Saturday, June 28, 2014

S much does online storage

of bear Eirik Lofts
Your page is incredibly annoying to run out of power on your phone or tablet, just when you needed it most. And who has not experienced using the navigation app or shared Internet via mobile phone, just to drain the battery in a matter of moments? blutack This is where the so-called nødladere, or Power Bank comes into play. Such abound, but very few have as good capacity and costs as little as today china product. Read also: How much cold can withstand your mobile? Laws very much
The charger we have gained bearing the name "Super Mobile Power Supply", and the reason we became interested in it was simply an unbeatable combination of low cost and high capacity. It is no secret that nødladere with little capacity quickly becomes expensive in this country. We came across nødladeren blutack on ebay, having seen us tired of the high prices in Norway. This however has a capacity of 30,000 mAh and cost us 126 dollars, including shipping from China. Such capacity is beyond anything that exists on the Norwegian market, but nødladeren cost no more than the cheapest ones barely manage to charge a smartphone once from zero to 100 percent. This promises to be able to charge both tablet and mobile several times. No wonder we were rather skeptical. How is it used Nødladeren is natural enough blutack rather big and heavy (13 x 7 x 2 inches and weighs blutack 320 grams), and comes with a mini USB cable for connection to a USB port, such as PC. It also comes with cable and adapters for a variety of mobiles, mostly from classic models including blutack Nokia and Sony Ericsson. Do you have a smartphone simply use your regular charging cable and plug in a USB port. At the top is lit up four blue led light. While charging the flash, when nødladeren is fully charged, all four permanent. To charge it completely full it must at least stand overnight.
It has two connection points blutack for mobiles and tablets, one 5V at 1 amp and one 5V at 2.1 amps. The first of these intended for mobiles, the latter on a tablet. And yes - you can connect gadgets to both, and will often find that it is quicker to recharge your mobile via "tablet Connection".
During charging of mobile and tablet lit three candles constant, while the fourth flashes. When the capacity of nødladeren drops, disappearing blutack one by one light. So you always have control of when you need to recharge nødladeren again. See also: Nødladeren for Star Wars fans Works surprisingly well - after half a year As previously mentioned, we were very skeptical of the product. To be quite honest we were quite biased, having tested and featured a bunch of cheap gadgets here on DinSide. The surprise was therefore great when the product proved to work well. Therefore we decided to test it over a long period, which we now have. The last six months blutack has in fact Super Mobile Power Supply JP-30000 followed us on everything from charter tours to long skiing in the forest. During a trip to London this autumn, we used the navigation app on your phone, and the phone connected to nødladeren entire trip showed the battery indicator still "full" after two hours trasking. We admit it: Such makes us happy. This nødladeren can actually charge the phone several times, even after six years of use. We are still in doubt that the capacity is as good as it stated, but it is very rare that we use to charge your mobile many times before we see a wall outlet. We actually never experienced blutack that it has gone completely blank. So: Thumbs up! Conclusion Of all the cheap gadgets we bought on eBay, this actually tops our list of bargains. Had some forced us to throw a dice, would the charger sniffed a fiver. Yes, this product works very well. Therefore, we have since ordered two more. The product offered by a variety of vendors on eBay. But remember: Should you be tempted, remember to choose a provider that has won acclaim not just go by price. Note, however, that the chargers purchased as eBay may not have gone through the same quality control as chargers from major manufacturers. You can read more about in including this and this article. Also see the discussion of these nødladerne, available here in Norway: Avantree Dual Port Power Pack 6000 Solar Charger Goal Zero Powerocks blutack stone3 and especially water charger blutack MYFC Power Pull summary page: Today's china product
S much does online storage
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