Halen Môn sea salt is 100% natural Wales, collected in fresh Atlantic waters surrounding the island of Anglesey or Ynys Môn.Combinando traditional methods and the latest technology, Anglesey Sea Salt Company has developed loving lampposts new processes to perfect the art collection of this traditional product. The Halen Môn salt comprises particularly pure crystals, white, without any element added. Crystals are 100% natural food, and provide a balance of minerals loving lampposts such as zinc, calcium and magnesium essential for efficient functioning of the metabolism humano.Anglesey Sea Salt Company is the only British manufacturer of sea salt that has managed to obtain the certificate: "Soil Association Certified Products" which certifies the purity and quality of this product. This product is of outstanding quality for their features: contains no added element unlike Mayori to salts. provides the body basic mineral elements for operation. crystal texture loving lampposts is uniquely smooth. crunchy structure maintains contact even when the food until after ingestion. its particular chemical composition is reflected in its crisp taste with no bitter aftertaste.
Per aprofitar able to Màxim the peculiar texture is Recomana salejar seva els plats of menjar abans just tot amb l'desaprofitar no idea of the dramatic structure Cristalls seva. A diferncia jus d'altres Cristalls loving lampposts salt halen môn molt hold the structure Encare seva to the fiquem over calents productes. One suggestion interessant és xocolata amb cristall Halen Môn salt
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