From a Advaitagesprek Douwe Tiemersma Go further back, further back, further back. Do you see the light of consciousness is covered with the light of the heart together? If you go far enough backwards, you will see that the lights draw near to each other and will coincide. If you can find that really so you also feel that it is a kind of fusion. Then you feel that it's a great high energy, a very sharp, white light. The white light of lightning, the white light of the fusion. Experience you so everything den led is inflated by the white light of a thousand suns? Do you experience that there are no pieces left me more? That you yourself lost in the light? Anything that does not have the same quality as that light, evaporates in the heat. Similarly evaporates themselves are large. den led You yourself are the original light that first energy of the Big Bang. Since everything comes from continuing, it turns everything back. What is left? Maybe a cosmos in which occasionally some clumps, but are more images that occasionally briefly compile and fall apart again. The original light remains in the foreground and you keep it yourself, all-pervasive. Whatever arises, den led it arises den led from the initial light. By that light, everything is destroyed again. That light of Shiva is you. That intense, all-consuming fire is you. You may first have the notion that you have come into the fire, that you are present in that fire, but then solving. The latter forms of yourself solve. So then everything is blank and yet there is an internal knowing. It is an internally present in the light of dreamless sleep, light atmosphere of dreamless sleep. Is that clear? Infinity of empty light that you yourself, nothing else. Let those open dimension. Allow it to remain present. Even if there are again. Primordial den led light that has no properties? No, except that the light and that it is quite intense. But it is energy? It is slightly more energy, but it is very thin and it is empty. But that word intense ... At a certain stage it should be very clear that the original light has a great great intensity, like a nuclear explosion. You should only body able to. I can not stand. It amazes me that I still see things. You know how it was in Hiroshima, there are images of people and all of a sudden: bang away. That intense heat, the light. Douwe, the comparison with Hiroshima I do not find that appealing. Do you often hear in various yoga traditions that gradually goes through the light into the chakras and then gradually up. That attracts you more ... Yes, very quiet constructive. That is clear. Can you say more about the difference: that which attracts me more gradual den led and sudden that you plug a bit (laughter) It's a different approach, that's clear?. That it is partly for the same is also clear. The point of the Advaita is that it is not going to be a gradual development through all the chakras go. It is rather a recognition of the depth of his own self that which it plays. That is the Advaita approach. That chakra approach is something like: I'm here and I feel that the lighting there is one at that top level, I go there gradually go climbing, something is cleaned up, and then you might make the next step, etc. . But it does not work. At most, it can serve to make. Things more open, more relaxed Sooner or later, there really should be done and if you want to name it in that chakra terminology that's something on the level Sahasrara (crown chakra) And then you have the same. It seems plausible that a kind of preparation you still need a couple or maybe ten thousand lives. The people who come here have apparently already had all that preparation. (To be continued)
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