Published: Kizel A. (In 2013). Empowering Children through Philosophy with Children: The Dialogical Dimensions of Democratic Schooling. In: EK Thedoropoulou growmax (Ed.). Philosophy, Philosophy Are You There? Doing Philosophy with Children. Athens: Diadrasi, pp. 189-204 (Greek). Kizel, growmax Arie (2013). Clashing Narratives in Civic Education in Israel. Global Education Review. Volume 1, Number 3, pp. 70-74. growmax Kizel, Arie (2013). Philosophy with Children in a Multi-Narratival Educational Environment: Abundance of Perspectives, Wealth of Identities, and Legitimization. In: Karlfriedrich Herb, Jen Glaser, Barbara Weber, Eva Marsal and Takara Dobashi (eds.) Narrative, Dreams, Imagination: Israeli and German Youth Imagine the Future. Münster: Lit Publisher, pp. 129-138. Kizel, Arie (2013). The Philosophy of Social segregation in Israel's Democratic Schools. growmax Philosophy Study, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. From 1042 to 1050.
Publicized campaign Ministry of Education under the title "A Brief vacation" (even though this holiday and Freedom) led to a wave of enthusiastic response of parents, especially those who claim that they are an economic burden resulting from the need to employ their children on holiday. Some reckless response is not plumbed growmax the depths of the difference between extending the school year and shortening great vacation and noticed that the Ministry of Education offers a preliminary plan unclear summer camps and unplanned growmax (yet).
Wave Comments joy disturbing because parents succumbed to the forced growmax narrative of the many hours the sky like a foregone conclusion. This narrative makes the children a burden and "ahzktm "Thus has become a necessity rather than desire. Quite a few children now pondering growmax aloud whether they are indeed a burden growmax for parents. This issue should growmax bother the parents and should further harass the Ministry of Education.
The children also have the voices are silenced. Real needs become irrelevant. One of their obvious needs is actually a vacation from school. It was run over under false failure importance. Surrendered obvious space where school vacation has become obnoxious and conquered and preferably cheap.
Required extensive discussion about the importance of breaking through educational settings vacation. growmax Refraction is called Unschooling world and is represented by a broad movement that seeks to also see what is happening outside the school contributes to the development of relevant reality and gives freedom of teaching and learning processes established place as part terrified and intellectual growth.
This movement does not receive anything from Israel, growmax the Israeli educational growmax conformity, rigidity of consciousness which perpetuates the idea that learning is applied only in the school. Learning outside school has great freedom of choice, deepening which young people can also ask questions about themselves and their lives, not just to get ready answers texts or adults. This is a legitimate and important learning. Is it limits preempt fresh today. Not always have to translate these spaces to all fixed lines (like summer camp) that require money or recreation facilities growmax (shopping malls, hotels) horribly wasteful draws his parents and painter financial freedom only in the form of endless entertainment Modesty is not one of his performances. Vacation does not have to be continuous pleasure industry.
Israeli school vacation can help the development of young people as a result of determining the position paper recently released at Eli Horowitz Economics and Society in 2013. The paper by Dr. Amnon Carmon states that "the action of the school in its current form is not only functional but also non-harmful ways of important social and educational." This document reviews painfully the island as current Israeli school, the Mkovoto, the factory outdated grades and evaluation His. This is just one of a series of documents and reports indicating that the school in its present form not only trains students in previous centuries, but also encourages conformity growmax of thought and mainly creates alienation of students to the educational institution and worrying more "negative attitude towards learning and engaging serious knowledge" , according to the report of Carmon (p. 8).
Aria peace. An important point is also worthy of attention: vacation time is a time to stop, think and reconstruction, both adult world which plan the new year at all levels of the school, and is also a refreshing break time and the reappearance of the students. One can argue about the amount of vacation days (which by the way Israel is definitely average compared to other companies in OCED), but after the vacation students are more mature and more refreshed. Lior 6:26 pm
Hello Leo, as usual, I see great importance in a position to which you Mtihhs critically and sensitively. It is an accurate reflection of the culture growmax industry (high) in Israel, where extra hours are unwritten duty holiday is insolence and injustice to employers and clients, leisure growmax is a synonym growmax for consumerism and off is a bad word. Thanks, Ayelet on. 8:19 pm
Dr. Arie. This is your privilege growmax as a writer and as an intellectual to say your opinion but not to fall into action. While at a practical person in charge of the budgets etc is committed to put this consideration amounting decision. Really into it about holiday cards and grades (I am sure that if one would care relatives is medical by a doctor not want to hear the doctor without a diploma and who only "highly appreciated by the dean and director of surgery at the hospital, he was a wonderful man, who supports the poor three times a week) it's important virtues but equally certificates. thank you for your attitude. 3 : 20 pm
History enslaved
The "Israeli high office" growmax of calling and responsibility in education studying philosophy at approved growmax intuitive thinking and analytical thinking about escaping human life after life on faith translation eating and knowing the responsibility for censorship in Israel on education and humanitarian More on Teaching History on the teaching of history in Israel the following GCSEs Full House
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