City is one of my favorite subjects, but it is certainly one of the most complicated. Use the play of light, play with makeup and still deviate from the picture problems, it is becoming more complicated, but with these tips, the to be taking greater advantage from the scene.
If you are on top of a building, it is inevitable you do not find this obstacle, the glass can be a great villain in this type of image. There is some suction adapters for this purpose, it pastes the lens to the glass to prevent glare, but if you can not count on a toy of these, be covered with a black cloth can help, the important thing is to remove the reflection.
The city itself is nothing more important it is the life she has, the life of a city is that of personality to it, is what makes her charming. One way to give life to the city is exploring its own motion, dietal the trail of light that leave the cars passing, a figure of a passer-by passing the background, enjoy your photo will be with greater exposure, and remember play with these elements in the scene.
A little tip, sometimes we need to use multiple exposures, because it is that good for the light trail, is not good for the landscape, dietal the secret is to use a number, put the best in Photoshop, set the track cars over and will adjust the blend mode to that give the best result.
But if you do not have a pond in your city, a reflection fake can yield a good result, for it is so select the area in photoshop, copy the layer, give a vertical flip (edit> transform> flip vertical) and keep working dietal the opacity of the layer.
The best lights, are always at dawn and sunset (the sunrise dietal and the sunset is), are the hours that solar lights are perpendicular to the earth, giving a natural softness and an effect dietal in the atmosphere, at these times, the world is magical.
The important thing is to work with two exhibitions, one for the sky, and one for the landscape, because the two is very difficult to work in the same exposure. Then use the same technique we use to enhance the trail of cars, superimpose layers and adapted the Blend mode for the best result.
To do this, open a layer Saturation adjustament dietal in Masters box, choose a color, then slide the slide control to the blue selection, then adjust dietal the saturation for the best result. Repeat this with different color features in the scene.
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