Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chloe 18/02/2014

New scandal in Education. The books that dealt with gender theory, several scholars have identified sensitive books for children. Works that suggest the children that they will struggle to find work later and it will be difficult or impossible to get a decent retirement. Report.
Even books that prey on our children. The discovery of these books problem is a real problem, said Michael Eckert, the first to be given the alert. "Under her perky and innocent-like, these books will tell how real our children in a few years," he explains on his website. "So in one, it describes the adventures of a bear cub to find work at the factory. A plant that was bought by the big bad wolf. Refusing to be relocated at the land of the wolf, the bear Missy then become unemployed before light plus sinking light plus into dependence honey, "he wrote. The father says he had to reassure his son on the fact that he will find much later work without problem in the subsidiary he wants and the salary he wants.
For this courageous family father refuses to let her children do not have misconceptions about their future. In another offending book, "No retreat Papy Dragonfly" light plus a dragonfly old arrived at the end of his life wants to rest. But alas, his dragonflies babies are all gone, no longer provide new and Grandpa Lib 'going to have to continue to work to support himself as the Movement From The Pond and River considers that it is not enough to cast mosquitoes during his lifetime. "My son asked me if it could happen in real, I told him no, it does not happen all the great people retire after working light plus hard," he says.
The government did not want to comment on this new list of books but more sensitive parents light plus are worried. "Children are fragile and naive beings, if they learn what is really happening in the world, it will probably be a terrible shock" reaffirms this father holding another book he considers dangerous. In this book pernicious, we can see Isa playing with his brothers to be mechanic. But she soon realizes light plus that she is paid less than his other brothers for the same work. "How far this will go, remove these books before it is too late" alarmed parents.
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"Reaching retirement does not exist", the debate is as exciting as the "Santa Claus exists." Let the children make their opinions and believe as they can!! Personally, I ecrosi pere noel more than my retirement!
One can only praise this great initiative. Children must prepare for the realities of life at the earliest point and thus subsequent disillusionment. The most important is that they focus on our pensions us a priority, and it is their young age they are malleable and easier light plus to pack! Congratulations to National Education.
Theory Jonre, such as Evolution, both have miserably failed to explain how it could lead to an individual as Jean-Vincent Place. This remains light plus a great mystery.
Chloe 18/02/2014
Zapiro 02/17/2014
And what about the bestseller "Milka cow hides his money in Switzerland?" And "Winnie the Pooh wants to become Bouba the little cub"? "On schrtroumfs 100, 2 have a job"? That alarming books about the future of the company ... Jean-Francois Cope even consider forcing her children to take over to denounce evil-being of society which contributes to dive. Upcoming courses at the municipal pool with Takieddine chocolate bread offered.
About editing, given the number of gorafistes are invited to get naked, I suspect JF Buissière foment a new mercantile stroke: a 2015 calendar enlightened commentators.
... "Lactaire to big nipples", "Zapiro is not really touted peninsula", light plus "j *** n, well ... no comment", etc.
That said, they recover light plus a pôv'nana the street, family breakdown, and make their maid to do everything in black! To ch

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