Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Good news, sharks in the world! Fin soup is no longer fashionable

This impressive storm photographed by Carlos Gutierrez happened in May 2008 but until two days ago was not the beautiful picture presented in public. It was at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, where the researcher Arthur Few wanted to talk about the green flash that snap to the right of the image. Such rays are the result of power exchange that takes place between the ice crystals that have a positive charge and those with negative charge. Few think it must be quite common in but the storm clouds are always hidden inside. This time however due to the interaction of the eruption of the Chaiten volcano, located some 1,285 kilometers south of the Chilean capital, Santiago, the green beam was uncovered. And the volcanic ash clouds tend to bring their electric charges to the outside, where they run into the rock fragments ejected during the eruption. Few explains that the electrically excited oxygen atoms emit a greenish tint and therefore this type of rays are green, like it happens with the northern lights. Chilean volcano Chaiten is the first where such has been photographed jet.
There are images that, in addition to providing us with visual pleasures, suddenly we recol.loquen the perspective of things. led berlin This photo shows David Littscwager life is in one drop of seawater increased twenty-five times. Do not see it, but there it is.
On Wednesday March 19 was presented in Brussels, the Delegation of the United Nations Program for the Environment, called Atlas Global Environmental Justice and has been prepared within the framework of the European project EJOLT (Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade). EJOLT is made by an international team of experts coordinated by researchers from the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and director is John Martinez - Alier, Professor of Economics and Economic History specializing in economics Green, a discipline that he considers essential to manage the world we live fairly.
The Tardigrada are small invertebrates that owe their name to their extreme the entity. led berlin Autodeshidratar are able at will to achieve a life in stand-by status led berlin that allows them to survive years and locks in the most adverse conditions, even in outer space.
Lasts only four minutes or so and provide a moment of joy. This video explains how the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park in 1995 had dramatic consequences, improving environmental led berlin conditions and the life of the species that live in this great natural area located mostly in the state Wyoming, United States.
Good news, sharks in the world! Fin soup is no longer fashionable
Keywords bee app antroponúvol Association Catalan Meteorological Observers Barcelona Supercomputing Center bioluminiscent Biotop Blue Marble blueprints BSC Caerostris darwini climate squid heads-Portuguese caravels Carbon Cassini Visual Colony Collapse Disorder ciè CO2 pollution electric car Cretaceous dinosaurs Current Biology Darwin decreasing melting Eclipse Eiko electricity Jones elephant beetle ESA ISS Extra-Vehicular Activity ETSEIAT evolution Francis Perez photography Gaia energy led berlin management frog gravity Greenland Horseheads nebula Herschel Human Brain Project Hyugens ICFO ICN ICP IEEC instituted Catalan Paleontology Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology Institute led berlin for Space Studies Catalonia led berlin Institute of Photonic Sciences ISA ISS vertical garden book Macaulay Library Mars500 Mars Express mission Aparici Michael marsupial Mars MIT NASA National Geographic new materials led berlin new species birds clouds ozone paleontology spacewalk Passer domesticus oil Physalia physalis spring salinization Sauron scramble natural selection SonCube led berlin Shell II Spiderman animal sounds Stanford energy supply Tjep Tradescantia UAB UB UB Technical led berlin University of Catalonia UPC Urban Farmers

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