2.5.22. luz84 Kali kazha Lenin: "abo Leninism abo religiya" it is i realnastsi mozha nasamrech means shto approvingly "leninskaya dyyalektyka" zdradits him, because he pravodits pavodle principle "abo-abo" tonkuyu padyalyalnuyu rice pamizh leninizmam spirytualizmam i, i so atrymaetstsa so i sam shto Leninism - admyslovaya religiynaya luz84 systema-metaphysical.
2.5.23. Robits Lenin is tolki so kab not recognize the existence of a huge prastory, povnaga "filyazofskaga kantynentu" pamizh saboy i spirytualizmam that i padyalyayuts pryhilniki other equally "dyyametranyh" scientific filyazofskih pazytsy - mehanitsyzma i pazytyvizma. Bolee, all asnovnae scientific tearetychnae zmaganne minulaga yakraz luz84 adbylosya century on the basis of two danyh idealegiy. 2.5.24. Leninism as idealegiya palitychnaga, metanakiravana-vayavnichaga materyyalizmu akazalasya vidavochna nyazdolnay yes creating vlasnay scientific plyatformy, tseraz luz84 nedahop vlasnaga scientific resource glezhanni marksizmu-Leninism on him suchasnyya scientific kantseptsyi zastayutstsa adnabakova palityzavanymi, Leninism mozha identify luz84 them sklade vlasnaga scientific bachannya so abmyazhovvaetstsa abstraktna padavanay "baratsboy materyyalizmu with idealizmam i fideizmam." 2.5.25. Zaymayuchy nekatorae average stanovishcha between suchasnymi his "metaphysical" mehanitsyzmam "staroy" mehanitsystskay science i "idealistychnym" pazytyvizmam "naveyshay" science, luz84 "dialectical" materyyalizm AD chasav engelsavay "dialectic pryrody" vymushany ideological laviravats pamizh luz84 two danyh "ideological kraynastsyav" charpayuchy ideas here i, i there, i sprabuyuchy in sabe "unite" the two irreconcilable supratsleglastsi. Chasu for ideological "drift" in dyyamatu luz84 Boc pazytyvizmu tolki narastav, BO sproby nepraduzyataga dialectical Analysis prablemy world ether greater rigor than those dalee ssovvayuts dialectical materyyalizm AD metaphysical pazytsy mehanitsyzmu in Boc science pazytyvistskay, shto will razglezhana luz84 nadaley. 2.5.26. Klyasychnaya mehanitsistskaya fizyka znahodits each materyyalnae asyarodde yakraz Pa faktu detection substance yakaya mae toy abo nabor other physical ulastsivastsyav i haraktaryzuetstsa adpavednym naboram physical quantities. Tamu i world ether mozha be found in pryrode tolki Pa its impact on the physical as prybory luz84 neykay substance or motion relative to this hypothetical fundamental environment so i tolki mozha be prylichanym luz84 yes substance. Disclaimer AD meaningful sense of substance as materyi knock ground pad jets on footmassage filyazofskaga mehanitsyzmu, primarily the classical science, it pershapachatkova karteziyanskay luz84 filyazofii substance as adinaga i universalnaga nosbita ulastsivastsyav all physical world. 2.5.27. Slova "ether" strachaetstsa pyatnatstsats razov in "dialectics pryrody" Engelsa i razu nor its dialectical nayboley "Anti-Dyuryngu." Engels understood as paslyadovny dialectician nemagchymasts reconciliation "kraynastsyav." Dialectical principles abaranyayuts pakladenuyu in classical asnovu mehaniki adnosnasts "relyatyvnasts" movement of all body pryrody, pryntsypovuyu nemagchymasts adroznennya luz84 movement dadenay system adliku AD pakoyu it. BO recognition magchymastsi such adroznennya dapamogay with physical laws would bylo dokazam absalyutnaga physical existence pakoyu, shto of dialectical gledishcha nemagchyma i would zyavlyalasya gatovym padmurkam spravyadlivastsi mehanitsystskay metaphysics, which zmagaetstsa marksizm. Tamu Engelsavy "mehanitsystskiya greetings" on adras ethereal substance, its recognition as Raleigh bytstsevay pershaasnovy raznastaynyh physical phenomena, i magchyma, karanyu ihnay razgadki, revealing the air substantialistically "absalyutu" i that "absalyutnay system adliku" luz84 absalyutnaga pakoyu, which protsi rashucha acted dyyalektyka instead znahodyats next pratsyagu in engelsavay dialectical pratsy. Legika dialectics peramagae legiku mehanitsyzmu, whose founder yes "dyyamatu" bolee therefore vazvyartaetstsa. As has been brought luz84 here, i materyyalizmu principles principles of dialectics in dialectical materyyalizme done very motsnuyu "roznanakiravanasts" that has the character of "dialectical contradictions". Therefore dyyalektyka klade zhorstkiya limits substantialistically pamknennyav "vlasna materyyalizmu" in essence - it filyazofskaya "zabarona the existence of ether," which neabhodnasts lyagichna vytsyakae with metadalegii "dyyamatu" adnak razumenne such zabarony klyasykav marksizmu luz84 so yes i DO NOT pryshlo. Nastupnyya withdrawal from Engelsava "Anti-Dyurynga" davodyats how close padyyshov classic marksizmu yes sapravdy relyatyvistskaga razumennya pryrody rechav, nemagchymastsi absalyutnaga pakoyu i "peravazhnay system adliku": "materyya without motion is zha nemagchyma as motion without materyi, so the traffic so zha nestvaralny luz84 neznishchalny i like i materyya ... "; " ... the state of motion pazbavleny materyi akazvaetstsa adnym of samyh empty i stupid panyatstsyav, prostym garachkavym delirium. Kab come yes it treba submit sabe that adnosnuyu mehanichnuyu ravnavagu in which mozha nahaditstsa body on the ground, absalyutnym pakoem, a then peranestsi him on the set of the entire universe ... "For this dialectical point glezhannya magchym
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