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"Neglect, disregard, carelessness": previous rulings after gas leaks stretched courts criticized the companies - but the lack of criminal procedure led to the payment of damages only. Even the deaths of four Netanya two years ago did not prevent the closure of the case
Gas leak led to explosion, which claimed secto the lives of family Tofano Jerusalem, similar to many other cases in the past resulted in death or injury. The legal system was required to discuss secto claims against the gas companies and paragraph compensation to victims and their families in light of the extensive damage them. But despite that many times the court held that there was negligence, criminal trials rarely managed. Even gas explosion in Netanya, then - like yesterday - Gas technician was arrested, the criminal case was closed.
Oren Busheri expert secto damage claims, sheds light on cases of lawsuits against secto gas companies in the past. Reminds that in 2008 the District Court to Tel Aviv, the company Supergaz secto make up about three million parents that their son died following a gas leak and subsequent gas poisoning carbon monoxide emitted from heating water in the bathroom.
The court found out that Supergaz installed the facility in violation of the standard, and without whose members secto conducted periodic inspections. The judge ruled that was not proven that the behavior of the gas company and the gas agency "exceeded within the four walls negligence", and certainly not resulted from malice, but determined that ignore the severity of the omissions: their people did not bother to conduct tests for 17 years has installed the first facility for six years from the installation secto of the new facility , even though it goes against the standard.
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In December secto 2008, a woman severely burned following a gas cylinder secto explosion in her apartment in Tel Aviv, and as a result suffered from a disability of more than 60% permanently. She demanded compensation of hundreds of thousands of dollars secto from the gas company claiming that the explosion occurred in the wake of the negligence of the gas company, who tested the integrity secto of the system. Suit ended in a compromise agreement lawsuit submitted by Mr. Tomer Baker in the amount of NIS 200 thousand.
In January 2002, discovered the bodies of the deer family - father, Nimrod, is Dalia and son Asaf - Tel Aviv apartment. Investigation revealed that the leaked gas heating system resulted in the deaths. Affair ended in January 2008, a fine of NIS 400 thousand, although the court was fraught with statements about "neglect, disregard and negligence."
The judgment stated that the family breathed type gas carbon dioxide. Plea bargain between the parties, secto Indian companies negligently causing the deaths of family members. Expressed negligence gas supply without checking the integrity of the system and without taken reasonable precautions. Companies have undertaken to determine work procedures and safety secto pertaining to the operation of this type of heating systems secto and their upkeep. It also pledged to find customers using them.
Despite all this, Justice Dorit Reich Shapira rejected the plea agreement regarding compensation, initially set at about 67 thousand shekels only. She criticized so that one company officials Paz - Gas indicted and held that in this case "negligence reflected ongoing secto neglect and
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