Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Shmuel David, a senior medic with MDA on the scene, said he saw the girl unconscious, not breathing

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Exterminator left from a large apartment and a tragic outcome: a year and a half and four year old sister died, two brothers in a difficult position. "Yesterday was diarrhea and vomiting. Organic phosphorus pesticides act as a gas nerves," said deputy director Shaare Zedek Hospital
"As the nerve gas in Syria." Pesticide left the apartment in Jerusalem led suspected gastroenteritis of an entire family. Toddler and a half year old and four year old sister died this morning pagazzi (Wednesday) toxicity, Shaare Zedek hospital resuscitation were four year old sister, but doctors were forced to pronounce her dead. Two other brothers, aged five and seven, Shaare Zedek hospitalized in serious condition. Operative, which left a large container of a substance poisoning in the family, came to the hospital and was arrested.
Deputy director of the hospital, Dr. Ovadia Shemesh, said that "the exterminator used material called Phosphine pagazzi in a particular room and closed. Yesterday there were side effects of diarrhea and vomiting. This morning the situation became worse. This stuff has' anti - Dot and therefore treatment pagazzi is essentially just a support. Organic phosphorus pesticides act as a nerve gas in Syria. "
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"The exterminator told police that the room was sealed, and the family apparently continued to stay in the apartment," said Commander - a life-changing Blumenfeld, commander of the teachers. "He pagazzi said he instructed the family to stay in the apartment and seal the room and found the apartment. Comes certified exterminator who collaborated with investigators pagazzi and was in the hospital and the medical staff told all he knew about the matter."
Moshe Ohana, deputy commander of the Jerusalem district, adding that "firefighters identified pagazzi the active substance with high concentration and were neutralizing. Comes in powder releases gas and it is supposed to hurt pests. Detectors indicated our very high concentration of the substance in the air."
Shmuel David, a senior medic with MDA on the scene, said he saw the girl unconscious, not breathing and pulse. "We immediately started to give her medical treatment and perform pagazzi advanced resuscitation. From the next room she called us one of the family and said that there are other children who feel unwell. We split up and found the room next baby drowsy her condition deteriorated rapidly, and in addition two children drowsy. Giving them medical treatment pagazzi and accompanied by a family member evacuated them quickly. "
Hillel Bonelli, a youth volunteer and neighbor of the family, said she came to the apartment quickly after hearing the CPR. "Did the distraught and hysterical, we took her to the other room with the other children, but quickly noticed that they become apathetic and pale, and there was a sense they are not with us. Another girl seemed a little off, so I took her to the paramedic. We put her into a room and we also carried pagazzi out CPR. "
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