As a student educated in state education frameworks - religious, throughout the years of my studies I was introduced not for the existence of the term "traditional approach" Bible study. Although this was absolutely guided method of teaching resolute lighting the subject at the various schools where I studied, but never brought to my attention that this particular method, which exist alongside other learning methods. So, like many of the graduates of the state education system - religious, I finished two - ten years of my studies with knowing what is the only way to study the Bible, reading the verses, identifying difficulties in linguistic and grammatical and search 'excuses' interpretation of Chazal and classical. Often, this process Passover also difficulties locating step independent from the text, and Kftz' directly to interpretation brought to class - there mandalas are the 'difficulties' resolute lighting and the 'excuses'.
My first encounter with a critical approach to the study of the Bible took place with I came to the "Revivim", a program to train high school teachers of Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University official. So I was first exposed way of thinking and learning that I knew so far and stirred and shook my world - but also rich and developed resolute lighting it. At the same time, also my way of looking at rabbinic resolute lighting interpretation of the classical interpretation of past upheavals; This observation began, as mentioned, seeing these sources, the main channels through which to understand and interpret the Bible. She kept feeling 'cheated' with exposure to the world of research, and eventually evolved explores observation and more realistic about the types of these interpretations. Me, the power of observation is to preserve and enhance the appreciation of classical rabbinic commentators, and yet bring to extract these interpretive texts.
The process I went through led me to wonder and interest about the inclusion of-access resolute lighting "traditional teaching of the Bible: From the review of the actual situation resolute lighting in high schools state and state - religious, resolute lighting for examining the advantages and disadvantages using this method, to the idea of using a proper method, he can fertilize and enrich the students and the learning experience of their , taking account of the values and beliefs which they grow and are educated.
When we try to define the traditional biblical teaching method, it is likely that the ditch in front of us against it intuitively critical learning method. However, resolute lighting sometimes it is the obvious comparison creates a certain vagueness in defining the nature and essence of the traditional method. In the face of criticism, which we tend to associate with the research, innovative, scientific, progressive and enlightened - may the tradition to appear outdated, archaic and naive. Yehuda Elitzur seeks to correct this observation, the wrong taste. He demonstrates how the various traditional commentators - as conditions to the medieval commentators - have taken their interpretation of research methods - some of which are no less scientific methods of modern biblical resolute lighting scholarship currently available [1]. For him, the criterion for distinguishing between the traditional method and the method is not critical method, which may be the same in both cases, but the faith that guides the learner [2]: core concept leading commentator traditional belief is truth and reliability of the Bible and the revelation principle [3].
Manner resolute lighting requested, this belief derives from Another distinction between the traditional approach. resolute lighting Thus, true faith and biblical text as drafted by God, or at least inspired by the Holy Spirit, produces a perception that all textual phenomenon that seems to be a mistake, duplication or contradiction is actually a formulation aimed in the first place. [4] While finding a contradiction in the biblical text will inspire the critical resolute lighting researcher resolute lighting will examine what reason (historical, linguistic, cultural, philological, etc.) are conflicts - finding it a contradiction in the biblical text will move the traditional resolute lighting researcher resolute lighting trying to discover resolute lighting the divine message resolute lighting inherent contradiction at the root of this, and what can learn from it.
This difference may significantly affect the mental attitude and her personal student of the Bible will come to class. Whether the Bible can be disassembled and analysis of a literary resolute lighting text - Islamic historiography human, the values embodied in it are false perceptions that appear in texts than others. Apart from cultural affinity - the Jewish national Bible ideas and conclusions are not necessarily relate to the student in particular, and certainly resolute lighting do not require it. Conversely, if the Bible is the sacred text that the student worked to discover the Word of God contained therein, resolute lighting the eternal values and ideas expressed are relevant for him and charge him [5]. This text him reverently approached the learner, while taking special care as he raises claims and ideas associated with it.
Certain problem lies in any one method of learning: Teaching Bible in a critical approach may lead to emotional resolute lighting detachment between the student and the biblical text, the traditional approach to teaching Bible can cause intellectual stagnation and lack of intellectual honesty regarding the Bible. The feeling that may characterize the traditional learner - a kind of paralyzing fear at Bible study, partly due to fear of flooding the trust issues that arise from the text - that led to this world exclusive mediators Orthodox Bible study are commentators and Talmud [6].
You can see reverential implications which characterizes the approach to the Bible is also a widespread perception in the Haredi community - hooked [7], which requires upholding the Bible characters and give them the status of a kind of demigods are not wrong or sinful, and that their actions may seem outwardly problematic are in fact valid and correct [8]. This concept throws the belief that text is error-free due to its sanctity and authenticity, the viewpoint that the characters described in the Bible also clean and error-free. Please note that this is the implication that many biblical interpretation chose not to do - from many sages of the Midrash and Talmud, resolute lighting and commentators Ramban and Ibn Ezra, who do not hesitate to blame the patriarchs biblical immoral deeds [9], and do not consider this criticism any injury that was true of the biblical text. This is a significant difference found in the heart of the traditional approach, the terms are indeed true faith by the text but do not hesitate to look Pest Scriptures, and those that this belief leads them to disable the use of analysis and criticism at their disposal in other areas. Belong resolute lighting to the holy
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