Now the light energy expands, it penetrates all that was hidden and shrouded in mystery. This was all part of the plan. 2013 was the year of preparation. 2014 is the year of completion. You have put so much done, and now you have a complete picture of what needs to be done. You are awakened to the fact that you are not helpless and you know what needs to be done.
Everything was done to keep you under control should be considered. Now you can clearly see how their monitoring work. They MUST keep you in FEAR to survive. The Cabal is doing his best to make you feel yourself as a victim: the so-called terrorist threat, the poor health as a direct result of what they do with your food, water and air supply. The evidence is overwhelming. Fortunately, you are now waking up this matter.
Questions have to be asked. Why would you support those who destroy your planet and POPULATION thinning? Help you with that? For they can not do it without your help. I want you to seriously think about this question. Do you have a clear conscience? Can you fellow man straight in the eye and honestly say that what you do has no harmful effect on humanity on your planet? Chemtrails do not arise overnight. Who is involved in this shady practices? Remember ... you pay for it through your taxes. In fact, you pay for your own destruction. Consider viso lighting these practices cause. Whatever suffering
When you share your light, open your doors, so others viso lighting can see participate in what we see as the Family of Light that forms on Earth. And All countries awaken meet. You now see that race or religion does not rule. The human race will remove all barriers manmade. The Cabal has successfully divide and rule principle is used, which has so far worked perfectly for them. The awakening now look right through these methods that you divided among themselves and kept in fear and under control, leaving murder in one war after another as they became wealthy spoils another. It's viso lighting always the same people who benefit. That alone should you have to do is ask, what is it really about?
The propaganda that was used to encourage people to participate in war you is always the same formula, and some stairs just every time. When did you last hear someone the benefits of peaceful coexistence explained? Ask him why some parts of your world are deliberately kept in poverty when there is more than enough for everyone? Who decided that some people live in abundance and others almost starve? This can not be just coincidence, it was planned that way. You are now sufficiently awakened to address these issues and make plans to ensure that these evil practices cease. For all men are born equal.
You have nothing to be afraid of. You are in the majority, so believe viso lighting in yourself. viso lighting You will rebuild your planet together. viso lighting You will ensure that you never will be murder in senseless viso lighting wars. Together You'll start sharing technology and expertise so that each country has an equal opportunity viso lighting to create a safe environment. And livelihoods for the people This will create a Heaven on Earth, instead of hell on Earth that you have experienced to date. Think of the feeling that you'll get when you look around you and peace and love everywhere sees. Accomplishment Everything that was wrong and evil, forever. To this you should think about when you wake up every day and this is what you should strive for. You can get this done quickly together. The time is right and everything lit up your path to it. Together you have what it takes to get it. Peacefully for each
It's good to see that many of you have made to not get involved with the Christmas Sale Disease selection. You use this time to get together with family and friends and connect like never before. Christmas Gifts serve only to make the Cabal richer and you poorer. They store no trick about to make slaves of you and they like it when you have debts with them. This keeps you in your place, a place that they have designed before you. Use every opportunity to be with family and friends because they are precious times, and the memories viso lighting it will feed you while you continue to create. Better future for all
Everything will soon come into the open. It will not be possible to hold about who you are and what you was done in an attempt to take over. Your planet the truth hidden One day you will be back
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