65% sought information about a health problem or a specific disease sound and lighting suffering from at the time 75% sought information about treatment or Frotzodorh Medical 70% sought information on a topic related to health insurance or medical rights 68% sought information sound and lighting on the results of laboratory tests 51% found information on pregnancy and childbirth 45% sought information on nutrition and diet 30% sought information sound and lighting about the doctor 20% of information on medicines
Broken down by sex Women looking for more information on the Web amplifiers, all subjects. Broken down by age aged 55 + looking mainly in the specific disease and the treatment or medical procedure, and results of laboratory tests. Younger sound and lighting went more toward Pregnancy Birth and nutrition and fitness, but also for a specific medical problem ...
And the answers were interesting again, 52% said the information influenced them greatly. This category most affected were 55 + that 69% of them claimed that were affected by the information. Among the 51% -35-44 argued very affected, and among young people aged 18-34 Impact dropped to 45% only.
About 10% said the information influenced them heavily when right here aged -35-44 were prominent among the ages. Effect to a lesser extent found among 16% of respondents, with young people aged -18-34 led with 15%. Even a very small extent and not at all affected ... These young men were led.
Interesting to see that it was young people who inhabit these branded most network, are less affected by the information. sound and lighting First can be included health problems which have less severe Practice and therefore their involvement is lower, they can be more controlled about the reliability of the network ... Anyway, older more affected ... stationary sound and lighting still leads
Another interesting statistic is not less information sound and lighting about where visitors health ... Well, we asked in the survey: those instruments / measures the following network information were you looking for? Well, stationary lead with 54%, followed by a laptop with 47%, 18% of smartphone and tablet surfing won 10% of health surfing sound and lighting ...
Health issue is the subject of high involvement. People are thirsty for information and answers to health questions, someone will simplify their complex and give clear answers and the network is the most available space information. For the network has the ability to change people's opinions about health sound and lighting care or other level of trust in the medical system is at its peak now ... and their partial presence on the network I think there is a part of it.
Of the upcoming new year now upon us, there will be a turning point in my view network health, polio crisis revealed many black holes and begin to move processes sound and lighting of interest for all stakeholders. I, of course, will continue to be with hand on heart rate ....
Just mention that .. The above information are intended to provide information or to view my mind and to be used as general information only. These contents do not constitute opinions, advice or medical professional recommendation, or replace direct consultation with a medical professional sound and lighting or another regarding treatment or action required. Also the opinions expressed on this website are mine and mine alone and do not necessarily represent the minds of companies and organizations that I work with.
Recent Entries report the research firm IMS: pharmaceutical company must intensify their activity on social networks Waiting for Godot and here he is: the FDA dispenser activity guidelines for pharmaceutical companies in social media suddenly found: Panel on Dr. Google and Siibrcondrih Internet Association convenes pharmaceutical industry discovered the mobile advertising - New Report medications, sound and lighting diseases, technologies and digital marketing, you'll say about 2014
CDC e-pochonder epatientdave FDA iPad mHealth patientslikeme TED translator Uri Goren iPad iPhone Web App Blog Health Hospitals google Watson infection drug companies wisdom of crowds patients vaccines Twitter telemedicine YouTube Children Birth Social Media Research a Medical Information Department of Health Diabetes Mobile Survey sound and lighting cancers sound and lighting Facebook Privacy doctors Medicine 2.0 social networking digital sound and lighting marketing healthy diet
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