Each year they select are ten winning proposals, which are elected by public moltoluce vote through the website of ArtPrize. In 2012, the winning proposal was "Elephants", the designer Adonna Khare, where intertwined life-size drawings of elephants in a wall distributed as triptych. In fifth place is the urban intervention "Lights in the Night: Where Hope raises the flight". Artists Mark Carpenter and Dan Johnson. moltoluce His proposal was to group hundreds of volunteers moltoluce in the streets of Grand Rapids to launch glowglobes with a printed moltoluce desire, those who were sent to the official site of "Lights in the Night".
ArtPrize is an American competition that annually convenes dozens of artists, collectives and critics to postulate and assess urban interventions and places of Michigan where can develop artistic activities open to all residents.
For artists, the event was designed as a "launch dreams and hopes of the whole community." The event took place on 28 September and attracted more than 5,000 people, which is coordinated through social networks to meet the launch sites in the city of Grand Rapids.
"Lights in the Night" is the first massive event in ArtPrize story. In fact, it was so crowded that the organizers estimate that more than 15,000 flying torches adorned the city skies between Bridge Street and Pearl Street streets.
This activity was made possible thanks to the interest and spontaneous citizen participation of many thousand people who, for one night and through the lights, tried to unify and take ownership of the public spaces of the west aldo of Grand Rapids.
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Cita: Leonardo Márquez. "Urban Intervention:" Lights in the Night: Where Hope Raises Flight "" 15 May 2013. ArchDaily Brazil. Accessed. <Http://www.archdaily.com.br/80377/intervencao-urbana-luzes-na-noite-onde-a-esperanca-levanta-a-voo>
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