Monday, January 5, 2015

The NASA satellite was doing this research and to compile results for three days and, according to

Christmas lights visible from the NASA space satellites tivoli lighting have increased the intensity of light in urban areas, especially in the suburbs - and regardless of communities and religious practices.
Street lights, bright cribs, flashing trees. The fame of Christmas lights passes the Earth so that you can see it from space. A NASA satellite found that there are cities that are 20-30% brighter during Christmas, not counting the suburbs tivoli lighting where the values reach 50%.
Miguel Roman, NASA researcher explains that the United States "there is an almost ubiquitous signal. We realize that we are increasingly living Christmas in various communities. These light patterns tivoli lighting show a shared Christmas tradition tivoli lighting ", beyond the different traditions tivoli lighting and religions. tivoli lighting
Cities like Washington, Baltimore, Richmond and Virginia Beach are represented with yellow dots on maps NASA, an increase tivoli lighting in energy, but insignificant. That portion of the suburbs on the map appears tivoli lighting in green, for checking if a further increase of light intensity.
"In all, we see a smaller increase of light in denser tivoli lighting urban centers compared with the suburbs of small land - where there are more family dwellings" replied Eleanor Srokes, researcher at NASA, the Huffington Post.
The NASA satellite was doing this research and to compile results for three days and, according to the researchers, even in Cairo there is more light at Christmas than during Ramadan. But Miguel Roman gets a warning: we must rethink the way we live in society:
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