streets. neoneon
In 1906, Just and Haran, Americans created neoneon an electric lamp that replaced the carbon tungsten. In 1907 after the carbon filaments of tungsten filaments were replaced. In 1913 the gas-filled incandescent lamps were invented.
What beautiful, dear Ana, these Roman "lucernae" from which we can find many examples in museums and interesting views in some retail Rome! They practice function neoneon is combined with the aesthetic value of their varied decor from gladiators and mythological elements to erotic motifs as those found in Pompeii and today exhibited in the Museum of Naples. Great and illuminated entry which has brought us today, friend. Thousand cubic. April 7, 2012 Ana DICE Profedegriego are gems. A kiss. April 7, 2012
2014 (142) May (24) April (29) March (31) February neoneon (28) January (30) 2013 (311) December (31) January (29) October (29) December (25) August (23) July (24) June (24) May (29) April (22) March (28) February (21) January (26) 2012 (286) December (23) January (22) October (23) October (28) August (23) July (21) June (22) May (26) April (25) ORIGAMI REFLECTIONS ON THE SEA HORTENSIA A STORY IN ANCIENT EGYPT TIES TYPEWRITER GUESTS AND HOSPITALITY IN THE RO ... THE ANCIENT OF PAPANTLA PROSECUTION UNDER THE REIGN OF RAMSES II THE VORTEX OF BROKEN PROMISES OR POSITIONS DURING SLEEP III FLYING MAGNET CA NA COSTA ( Formentera) AMANECE HANDS THAT IS NO LITTLE HERMIT CRAB HOME TRIANGLE CERRO MORENO're wrong NI MOUNTAINS, AND VALLEYS, RIVERS ... NI NI MARES ERATOSTHENES MAROON LIGHT AND EXPLORING neoneon THE POLE THEORY (3) DALIA CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF EGYPT (7th Part) March (25) February (23) January (25) 2011 (224) December (25) January (16) October (18) October (12) August (20) July (20) June (19) May (21) April (21) March (20) February (19) January (13) 2010 (270) December (20) January (23) October (23) October (25) August (26) July (24) June (26) May (25) April (14) March (21) February (19) January (24) 2009 (285) December (20) January (28) October (15) October (24) August (20) July (27) June (25) May (26) April (19) March (27) February (27) January (27) 2008 (302) December (22) January (26) October (24) October (27) August (28) July (18) June (26) May (31) April (26) March (22) February (24) January (28) 2007 (245) December (26) January neoneon (24) October (28) October (28) August (25) July (30) June (31) May (27) April (20) March (6)

The mushroom lamps were created in 1965 with a pop design these lamps are very beautiful visual min

The mushroom lamps were created in 1965 with a pop design these lamps are very beautiful visual mind and today we remember the pop era. The first light sources used by humans were based on burning android fragments like fire, torches and candles. Oldest lamps of which the news appeared in ancient Egypt around android fragments the year 3000 and consisted of cupped android fragments stones oil stuffed with plant fibers as wicks. The current use of these is almost android fragments entirely decorative and ceremonial. The evolution of the design of these lamps led to the addition of reflective elements for better use of the light produced. With the passage of time many improvements in the design and manufacture of these lamps were introduced, but not make light efficiently produced until 1874.'s First electric lamp was the carbon arc lamp, made in 1801 by humphrey davy, although android fragments electricity would be imposed only from the development of the incandescent lamp by joseph swan.
The functional value of the mushroom lamp will illuminate and beyond its design leads to be able to decorate a space and its design is very simple android fragments but yet is beautiful today mushroom lamp leads to a room Pop thus giving the feeling of that retro era.
Visual Aesthetic Value The aesthetic value of the lamp is mostly decorate. Those who are, perceive the retro vibe and feel comfortable in the way lugar.Su catches the viewer, and makes you want to elaborate a little more, trying to see something android fragments more. Even being this simple, has a visual effect, that few objects get. By its very secillez, and shortage of exclusive details of his time, yet timeless. From a child would be comfortable with it, to a person. android fragments

Saturday, May 24, 2014

However, when an atom loses an electron under the influence of any external factors, either physica

For thousands of years the sun and fire were the only items used for lighting deadmau5 strobe mp3 man, until the late nineteenth century, Thomas A. Edison developed and marketed in the United States, the incandescent light bulb as a source of artificial light .
From that historic moment began creating other artificial light sources deadmau5 strobe mp3 such as lamps powerful carbon deadmau5 strobe mp3 arc, fluorescent, halogen lamps, deadmau5 strobe mp3 mercury deadmau5 strobe mp3 arc sodium, metal halide (metal halide), etc..
Other sources of artificial light, is also the laser beam, which although not used in lighting the coherent light beam and high energy is widely used in various scientific and technical devices, including appliances such as sound and video.
A phenomenon that is called "bioluminescence" and manifests mostly in some organisms called dinoflagellates that live in the sea and much larger species that live at great depths, also marine.
Occupying the entire range of visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum extending from 430 THz (terahertz) frequency and 627 nm (nanometer) wavelength, to 750 THz and 436 nm wavelength.
The white light from the sun and most artificial light sources, consists of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies and wavelengths, deadmau5 strobe mp3 and are the only of the entire electromagnetic spectrum that we can see.
Violet 380-436 (waves of higher energy)
Any electromagnetic wave has a certain amount of power is inversely proportional to the wavelength, that is, a shorter wavelength of visible light, the greater the energy propagation.
Instead of the white light, the rays are considered inconsistent by being composed by magnetic waves of frequencies and different wavelengths, the light that provides a laser device is deemed deadmau5 strobe mp3 "consistent", that it is made by a light beam of the same frequency and wavelength, amplified many times to increase its power. deadmau5 strobe mp3
The propagation of light waves is the world's fastest physical phenomenon, its rays travel through space, and even the vacuum at about the 300 thousand kilometers per second.
For electrons (negatively charged) are kept spinning in their own orbits without changing abandon one energy level to another, the atomic nucleus (positively charged) exerts a strong influence to retain them.
However, when an atom loses an electron under the influence of any external factors, either physical or chemical, your natural tendency is to recover immediately to continue to maintain an electrical balance neutral, ie, with the same number of electrons (negative) , that of protons (positive).
That will cause this crash is excited, causing a corresponding leaves orbit and pass to fill, for brief moments, another orbit of a higher energy level and farther from the nucleus deadmau5 strobe mp3 of the atom to which it belongs.
At the precise moment that the electron deadmau5 strobe mp3 returns to its orbit, the extra energy gained when going from a lower level to a higher energy level or outermost orbit, the photon released as light.
Therefore, the color of the light photon emitted by the electron when it rejoins the original orbit after being excited, will depend on the amount of energy released at that time, the chemical element that corresponds to the atom to which it belongs and the energy level or orbit where it was turning at the time was excited (remember that electrons revolve in orbits closer to the nucleus of the atom have less power than spinning in remote orbits).
The color of light that emits a photon always correspond to the frequency and wave length itself and that color will be noticeable to our eyes as long as you are within the time for lightning electromagnetic spectrum covering the visible light range.
These include the infrared (IR) used in wireless communications, alarms, deadmau5 strobe mp3 remote controls, etc. and commonly known as UVA ultraviolet very used as skin tanning.
are in PlanetaVenezuela. we
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Friday, May 23, 2014

There are few lamps as masterful, timeless and powerful as the Artichoke (artichoke) lamp design, P

John Janik via Desire to Inspire Via Modern Way Grand Hotel Stockolm Yorker via Studio Ilse House / NYC Apartment hypnerotomachia Betsy Johnson via Daisy Pink Cupcake Photo / Photo: Richard Powers :: Flickr. jeremiah christopher. ::
There are few lamps as masterful, timeless and powerful as the Artichoke (artichoke) lamp design, Poul Henningsen Danish genius (1894-1967) hypnerotomachia was conjured up back in 1958 to house Louis Poulsen & Co, Copenhagen. hypnerotomachia This piece was part of famous series of PH lamps began designing exclusively from 1924 and even today, almost a century later, still marketed worldwide. Originally copper and steel, is perfect in any environment, hypnerotomachia no matter what the surround yourself (and if not, go back to see the series of photos above ...). The only consideration: price, both original hypnerotomachia pieces and reprints. But if I have one, I congratulate you for being able to enjoy live and direct such a special object. To me I will always be pictures ... To understand better what is special about this lamp and others for the PH series, here I leave an extract from the book "Scandinavian Design" Charlotte and Peter Fiell, which explains hypnerotomachia why it success ... "From 1924, Henningsen lamp designs created for the company (Louis Poulsen) in order to mitigate the effect of dazzling arc lamps coal through assemblies with multiple displays ... / .. . To solve the inherent problems associated with electricity, revolutionary accessories Henningsen reflected light so that its brightness faded effectively ... / ... From 1926 Henningsen designed the famous PH series ... / ... amazingly modern for its time and very attractive to architects and interior designers .... / ... These "shadowless lamps" were also used in large public buildings .... / ... In 1931 they had PH lamps and 30,000 sold worldwide hypnerotomachia ... / ... "
There are very few lamps That I find as timeless, outstanding and brilliant as the Artichoke Lamp by Poul Henningsen danish genious (1894-1967). This lamp, Belonging to the PH Series, was originally designed in 1958, made of copper and steel. However his work for Louis Poulsen started some years before, hypnerotomachia in 1924. Even nowadays These lamps can be seen (and be bought as well) everywhere. They fit in with any style in decoration (have a look at the pictures above and find it for yourself!). The only but: its price, as for the original tanto para reeditions. So I will Have to resign myself to the "paper version" ...
The brief history, the great collection of images - what a great post! August 1, 2008, 20:05
Thanks for your comment Tremendous Miranda. The truth is that's a light bulb, which seems to float in the air right? And This is Glamorous hypnerotomachia thank you for your comment and visit! I'm addicted to your blog! August 2, 2008 10:00
I love the PH have one in the living room and I think pride. I have a doubt, ARTICKO, Artichoke, could use another room height 240cm or would be very low, also happens hypnerotomachia with the GLOBUS STYLE OF VERPAN, you would be well into a single ceiling height.! EAST ME SOMEONE! Because both chiflan.Gracias me. March 12, 2011, 11:26 AM
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Thursday, May 22, 2014

In ancient Rome were used as lighting 2gx13 oil lamps that hung from the ceiling with a string, whi

In prehistoric 2gx13 man discovered fire and used for heat and cooking food, and not long in use for illuminating their caves by the flames. The advantage sunlight during the day.
The first candle has probably appeared 50,000 years ago, using as fuel oil or animal fat of the skull is also used to place inside these fuels with a lock of braided hair. Take a few more types of stone vessels for the same function were made.
Centuries later began using tailings, the decrees and Egyptians were improving 2gx13 them, placing straw or burlap wrapped around a piece of wood, smeared with beeswax and resin, sometimes scented.
Fixtures called lúchnoi were used in ancient Greece. They were performed with a variety of materials such as metals 2gx13 and ceramics; looked very similar to what we now think like Aladdin's lamp.
In ancient Rome were used as lighting 2gx13 oil lamps that hung from the ceiling with a string, which over time were decorating with carved and metal ornaments. The brighter possessed several peaks with their wicks. The torches were used primarily 2gx13 at weddings and funerals.
Later in the Middle Ages, were other types of lighting such as flashlights with internal wicks. The lighting was done with larger enclosures loggers and wrought iron chandeliers, ornate handmade. Candles are lit and improved producing less smoke.
In 1795, William Murdoch, installed a lighting system 2gx13 for a coal gas factory in England. The German inventor Freidrich Winzer was the first person to patent gas lighting coal in 1804 and a "termolámpara" using gas distilled from wood was patented in 1799.
In the early nineteenth century, most European and North American cities had streets with this type of lighting. Gas lighting resulted in illumination with low pressure sodium and high pressure 2gx13 mercury in the 1930s and the development of the electricity replaced gas in homes. Electric lighting
English chemist Sir Humphry Davy invented the first electric arc lamp causing the filament of a fine platinum wire in air at power at their ends to circulate current.
Based on the discoveries 2gx13 of Davy, the French Foucault developed an arc lamp that electrical discharge between two carbon electrodes produced light. This method was used for street lighting in the streets.
Just Haran manufactured in 1906 and a lamp with tungsten filament that replaced the carbon. A year later replaced with tungsten filament to tungsten, and in 1913 the first gas-filled incandescent lamps were manufactured.
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Carbon rods were kept at a distance so that the electric current would flow through the arc and car

The history of electric lamps | Architecture and Decoration
The lamps have evolved greatly from the use of coal or gas to electricity. In 1801, Sir Humphrey Davy of England invented the electric carbon living lighting ottawa arc lamp, which was the first of its kind. The principle that made this lamp work was simple and included the union of two carbon rods to an electrical source.
Carbon rods were kept at a distance so that the electric current would flow through the arc and carbon vaporize to create white light. Around 1857, AE Becquerel of France invented the theory of fluorescent lamps. In the 1870s, the unthinkable happened to Thomas Edison invented the first incandescent electric lamp. Since incandescent lamps were used for lighting purposes living lighting ottawa in homes until the early nineteenth century.
In 1901, Peter Cooper Heewit patented living lighting ottawa his new invention, the mercury vapor lamp. This was another type of arc lamp illumination allowing using mercury vapors, which were enclosed in a glass bulb. Mercury vapor set the prototype for fluorescent lamps.
Neon lamps were invented by Geroge Claude in France in 1911, followed by Irving Langmuir, an American who invented the electric incandescent gas lamp in 1915. In 1927, Hans Spanner, Friedrich Meyer and Edmund living lighting ottawa Germer living lighting ottawa patented the first fluorescent lamp. The fluorescent lamp provided better illumination compared to the mercury vapor lamp because it was filled from within with Berillo.
Since then we have been using different forms of lighting lamps, including mercury lamps include incandescent lamps. Today, in some corner of the world people still using the old oil lamps to light their homes.
Related Articles: living lighting ottawa Lamps: History of Lighting Decorating with lamps and standing lamps design change Choosing Choosing fluorecente interior lamps lighting for rooms
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

On February 21, 1896 the Spanish government approved a grant to Rafaél Arrillaga representing the C

On February 21, 1896 the Spanish government approved a grant to Rafaél Arrillaga representing the Corporation Electric Lighting Company to build a plant for the production of electric lighting in Mayagüez. This made the second city of Mayagüez in Puerto Rico to provide public electric lighting. stonco Professional contemporary newspapers reported that the plant was built that year in accordance with the advice provided by the grant. After the change of sovereignty, the company passed to the Mayagüez Electric Company in 1902 and later to the Mayagüez Light and Power Company in 1905. Around 116 arc lamps were installed in different parts of the city. Many of these lamps are visible in old photos Mendez Vigo Street, Concord, Aug. 11 (near the square) and others. Arc lamps consisted of two carbon electrodes produced by touching a bright stonco light that required little energy. These electrodes require replacement as often consumed to produce the bow which made these lamps requiring constant maintenance. The manufacturing of these lamps is unknown, but I understand that similar brand lamps Thompson-Houston were used in similar projects in Cuba. Interesting facts about the carbon arc lamps: They came in one or two styles of rods. The Mayaguez seem to have been two rods by what is seen in some pictures. The average of each pair of carbon rods life was approx 75 hours (in the 1890's stonco lamps) The arc produced approx of 2-7 lumens per watt depending on the type of lamp. They produced a buzz and the light flickered. Carbon monoxide generated by limiting its use as factories or ventilated street lighting spaces. Producing harmful rays in the UV-A, UV-B and UV-C spectrum. The typical design is shown here on the right. At the end of the page you'll find a short video about this type of lamp. Source ... This item is now also available on the website of Mayaguez Mangó Tastes! In Mendez stonco Vigo lighting was installed on the south side of the street. The lights were installed every two posts in Méndez Vigo. Mendez Vigo Street near the beach.
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In the 1970s the Historic American Enginnering stonco Record (HAER for its acronym in English) in collaboration with the Trust for storage ...
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Here, it is not light emitted by a filament material entering the inside by passing an electric cur

Arc lamps - Obsolete Technology
Now that the classic incandescent light bulbs are about to be declared outlawed by their high consumption, it would not hurt to look into the not too distant past, before ellie lights lyrics everyone joined in Edison with electric lighting. Yes, before the "classic" bulb streets, homes and stay with light from electricity, of course, the technology used was very different and the result, something spooky and not very practical is also lit.
Oil lamps, lanterns, candles ... many methods have been devised to turn night into day, if only a slight flickering light to illuminate a room, enough to defeat the darkness night. But more was needed, you had to really illuminate the darkness and for that, he turned to electricity. ellie lights lyrics Everyone knows the triumph ellie lights lyrics of the incandescent lamp in the late nineteenth century, however, over the past decades, most modern in artificial lighting ellie lights lyrics had a sonorous name: arc lamp.
Take a source ellie lights lyrics of electrical energy, one cirtuito fórmese interrupted in a portion of its travel, and at both ends of the severed conductor, we place two electrodes coal. If we feed the circuit with the source and close enough the two electrodes, an arc appears in the middle of a luminous glow. So simple, do not need anything more to build an arc lamp.
Here, it is not light emitted by a filament material entering the inside by passing an electric current, as with tungsten filaments Classics Edison and other bulbs. No, arc lamps, is the "jump" of electric current between two electrodes which generates ellie lights lyrics a glow susceptible of being used in lighting.
Today, arc lamps are still used. No longer employ archaic carbon electrodes, which should be replaced every little time consuming because, but more resistant materials are used, such as the aforementioned tungsten introduced inside a chamber filled with a noble gas such as neon or xenon or other elements such as sodium. The classic fluorescent mercury vapor at low pressure can be considered distant heirs of arc lamps. Far from domestic applications, the true current arc lamps, high intensity and very carefully designed using high strength materials, find applications in the film industry or special treatment of metals and alloys.
Now dedicated to specialized work, the old arc lamps have a negligible history. In the early nineteenth century, Sir Humphry Davy and described the phenomenon and experimented with primitive models, perfected with dedication and even christened the invention with the name that has endured to the present, arc lamp. So, as a functional electric lamp had, but was missing the most important thing. How do you feed? If you wanted to light a building with such lamps, wire it should find a reliable supply of electricity and would need to have maintenance. Very complicated, too much mess when with simple oil lamps could do something similar but much dirtier. By 1870, the electric technology had reached sufficient maturity to provide reliable power generators supply networks and appropriate control systems. Time remained to reach the age of mass electrification due to alternating current, but not arc lamps ceased to spread. Its golden age, the 1880s saw the night was lit in many cities with powerful lamps highly sophisticated ellie lights lyrics arc electrodes improved coal, capable of automatically reglarse while consuming thanks to clockwork, bringing the maintenance was no longer a problem. Also, the problem is much improved consumption thanks to new designs in vacuum tubes containing the electrodes.
Unfortunately for arc lamps, its glory did not last long. His bright light found a new competitor. By 1820, he had already experimented with incandescent lamps, which were perfected sparingly by several inventors around the world until, arriving in the early nineteenth eighties, came Edison and intelligently of his predecessors appropriated to give life to the revolution of electric lighting, starring filament lamps and signing the death warrant of arc lamps. _____________ In the picture, arc lamp used in street lighting by 1885.
In this same category: "Move this hotel, please Ma Machine

Monday, May 19, 2014

I guess this kind of tratamineto be used, especially in detention centers infantir to supply the de

Inthe 30's, began to be experienced treatments for tuberculosis of bones and joints based powerful discharges of light arc (the first of these devices was the same that was used in the late nineteenth century in the first systems of public electric lighting : arc lamp with carbon electrodes employing alternating current). You can still find on the net some papers published in the scientific press of the time. As shown, this published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery or this one appeared in radiologica Act. But most impressive is the power of photography, creepy (nurse / nun included) and equally fascinating. Particularly I am struck by the contrast between the black sunglasses that protect the eyes of children and the white loincloth covering them.
The picture maxspect led reminds me of a much worse time ago I saw in some children posed in a Nazi concentration before being delivered to the experiments of Dr. Mengele insane ...
My dear Blogmaster: your pathetic "espeluzmante" security So you claim to know a photo of that class: nobody ever knew why and how the new Dr. Manguele and should be a very important jewel of the "conclusive" evidence of Nazi genocide. This test and the "millions" of Jews to the crematoria queuing must be worth a fortune.
What makes you think you're more important than these animals? Do you know that almost everything you do with them when they experience them is not only unnecessary but also useless for application in humans?
Mengele Many doctors are not involved in killing children, but bugs ... because few care because considered "inferior" or "unable to feel or understand the pain." Just the same as in many countries think of women, or the poor, or of those who are of a different color ... or Jews.
I warn you that I was worse when you thought it was some diseases caused by demons ... How many of the current practices of medicine will be seen as archaic as this in a century? The picture is great, on the other hand ...
No where I saw something similar (perhaps in this blog) and if it was not with carbon arc light or other light but the picture reminded me powerfully that a similar treatment is also in the Soviet Union gave the children in areas with little sunshine (northwest), the light used in theory supplied the sunlight to grow strong and healthy, and although the images were also somewhat scary at least we must recognize that their health was (cash or is another issue) and it's not so different from going to a "lamp" to get a tan.
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21 Xavier Debeerst 26 Sep 2009 0 (0 votes)
The photograph maxspect led itself is creepy. Some seem them more creepy if she was nun nurse instead, is that some people can not leave their prejudices. This leads me to say that discussions on science maxspect led / religion always the atrocities committed in the name of religion are remembered, but rarely the atrocities committed in the name of science are remembered. Neither one nor the other.
I guess this kind of tratamineto be used, especially in detention centers infantir to supply the deficiency of vitamin D, as Ruben mentioned above, to prevent rickets.
By the way, Othera application of different light spectra, which I found odd at the time and that I have not seen him for over 20 years now (but I'm sure that is still practiced) is the UV disinfection. I personally could see a small hospital Krimea (Ukraine). obviously did not apply to people, but in the patient rooms and during treatment, patients were forced to leave.
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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Presented in what is the second largest market for Audi, the TT can reach the offroad lighting calc

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Audi introduced an all-terrain inspired by the new generation lighting calculation of the sporty TT at the Beijing Motor Show variant. lighting calculation According to the brand, offroad TT is a kind of preview of a possible expansion of the range of the famous Audi Sport. lighting calculation
Presented in what is the second largest market for Audi, the TT can reach the offroad lighting calculation market to compete with models like the Range Rover Evoque, Porsche and BMW X4 Macan. Should it get the green light, the compact four-door SUV can reach the market within two years.
The new Audi prototype is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system, which consists of a front engine lighting calculation turbo 2.0-liter TFSI petrol with 292cv and 380 Nm of torque combined with an integrated 53cv (40 kW) and 220Nm of torque electric motor. Besides these, there is yet another electric motor installed on the rear axle with 114cv (85kW) lighting calculation and 270Nm of torque. lighting calculation The three engines combined make up a total power of 408cv and 650Nm of torque.
In terms of performance the Audi TT offroad can accelerate from 0 to 100km / h in 5.2 seconds and reach a limited top speed of 250km / h. Still, the vehicle has an average fuel consumption of 1.9l/100km with CO2 emissions of 45g/km. In addition, the prototype still has a range of 50km in electric mode, with hybrid autonomy to rise to 880km.
The Li-ion 12kWh lithium can be charged via the wireless charging system from Audi. According to the German mark, this system needs about the same time to fully charge the battery as if plugged.
In terms of design the vehicle lighting calculation is heavily inspired by the Shooting Brake Allroad, presented lighting calculation at the Detroit Motor Show. The TT gets a new grille offroad singleframe Audi headlights and new LED Matrix. The design lighting calculation is completed by 21-inch rims. Inside the prototype is identical lighting calculation to the third generation of the TT.
The organization of the Rock in Rio Lisboa 2012 unveiled the poster for the World Stage May 26: Linkin Park, Smashing Pumpkins, The O. ..
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[TUTORIAL] - Make one Hallmeter Corsa Club of Brazil - the index Frum -

[TUTORIAL] - Make one Hallmeter Corsa Club of Brazil - the index Frum -> Tutorials Author Message :: Maxx :: Wilson Age: 32 Joined: bulb icon Monday, November bulb icon 3, 2003 Posts: 3375 Scores a: 1 LOCATION: So Paulo - SP Posted: Monday 09th 2010f August 2010 06:29:24 PM Subject: [TUTORIAL] - Make one Hallmeter
1 - WHAT A HALLMETER The Hallmeter monitor an air / fuel that works with Information This provided the lambda probe which in turn detects the oxygen content in the flue gas, and generates Information bulb icon This millivolt . So the Hallmeter that build a voltmeter with a range of 0.1 volts to 1.0 volts, represented by 10 LED (light emitting diode) going from the rich lean mixture. See the graph below.
2 - The Hallmeter applications can be used on any vehicle that requires special care as to the correctness of feeding, especially where common supercharged cars breaking engines due to lack of fuel, leaving work with the vehicle and causing a lean mixture on warming, rich mixture can also impair performance of the preparation but in so harmful as to lean. 3 - OPERATION OF PROBE
The Lambda sensor detects the concentration of oxygen in the exhaust gas, and informs the control unit about its presence with respect to the sampling air within the sensor estequiomtrico bulb icon calculation. The sensor generates millivolts as the content of oxygen in the exhaust gas. The lambda sensor element shaped thimble manufactured dioxide Zircnio (one cermico material) internal and externally covered by a thin layer of microporous platinum. This element actually bulb icon a galvnica clula (works like a battery) excited by temperature and oxidation of the material left in the combustion. High values of milivoltagem: mean that virtually all the oxygen injected into the combustion chamber was burned Values Basses milivoltagem: beyond the necessary oxygen being injected, with oxygen bulb icon in the exhaust gases . 4 - Practical Mounting 1 Material - Copper plate (phenolite) 2 - ferric chloride 3 - Pen you draw tracks for transparency (OHP) 4 - Box for housing the plate 5 - Wire
Eletrnicos Component 1 - LM 3914 2 - 2.2 micro Farad Capacitor eletroltico / 16 V or higher 3 - Red Led 2 (- Resistor 330 ohm / 1/8 w 4 - Trim Pot (Potencimetro) 4k7s 5 HIGH GLOSS) 6-2 yellow LED (HIGH GLOSS) 7-6 Green LED (HIGH GLOSS) 8 - Socket IC 18 pin
(Copy this side to the plate) 1 - CUTTING BOARD ON DESIRED SIZE 2 - WITH A piece of THE STRAW (BOMBRIL) bulb icon POLISH ON THE SIDE OF A copper-plated surface AT THAT STAY WELL glossy ES / grease stains bulb icon 3 - DRAW ON THE SIDE OF THE TRACKS copper-clad circuit bulb icon with a marker pen. 4 - DRAWN APS BOARD, PUT ON perchlorate, AT THAT ALL THE REST OF COPPER BE EATEN BY ACID, TAKE CARE THAT IN CONTACT WITH SKIN AND IF HAPPENS, WASH IN WATER CURRENT . Perchlorate Information This LARGEST ON BEING THE PRODUCT PACKAGING. 5 - AFTER READY, GO AGAIN BOMBRIL, THAT TRACK STAY POLITE AND WELDING EASILY GET IF WANT A PROFESSIONAL APPEARANCE IRON ENAMEL GREEN. . 6 - NOW WELD THE COMPONENTS AS THE CHART BELOW, bulb icon IN THE TRACKS LET intersect AVOID excesses Pay attention: - the capacitor identified by the positive or negative side that is in its carcass, some have only positive only other negative. - LEDs also have a own hand, with the cathode (positive) bulb icon identified by the bevel on one of its sides. - The integrated circuit (IC) LM 3914, also has its side identified by a cut or just a point at the top of its surface - Resistors have the sides (whatever the posioa be placed) - Signal (for corsa) must be connected directly to the purple wire from the lambda probe. - For a more precise adjustment use the potencimetro, it can vary from one led to more or less let the preference among
Do not forget GREEN: IDEAL MIX RED: YELLOW POOR: RICH MIX At work: and now!!! - Do not forget the position of the components. - Before breaking the plate, check the connection of the wires, see if Esto connected correctly and has no bad contact. use the old wires may be broken inside, always have a multimeter on hand. - Why when I light the lighthouse apparently the mixture decreases. Normal a small oscillation? When you turn the headlights blend actually becomes poorer, because the generator bulb icon suffers an overhead weighing bulb icon w / the engine, detailed very large oscillations may indicate a bad grounding done, positive and negative must be connected directly bulb icon on the battery if you want to leave right on the problem, the minimum consumption and may be connected bulb icon over years without harming

Monday, May 5, 2014

The latest of Adam is 3.74 meters in length, making it ideal for driving in town, and is equipped w

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Opel will move to a production version of the Adam Rocks, shown in prototype 9w 332 at last year's edition of the Geneva Motor Show version. A year later the German brand is preparing to launch in the market its new mini crossover that combines the driving pleasure in the open and the versatility of a robust car. A new variant of Adam begins to be produced by next summer
The latest of Adam is 3.74 meters in length, making it ideal for driving in town, and is equipped with a full roof opening. The bodywork has guards all around and the suspension is 15 mm higher. Opel's designers developed new decorative elements and chose new tissue specific databases for this variant. 9w 332 The trapezoidal grille is still traversed by the chrome bar that holds the Opel logo, but is now integrated with the protective pieces. The daytime 9w 332 running lights and LED rear light clusters are another feature of Adam Rocks. Applications for protection of lower bumpers front and rear, as well as the exit chrome exhaust complete the look of city mini-crossover.
The full opening roof Swing Top, made of fabric, a part of the standard equipment. It has electric control and opens up to the C-pillars, in just five seconds. 9w 332 This creates a large opening roof without damaging the features of rigid body or car use.
Opel has created two unique environments for the carrier's Adam Rocks, where we highlight new applications on the dashboard and door panels, and new tissue banks. In environments 9w 332 dominated by brown honey color, including the linings on the leather steering wheel and handles of the lever box and handbrake. 9w 332 In one other cabin decorated in black, lined with dark brown and blue stitching banks arises.
The new Adam Rocks will be equipped with the brand new 1.0 Turbo tricilíndrico belongs to the latest generation 9w 332 of the Opel drivers. The new 1.0 Turbo ECOTEC will have two versions, with power levels of 90 and 115 horses. The average fuel consumption stands at 4.3 l/100 km. The new engine 9w 332 will be put at the top of the range above the Adam 70 cv/115 1.2 Nm and 1.4 Nm 100 cv/130 Both versions of the 1.0 Turbo equipped with a new six-speed gearbox, which focus efficiency and smooth, accurate and fast command.
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Sunday, May 4, 2014

They can be found in Geekbox prompt delivery, if you

Ever thought of increasing his collection Geek? I am particularly diehard fan of the whole series StarWars, drawings, toys, teddy bears, the rule of four anything and everything that is related to serial I buy, put on the gift list and slip up even in my wedding the rule of four gift list will have something of StarWars ! lol (which my fiancee do not read this!) This "toy" which is actually a keychain draws everyone's attention and is a cheap, is nothing less than a Mini Green LightSaber that SPARK!! That's right it already comes with batteries and lights by pressing the button.
They can be found in Geekbox prompt delivery, if you're a Padawan or Jedi, run there and buy your Mini LightSaber! lol And then Jedi, this will stand out? Click the link and check the prompt delivery: Mini Wand LED green - Lightsaber - Star
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Saturday, May 3, 2014

The news for this year

Lamps Golden lights ellie focuses on the chandeliers and decorative fixtures Expolux segment in 2014 | Lighting Now!
The Golden Lamps, known in the lighting market by its 24-year history and pioneering spirit in the pursuit of energy efficient solutions, once again participates in the Expolux - International Fair of Lighting lights ellie Industry, held on 22 and 26 April at Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo (SP).
Commercially, the Golden Lamps strategy is to leverage lights ellie the large concentration of retailers that sell chandeliers in Expolux to present and promote their products in the LED line. For senior analyst of Golden Marketing, Renata pestle segment chandeliers represents a great potential not yet explored lights ellie by Golden. In the expert opinion, "the consumer goes to the store to buy a chandelier search the complete solution in one place, which is the largest facility of accepting new technologies such as LED". Known for launching aesthetic trends in lighting, network lustreiros is an important ally in the dissemination of technological innovation.
The news for this year's Golden releases include Ultraled line and expanding its catalog which now earns models in luminaire versions. This is the case Ultraled Spot 6W, in square and round shapes, which was developed to replace the built-in lamps with dichroic allowing up to 90% electricity savings.
The model with greater popular appeal because of its similar shape to the incandescent, the Ultraled A60, gets one more power to diversify its applicability. lights ellie With only 5W, replaces an incandescent 40W lamp.
The tubular HO Ultraled line with power of 48W has been developed for many types of applications, ideal for general lighting of large areas, with up to 60% of electricity in the face of conventional fluorescent tubes economy, with the added advantage of not being aggressive to environment.
For the company, the event is also an opportunity to strengthen partnerships with specifiers (architects and lighting designers), seeking news on Thursday on the applicability and versatility of the products. For this, the company will provide lights ellie daily cycles lights ellie on its LED product line at their booth 150sqm training.
The professionals will also be presented to the remote management system for public lighting, which allows real-time monitoring of luminotécnico park through a communication hardware that is installed on the fixture, a signal amplifier and a concentrator. The system enables the reduction of maintenance costs, energy consumption and improves the quality of lighting.
By having open communication protocol, the infrastructure of remote management lights ellie presented lights ellie at the booth of Golden lights ellie system allows the ability to add versatility through the inclusion of other public services such as parking lights ellie meters, control of urban transport fleet (on-line monitoring and user information in screens at bus stops on route, arrival time, travel time, etc.), control public WiFi broadband internet in every city, cameras and security monitoring, emergency call, the user information boards around town with institutional and advertising , recharging electric vehicles, weather monitoring, among others. Those interested in the remote management system can also attend training on the subject during the five day event. For registration and further information on its own stand of Golden.
Lumicenter Lighting Group was featured in Expolux 2014 Golden Lamps focuses on the chandeliers and decorative fixtures segment in 2014 Expolux Intral Abilux wins Design Award Fixtures Expolux: Business generated during the event will guarantee 4% growth for the sector in 2014 Launched in LED luminaires Expolux inexpensive Highlights Lamps in Golden Expolux Known winners Abilux Design Award Fixtures
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