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Thnie on Dream t prmbledhura commentary from fjalte dijetarve Sight of Allah SWT in Dream, but not in any format (without eprngjar At the asknd), commented in seven different forms, such as the achievement of a dowry in this world and the rest in eternal botnet, security, holiday, lights, admission note, force in religion, forgiveness and thrusting in paradise with his generosity, prhapje of Justice and transgression defeat at that place, Allah SWT EBN proud man who has first Dream, honors and emshiron. And he who has seen in any format, ather she commented as bad Dream. Chapter NSE seen in Dream Throne Throne commentary becomes in five forms: the presidency, the downs, degree, pride and post. NSE man extends to seeing the Throne without getting tired, he will qndroj during in his post. Chapter NSE seen in Dream Chair of Allah SWT NSE seen Chair of Allah SWT, commented as chair of Justice, the pride and the miqsis. Chapter NSE seen in Dream from recording this comment as wisdom, hammerton lighting direction of and adherence to Allah's command. Chapter NSE seen in Dream pen This hints for urtsi, orders, wisdom, miqsi. And, NSE seen Lighthouse wrote pencil, ather commented that it would happen hammerton lighting that is par. Chapter NSE seen in Sidretu Dream Dream Elmunteha NSE seen in multiple hammerton lighting PEM leafy and its strong t n degte, ather commented that it would ket births at that time and place. The NSE seen its leaves, or some of them were falling, hammerton lighting ather it hints that will ket multiple deaths. Chapter NSE NSE seen Melek seen angel (t familiar with their names, names t cilti dim from the Qur'an and the Sunnah), hammerton lighting it alludes that he who has par Dream n will happen pride, power, prgzim, help, security, facilitates hammerton lighting and Hajj. NSE Melek seen descending in a country, ather it alludes that will help the country get off. NSE man sees Melek, but in shape woman, ather it alludes that he has prgnjeshtruar Allah SWT. But NSE sees Melek by emsuar, ather it alludes s for arranging his religion hammerton lighting and for his disbelief. Chapter NSE seen heaven who sees himself hammerton lighting in heaven, it hints that will bj a trip to long and that would find at that journey bounce and increase in dunya and in the hereafter. Who sees the doors of heaven to open, it hints that prayer is accepted and it will deduct multiple Mirsie. If anyone finds vshtirsi hammerton lighting raising in the heavens, ather it signals that will find bottleneck in religion and loss. Chapter NSE seen Sun Sun signals caliph or leaders, and who sees that happened deformities Hill, a f ather endured will occur leaders ( as has happened to the Sun in its ndrrne). Chapter NSE seen HNA HNA signals Caliph Minister (Chairman), or the minister of the king, or those who perform their job done. Some say that no, vetmnse seen the full HNA. Chapter NSE Besides the Sun and planets seen HNS, the man said that NSE sees stars in general, it alludes trip, as passengers oriented them when they are in through the sea. Chapter NSE seen the night or day How iprket nats and dits, with them nnkuptohet light and darkness. The darkness commented in several forms, such as denial (kufr), ngatrrim (adjustment), vshtirsi to any gjje, innovation ... And whoever sees that there pack from the darkness and the light the better is by people t, ather it commented that he would leave becomes poor and rich will. But the light will dit says and hints for admission note. Start of dits to start the retail commented that he dshiron, and half of dits and its end also commented on the matter that he dshiron. Who sees that tr time was day, it alludes pr t vazhdueshmrin of his Affairs and for the extension of his jetss. Chapter NSE seen nxehtsia or ftohtsia Nxehtsia pikllim commented hammerton lighting on the troubles and how m heats, so m pronounced it (even shqetsimi or grief). But ftohtsia alludes vshtirsi, bitter and dnim t flyer. It is said that even the poorest and dmtim. Also, it is said that man NSE ftohtsi n Kohn sees appropriate, hammerton lighting ftohtsi that does not exceed its borders (not becomes unbearable or disturbing), ather it does Hints prdmtim. Also nxehtsia. Allah SWT knows best m s. Chapter NSE seen the resurrection (kiameti) and its signs NSE seen kiameti, it alludes to the people, the better for four forms: shptim, Gzime, success, prmir ments and prfundim t mir, while at t is the kundrta bad. Who sees signs of Judgment, as the sounding of the trumpet, the emergence hammerton lighting of the Sun from the West, the emergence of brown
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