Friday, January 31, 2014

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Senior advisor of George Bush in an exclusive interview (Photo: Dror bud, holidays Palm) Kim continues assassinations: How it works? (Photo: AP) chickens Freedom
Givati battalion commander, a lieutenant - colonel, was wounded this morning (Wednesday) minor injuries during an IDF operation in the southern Gaza Strip. Commander refused to be evacuated for medical treatment and he went in with his troops.
During led technologies the operation, opened fire. The officer, who was lightly wounded by shrapnel, received medical handled instead. He said that at this stage he has no plans to leave for medical treatment. led technologies The battalion commander led his troops also "Operation Hot Winter" held in January in Gaza.
Earlier in the IDF fired some armed terrorists have been identified near the southern Gaza Strip. Soldiers reported that several gunmen struck. Palestinians reported that a Hamas member was killed, his friend was critically wounded and two Islamic Jihad militants were wounded.
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As a student educated in state education frameworks - religious, throughout the years of my studies

As a student educated in state education frameworks - religious, throughout the years of my studies I was introduced not for the existence of the term "traditional approach" Bible study. Although this was absolutely guided method of teaching resolute lighting the subject at the various schools where I studied, but never brought to my attention that this particular method, which exist alongside other learning methods. So, like many of the graduates of the state education system - religious, I finished two - ten years of my studies with knowing what is the only way to study the Bible, reading the verses, identifying difficulties in linguistic and grammatical and search 'excuses' interpretation of Chazal and classical. Often, this process Passover also difficulties locating step independent from the text, and Kftz' directly to interpretation brought to class - there mandalas are the 'difficulties' resolute lighting and the 'excuses'.
My first encounter with a critical approach to the study of the Bible took place with I came to the "Revivim", a program to train high school teachers of Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University official. So I was first exposed way of thinking and learning that I knew so far and stirred and shook my world - but also rich and developed resolute lighting it. At the same time, also my way of looking at rabbinic resolute lighting interpretation of the classical interpretation of past upheavals; This observation began, as mentioned, seeing these sources, the main channels through which to understand and interpret the Bible. She kept feeling 'cheated' with exposure to the world of research, and eventually evolved explores observation and more realistic about the types of these interpretations. Me, the power of observation is to preserve and enhance the appreciation of classical rabbinic commentators, and yet bring to extract these interpretive texts.
The process I went through led me to wonder and interest about the inclusion of-access resolute lighting "traditional teaching of the Bible: From the review of the actual situation resolute lighting in high schools state and state - religious, resolute lighting for examining the advantages and disadvantages using this method, to the idea of using a proper method, he can fertilize and enrich the students and the learning experience of their , taking account of the values and beliefs which they grow and are educated.
When we try to define the traditional biblical teaching method, it is likely that the ditch in front of us against it intuitively critical learning method. However, resolute lighting sometimes it is the obvious comparison creates a certain vagueness in defining the nature and essence of the traditional method. In the face of criticism, which we tend to associate with the research, innovative, scientific, progressive and enlightened - may the tradition to appear outdated, archaic and naive. Yehuda Elitzur seeks to correct this observation, the wrong taste. He demonstrates how the various traditional commentators - as conditions to the medieval commentators - have taken their interpretation of research methods - some of which are no less scientific methods of modern biblical resolute lighting scholarship currently available [1]. For him, the criterion for distinguishing between the traditional method and the method is not critical method, which may be the same in both cases, but the faith that guides the learner [2]: core concept leading commentator traditional belief is truth and reliability of the Bible and the revelation principle [3].
Manner resolute lighting requested, this belief derives from Another distinction between the traditional approach. resolute lighting Thus, true faith and biblical text as drafted by God, or at least inspired by the Holy Spirit, produces a perception that all textual phenomenon that seems to be a mistake, duplication or contradiction is actually a formulation aimed in the first place. [4] While finding a contradiction in the biblical text will inspire the critical resolute lighting researcher resolute lighting will examine what reason (historical, linguistic, cultural, philological, etc.) are conflicts - finding it a contradiction in the biblical text will move the traditional resolute lighting researcher resolute lighting trying to discover resolute lighting the divine message resolute lighting inherent contradiction at the root of this, and what can learn from it.
This difference may significantly affect the mental attitude and her personal student of the Bible will come to class. Whether the Bible can be disassembled and analysis of a literary resolute lighting text - Islamic historiography human, the values embodied in it are false perceptions that appear in texts than others. Apart from cultural affinity - the Jewish national Bible ideas and conclusions are not necessarily relate to the student in particular, and certainly resolute lighting do not require it. Conversely, if the Bible is the sacred text that the student worked to discover the Word of God contained therein, resolute lighting the eternal values and ideas expressed are relevant for him and charge him [5]. This text him reverently approached the learner, while taking special care as he raises claims and ideas associated with it.
Certain problem lies in any one method of learning: Teaching Bible in a critical approach may lead to emotional resolute lighting detachment between the student and the biblical text, the traditional approach to teaching Bible can cause intellectual stagnation and lack of intellectual honesty regarding the Bible. The feeling that may characterize the traditional learner - a kind of paralyzing fear at Bible study, partly due to fear of flooding the trust issues that arise from the text - that led to this world exclusive mediators Orthodox Bible study are commentators and Talmud [6].
You can see reverential implications which characterizes the approach to the Bible is also a widespread perception in the Haredi community - hooked [7], which requires upholding the Bible characters and give them the status of a kind of demigods are not wrong or sinful, and that their actions may seem outwardly problematic are in fact valid and correct [8]. This concept throws the belief that text is error-free due to its sanctity and authenticity, the viewpoint that the characters described in the Bible also clean and error-free. Please note that this is the implication that many biblical interpretation chose not to do - from many sages of the Midrash and Talmud, resolute lighting and commentators Ramban and Ibn Ezra, who do not hesitate to blame the patriarchs biblical immoral deeds [9], and do not consider this criticism any injury that was true of the biblical text. This is a significant difference found in the heart of the traditional approach, the terms are indeed true faith by the text but do not hesitate to look Pest Scriptures, and those that this belief leads them to disable the use of analysis and criticism at their disposal in other areas. Belong resolute lighting to the holy

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The judgment stated that the family breathed type gas carbon dioxide. Plea bargain between the part

Red Mail Maps Weather Opinions my money Parents Science wireless TV Guide professionals Medical Gaming Forums Astrology Careers ynetart English
Senior advisor of George Bush in an exclusive interview (Photo: Dror bud, holidays secto Palm) Kim continues assassinations: How it works? (Photo: secto AP) chickens Freedom
"Neglect, disregard, carelessness": previous rulings after gas leaks stretched courts criticized the companies - but the lack of criminal procedure led to the payment of damages only. Even the deaths of four Netanya two years ago did not prevent the closure of the case
Gas leak led to explosion, which claimed secto the lives of family Tofano Jerusalem, similar to many other cases in the past resulted in death or injury. The legal system was required to discuss secto claims against the gas companies and paragraph compensation to victims and their families in light of the extensive damage them. But despite that many times the court held that there was negligence, criminal trials rarely managed. Even gas explosion in Netanya, then - like yesterday - Gas technician was arrested, the criminal case was closed.
Oren Busheri expert secto damage claims, sheds light on cases of lawsuits against secto gas companies in the past. Reminds that in 2008 the District Court to Tel Aviv, the company Supergaz secto make up about three million parents that their son died following a gas leak and subsequent gas poisoning carbon monoxide emitted from heating water in the bathroom.
The court found out that Supergaz installed the facility in violation of the standard, and without whose members secto conducted periodic inspections. The judge ruled that was not proven that the behavior of the gas company and the gas agency "exceeded within the four walls negligence", and certainly not resulted from malice, but determined that ignore the severity of the omissions: their people did not bother to conduct tests for 17 years has installed the first facility for six years from the installation secto of the new facility , even though it goes against the standard.
Close Embed the video embed code to your site: <object secto width = '408 secto 'height = '296' type = 'application / x-shockwave-flash' data = ' commercial-3.2.7.swf '> <param name='movie' value=''/> <param name =' flashvars' secto value='config={&quot;key&quot;:&quot;#&#036;82d88990cf33aa2235a&quot;,&quot;clip&quot;:{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;scaling&quot;:&quot;fit&quot;,&quot;provider&quot;:&quot;akamai&quot;,&quot;type&quot;:&quot;video&quot;},&quot;plugins&quot;:{&quot;akamai&quot;:{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;},&quot;controls&quot;:{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;autoHide&quot;:false,&quot;height&quot;:26,&quot;zIndex&quot;:1},&quot;hiro&quot;:{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;site_id&quot;:&quot;19&quot;,&quot;flavor&quot;:&quot;YNET&quot;,&quot;AllowRegScreen&quot;:true,&quot;zIndex&quot;:2}},&quot;logo&quot;:{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;top&quot;:15,&quot;left&quot;:15,&quot;fullscreenOnly&quot;:false}}'/><param name = 'allowfullscreen' value = 'true' /> <param name='quality' value='high'/> <param name='cachebusting' value='true'/> <param name = 'bgcolor' value = ' # 000000 '/> <param name='wmode' value='opaque'/> <param name='AllowScriptAccess' value='always'> </ object>
In December secto 2008, a woman severely burned following a gas cylinder secto explosion in her apartment in Tel Aviv, and as a result suffered from a disability of more than 60% permanently. She demanded compensation of hundreds of thousands of dollars secto from the gas company claiming that the explosion occurred in the wake of the negligence of the gas company, who tested the integrity secto of the system. Suit ended in a compromise agreement lawsuit submitted by Mr. Tomer Baker in the amount of NIS 200 thousand.
In January 2002, discovered the bodies of the deer family - father, Nimrod, is Dalia and son Asaf - Tel Aviv apartment. Investigation revealed that the leaked gas heating system resulted in the deaths. Affair ended in January 2008, a fine of NIS 400 thousand, although the court was fraught with statements about "neglect, disregard and negligence."
The judgment stated that the family breathed type gas carbon dioxide. Plea bargain between the parties, secto Indian companies negligently causing the deaths of family members. Expressed negligence gas supply without checking the integrity of the system and without taken reasonable precautions. Companies have undertaken to determine work procedures and safety secto pertaining to the operation of this type of heating systems secto and their upkeep. It also pledged to find customers using them.
Despite all this, Justice Dorit Reich Shapira rejected the plea agreement regarding compensation, initially set at about 67 thousand shekels only. She criticized so that one company officials Paz - Gas indicted and held that in this case "negligence reflected ongoing secto neglect and

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What happens misjudgment junk creates a buffer between the neighbors? Does this justify an indictme

Neighbors dispute - a dispute over garbage brought to an indictment! Criminal Lawyer is important! | Shavit Kantor
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What happens misjudgment junk creates a buffer between the neighbors? Does this justify an indictment? Neighbors dispute popped against the encroachment into the trash. Dispute led world between neighbors against the use of garbage led to violence between the neighboring settlement north of the country, and thus opened a criminal investigation of the incident. At the conclusion of the investigation, was filed against a neighbor only charged led world with assault and battery on her neighbor, her threats and trespassing. The indictment led world charged the neighbor event of violence, assault the next day, all according to the neighbor's complaint. Neighbor against which an indictment was filed understood that should stand alongside led world an experienced criminal lawyer turned our firm to represent it in criminal proceedings. Our office immediately contacted the police and the prosecutor demanded the abolition of charges immediately. Although neighbors also led to a dispute in civil court, we were able to convince our arguments prosecutors and legal charges against our client canceled.
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Discussions turney lighting are currently being held anti-poverty Commission turney lighting (Commission Elalouf), established by the Minister of Social Affairs. ACRI sub - committees conducted Committee papers, and we show the emphasis that we see as central to any government program for poverty reduction.
Social policy - economic which Israeli governments have taken the last three decades has led to high rates of poverty and non-equality. It is hoped that the establishment of anti-poverty commission turney lighting shall constitute a historic opportunity to start a fundamental change in social outlook - Economic turney lighting of the Government, and that the work will lead to the adoption of other policies: reducing turney lighting gaps and Drdorm international peaks; country's turney lighting commitment to civil rights and Hfkrtn; social justice and privatization uninhibited. Policy seeks to ensure that every man and woman in Israel is given the opportunity to live in dignity, earn a fair wage, get a proper education and advanced services.
Categories: enforcement of workers' rights, hospitalization and nursing care, dental health, affordable housing, public housing, the right to health, right to housing, right to water, right to work, social rights, labor rights, homelessness, equality, health turney lighting services, employment services - "Drying "budgets, leases, fair wages
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Freedom of expression and the right to demonstrate asylum seekers and refugees 45 years of occupation rights in East Jerusalem Arab minority rights legislation unrecognized villages anti - democratic privatization hospitalization and nursing care to the right to health right to adequate housing workshop - an educational space for democracy and human rights
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Senior lawyer explained,

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Uzi Blumer
Two years ago, led by Dr. Meir Winsen, managing partner HFN, retirement agreement requires the partners to retire at age 60 to prevent lawyers aged 80 chicks the most profitable firm. Is that why defections Ten lawyers this week string Co.? Conversation With "Kalkalist" Winsen says he does not know, but senior lawyers in convinced: "This is the only reason"
CAlcAlist "unknown starter neon underlying retirement starter neon agreement is a provision that forces the senior partners of the firm to retire upon reaching the age of 60, in order to prevent a very common condition leading law firms, where firms committed almost forever to transfer large chunks of their earnings to partners, the veteran retirement pension, even after their death.
This structure of the distribution of profits hurts the second and third generation office, he had to settle for lower percentage margins office because most of the money pendulous pockets of the older generation. Attorney Winsen sought starter neon to solve this problem, starter neon but the retirement age set so low, that created quite a bit of tension in the office.
Conversation with "Kalkalist" said Attorney Winsen not know if this is the reason to deploy the three partners of the firm, including starter neon the head of the high-tech Attorney Alon Sahar, a senior tax department at the Ministry of Attorney Elder son Robbie Guetta life partner who specializes in mergers and acquisitions, but is agreed starter neon to reveal information about unique retirement model initiated and significance.
The news sent shock waves from the industry lawyers, starter neon especially in light of the word retirement was the result of a request by dissident Ministry string and a state of "headhunting" firm side, only recently completed the merger starter neon with Cantor Elhanani headed by Dalia Tal Tal.
Senior Attorney large firms analyzed one last conversation with "Kalkalist" What was his view behind the retreat: "There are some things that underlie bitterness HFN: First of all, the management of Winsen tough, but it's a little less disturbing Robbie Ben Sahar, but more employees. Herzog excellent remuneration level partners, who have been with a lot of money home. Also out against the 'human relations' is not an option. Certainly not with respect to attorney Ben Ruby, who is associated Llinzn. What really created resentment among middle class partners had retirement agreement, "he said.
Senior lawyer explained, "HFN, created an unprecedented situation in terms of retirement age lower, that most partners will be 60. Idea is to rejuvenate the lines all the time: there is something important. People do not want to hang up the shoes, and many prefer to continue working until old age, They occupy places, they actually sometimes a bit tired but continue to catch high percentages, not dilute themselves, starter neon so young partners can not progress. problem is that here in Israel, partner age 60 is considered young. "
Another attorney said cAlcAlist "Yesterday" has offices in young people with lots of ambition who want to move forward and make money, but there are people above age 65 and even 70 are considered young, and there are some lawyers who continue to be active starter neon over the age of 80. Leading lawyers as Gad Naschitz, Eli Zohar and Yuval Levy, these people a generation ago were considered veterans offices and no one imagined that after 20 years they continue to work vigorously. "
"I do not know the reason starter neon for retirement. It should ask them," says Winsen, "but with respect to the arrangement of retirement, need to understand that life expectancy in Law Firms is up to 120 years, that even after the death of partner firm should continue to pay them money, so offices disappear . Our partners receive by contribution, starter neon to not be a burden to younger partners, because we have a machine to print money. we rely on work. "
"One of the reasons that harm economic prosperity of law firms for years is shared by adults are taking a considerable share of the profits, does not express the current or ongoing contribution to their office, and even after retirement and deaths," explains Winsen.
Attorney Winsen model HFN "coming solve both these problems and determined that the retirement age be reduced significantly: a group of partners older than 65, and the other partners at age 60," explains Winsen. "Also, after the retirement of the partner has no office financial obligations to him, except the amounts provided for the period of being a partner. "
Attorney Winsen adds that "this allows to add new partners and young people and promote them. So they have office outlook progress without taking serious hunchback past. This model was built after a discussion of the group of partners starter neon of the second and third office (ie without the founders - RA), led by the partners veteran took example and agreed to give up years of partnership due to them and the rights of retirement different. Nevertheless, even after retirement age Shared office starter neon can request to continue, usually as a consultant and as a partner, if the partner retires based on objective and can continue to contribute. model aims to allow the continuity of the firm and our firm decided to become an institution starter neon that is not related to that person or another. "
Another lawyer added: "No offense to the part, with tax and international taxation was there with them, but not much." He mentions' before a decade they tried to merge with Udi Barzilay and merger failed. Combination of Elder Ben Ruby put them on the map. was a genius in this field. well in high-tech does not have the market almost attorneys at Oak Moon. This niche is to know and understand. has a string Dan Shamgar and Dan Geva, but there is no doubt Sahar is significantly strengthened, and Guetta. "
"It's hard to compete with HFN," added the lawyer. "This office starter neon is very responsive to requests from the market, hours of work while exhausting and stiffness and formality that string, but the level of remuneration to partners, as opposed to maybe rent, they are among the best in the industry. Atmosphere indeed tough work there very hard, but when considering transactions at the international level in Israel, Herzog has an advantage . transactions outside Israel scattered among many offices, but abroad, Europe and the U.S., said Israel - and many times you told HFN. "
Lawyers in total: 220
Leads Libai from Co.
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Monday, January 27, 2014

Although deleting the application, lights ellie contact the evening representatives of topaz, attor

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Read more Calcalist: deleted liquidation request kitchens Topaz 25 Topaz kitchens network employees seek the dissolution longer a difficulty: a request to dismantle Kitchen Topaz last month filed a request dissolution of the Company by customers and assets of the landlord to court. At the request argued by attorney Paz Goldhorn that Topaz had kitchens them money of tens of thousands of dollars and there is concern that the company insolvent. Later joined about 25 employees lights ellie of the company claimed that it transferred to salaries and fringe benefits for several months. earlier this month, after a hearing before a judge Atef Aiilboni, deleted consent application subject to payment of duty of Topaz.
Although deleting the application, lights ellie contact the evening representatives of topaz, attorney Adi Braunstein and pine Sharabani to the court and requested to issue an order to liquidate the Company and to appoint her temporary liquidator. Society, so they say, could not cope with the damage caused as a result of seeking the dissolution of that and adverse publicity in the media accompanied it, verbatim.
"Submitting a liquidation," says "winning media exposure widespread caused the company for damages for material that included eliminating checks and credit cards from customers now who started knocking on doors and demand an earlier supply kitchens them in. And stop making current payments to the Company various contractors' .
Damages it suffered were added, say representatives, as it is challenging period for the company and led to a state of "Snowball" which "quickly degenerated business, to the extent of the supreme efforts to continue its current operations were unsuccessful." lights ellie
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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Also, the merger der medicus allows der medicus the office to increase its presence in new geograph

About the business development offices of Attorney Guide Rating Legal Marketing in Israel and worldwide distribution of profits in Law Firms networks Notice Ethics Center and the General Bureau ILMA-union Schlegel Marketing Israeli mergers and partnerships between lawyers placement business development managers and marketing strategic consultancy Blog Contact us Foreign Lawyers Blog
A-One, mergers law firms israel, Robus, Vivian Hello, Zohar Fisher, a number of mergers, merger firms, der medicus law firms merge, merge Attorney, Mergers, Mergers legal market, the legal sector, value-added air Can two walk together except they be agreed? The number der medicus of mergers among firms (Haifa Bar Association Journal - December 2013)
October 2013 issue of the journal of the Bar Association of Haifa, published an article der medicus by Zohar Fisher (Head Office der medicus Robus) and attorney Vivian Peace (CEO of placement A-One). The article deals with the trend of expanding der medicus mergers among law firms, and also includes a test conducted by the office. Upcoming 2014 will bring a dramatic increase in the volume of mergers phenomenon, that and more - the article before you. Happy reading.
In recent years, the financial press titles sloping reports on the legal market mergers. In 2012 Ballet merger Goldfarb Zeligman call that led to the creation of the country's largest office and was the culmination of a year rich mergers market.
For now it seems that the year 2013 will not fall last. Unite the Birch Ministry and the Ministry of Pearl Cohen Zedek purposes, as well as a merger between the Ministry Kantor Elhanani Tal Geva Ministry Liquornik string. Merger announcement said "the trend toward mergers and the creation der medicus of" the office "is gaining momentum and therefore we thought der medicus that Cantor's der medicus office, Elhanani Phone Co. ought to be part of this trend."
There is a great deal of justice in that - merger trend is not unique to Israel. 2012 brought with rows on more than 60 mergers der medicus and medium scale between the large law firms in the U.S. alone, some of which led to huge international agencies crowds of thousands attorney. A similar trend occurs in Europe and the Far East.
Profession has become very competitive, the demand for legal services but the plant's customers have become more sophisticated offices, which exacerbated the competition. Beyond the weakening global economy, Israel must add to the equation the flooding in the field including der medicus the number of gates opening to trade foreign attorney. One of the answers to those circumstances is it "Fever mergers" legal market.
In the current circumstances, offices and small size medium find themselves in competition der medicus persistent versus der medicus major offices capable of offering comprehensive services in many areas of law. In addition, large firms can afford to be more competitive in terms of salary - the hassle, since they can absorb lower rates competitive tool.
Israel the past few years a significant number of firms and medium-size big by merging with another department. Shows that the fastest way (but not always the most successful) the emergence of the Ministry is merged with another office leading his field.
The merger enables the firm to offer legal services in the areas complement and preserve the basis of their customers optimally. The current condition of the market, der medicus although the Ministry can not afford to lose customers because of the lack of Practice niches or heaven forbid, move to outsource der medicus legal work. Therefore, expanding the areas of Business is one of the main reasons for the trend of mergers.
The merger may also fix structural deficiencies in the office, including compensation der medicus for partners der medicus leaving prominent narrowing of experience and knowledge, strengthening weak classes and occupations in which the firm is the market leader. Please note that the merged der medicus firm brings to its customers, and therefore growing customer base office immediately, der medicus including revenue office.
Also, the merger der medicus allows der medicus the office to increase its presence in new geographic and empower exposure der medicus to new audiences. Finally, a successful merger may lead to synergy between the two firms that pay more than the total of its parts. So successful merger and well designed may inject new blood into the veins of the firm and to increase revenue and market der medicus position significantly.
An investigation der medicus conducted by the Ministry Robus and the Ministry of A-One among the large and medium-sized der medicus firms, der medicus shows that about 60% of offices promotions currently active pursuit of the same size to their office / other smaller office needs air. It also indicated der medicus that many firms small to medium sized ask 'double' in size at once, after realizing that the firm's size affects visibility, branding der medicus and rating firm.
Please note that in current circumstances affect recruitment preferences of senior attorney. In the past, recruiting offices were satisfied with the excellent attorney with an impressive resume, today one of the required features is the potential marketing and business development der medicus of the Association. Veteran attorney today often required to bring with them a certain customer base alongside ongoing der medicus legal work.
In conclusion, stated that due to the skyrocketing amount of competition in the legal profession and global der medicus economic conditions, we expect that 2013 will bring a dramatic increase in the volume phenomenon of mergers between offices, as part of a global trend. While Israeli reality changes, so does the legal profession was turning, der medicus and air can give a reactive response to changing economic conditions in Israel and abroad.
(Download a PDF copy of the article - click here) Zohar Fisher is head of Robus, der medicus strategic consulting office limits the Legal Marketing, Business Development Attorney offices peace Vivian is CEO of A-One recruiter Legal Recruitment, engaged in placing lawyers and mergers between offices

All rights reserved - Robus - Legal Marketing and Consulting Services stated on this site does not constitute advice from

Moreover, the firm presented to the court permit from Fh

Negligent conduct of the tax authorities, which led to a significant easing of the defendants impunity | Law Office of David Kmhin Co. | Attorney Yair Assaf
Attorney David Kmhin - 050-5738738, Mr. Assaf Yair - 050-9599991 Tel: 077-4300649 / 077-9319958 Fax: 077-4300849 Street with third world Harel House 4th Floor Jerusalem 9546303
In 2007, a petition against the defendants, an indictment which represent our firm, charging the defendants with a slew of tax offenses, including 14 counts under Section 219 Income electroluminescent panel Tax Ordinance [New Version] (hereinafter - the command), the tax liability in respect thereof is 171,178 alongside failure to file tax returns for the tax from 2005 to 2006.
Advocacy asked for the second, his criminal tax offenses, imprisonment for a period exceeding six months, and probation, a fine and an undertaking not to commit crimes additional tax, and the defendant 3, which lacks a criminal record, asked the accuser to cut prison sentence, probation, a fine and an undertaking not to commit crimes Ditto additional tax.
All the way through our office, electroluminescent panel the defendants argued that the delay in filing the reports was that the company's accounting took over the substance electroluminescent panel of the Company's accounting, the tax from 2004 to 2005, as the company claims her company electroluminescent panel money. Due barred from practice to submit the The balance sheets of the Company's electroluminescent panel financial statements for the assessment, which led to the cancellation of exemption from withholding tax, and imposing different curves company assets.
In early 2007 the Court ordered, account managers respond to the defendants the company documents relating to the 2004 tax year, and later that year stopped her court fees well below the amount of the claim it filed, and ordered her to answer all material remaining hand. Only then enabled the defendants to transfer the material for accountants to file tax returns for the years 2005 to 2006.
During the period the defendants were in constant touch with the tax authorities regarding the circumstances of the delay in filing reports and mentioned it explicitly in the tax assessor oral and written requests and as part examination by tax authorities - however Notwithstanding hurry Accuser found time to indict the case at bar on 17/12/07.
Simultaneously with criminal proceedings, taken by the tax authority, in 2008 was filed against the accused one, asking for dissolution for "tax debts Christ" from Customs and VAT and Income Tax Division and real estate taxes, including amounts of high tax most "stem" of the duties to the best judgment which came out due to lack of reports.
Upon submission of reports during 2009, it became clear that the factual electroluminescent panel situation is completely different from that submitted a request electroluminescent panel for dissolution tax authorities, the tax reports for 2005 to 2006 played Adjusted loss for tax purposes totaling electroluminescent panel 3.22 million which accumulates electroluminescent panel along with previous losses to a total of 6.7 million .
Reports were obtained by PS Jerusalem and audited financial statements were approved. Light of the firm argued that the aforesaid electroluminescent panel enough to drop more than 80% of charges attributable to the defendant one application for liquidation - a fact that omits the land of those affidavits, which filed the tax authorities within the framework of liquidation request.
Moreover, the firm presented to the court permit from Fh"s, whereby the tax authorities hold balances in them a tax refund in respect of withholding tax more, totaling 507,908 principal amount three times the debt deductions mentioned in the indictment, and surprising, therefore, the decision to file suit against the defendants in the indictment.
Any discussions held throughout the procedure and arguments with respect to punishment, accusing electroluminescent panel counsel vehemently denied the claim that the tax authorities for tax refunds held balances the amount claimed, and claimed that his hand to confirm that the tax assessor balance 9,000 refund only.
Just hearing on 15.6.2010, originally designed for providing hearing the verdict, accusing fairness counsel confirmed that indeed "some mistake" and given his arguments on which he relied was incorrect, and in fact, the Assessing Officer reserves refund claimed by the Defenders, which means that all failures have been removed long ago.
Accordingly, electroluminescent panel the Court held that in a few years, the defendants attempted to settle their debts to the IRS. During those years the tax authorities accused electroluminescent panel explained the difficulty to whom they stand in removing duties and removal of blunders, and made sure to update the assessment officer what was happening in the legal proceedings conducted electroluminescent panel in parallel, which end they were expected to have all the material they need for the preparation of reports.
"Impression - from the point of tax authorities weighed their hands on the company and the defendants, they attached the properties necessary for continued operations of the Company and canceled the exemption from withholding tax. Following these steps, abandoned best customers a company, and hence to the collapse was a short step."
As for doubtful deductions alleged that the defendants argued before the assessor example, in every possible electroluminescent panel way and the others say the plea that with the filing of balance sheets will prove that balances tax refund in respect of withholding tax, which holds the tax assessor, substantially higher debt ratio in the indictment, and Assessing Officer is also requested to freeze the action against them.
"One electroluminescent panel wonders why the claim has not been examined already, and how expected tax authorities the defendants," the taxpayer reasonable "act electroluminescent panel in such a situation. Counsel for Advocacy electroluminescent panel referred to this in his words, and said that whenever a taxpayer fails to pay the monetary deductions at the time he committed an offense criminal and nothing can cure this defect, even if after a while will remove the default. According to him, the meaning of the offset is measured only on the civil. This answer is unsatisfactory.
I agree with the approach of the third defendant's counsel, that the behavior of the tax authorities in the matter of the defendants was unbearable. Has no dispute, stated that the tax authorities held them for a long time, unreasonably, the balance of the tax refund accused one was far greater than the sum Debt absentee according to the indictment. reasonable to assume that in this case, if there was allegation

Saturday, January 25, 2014

God of military arts Gordes 3 D-HERO Diamond spalding bulbs Guy 3 Few Joni strike zombie killer 2 c

God of military arts Gordes 3 D-HERO Diamond spalding bulbs Guy 3 Few Joni strike zombie killer 2 career magic Ojama Delta Hurricane 3 Dark World war hero Silva of three dark circles hunter browser of 3 Killer Tomatoes 3 Dark World monsters Great eye! ! Upon exiting dark circles and allowed to weak meat triggered in two diamond Guy 3 Hououshin'nohane Ankokukainotorihiki 3 3 3 the beginning of the end trap Destiny Signal 3 D-Shield 2 meat a little less than one color, and skip from the field and your opponent's spalding bulbs hand I interesting? Tteyuu deck. If partnering to feel normal "What wwww Seriously ww Yabe~e www that has been boiled Cho wwww Dark World" partner "wwww'm using for this why top a little less than meat color? Diamond" opponent as a stream of ideal, I I want to continue to search and put the coffin and vigor
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Friday, January 24, 2014

Thank you very much as well (06/12) today to see everyone of the 15 issue June latest article recyc

A little, (month) until spring I can not wait after February 20, 2011. It is the first successful bid Shimano OT-SP41 outer cable white white [new] at 1 meter. I will ask the successful bid amount of meters you would like. I am planning a 160 yen email service. I think if you need the number of meters [Y60098012] little OT-SP41 φ4mm 1700mm (1 pcs) In'nake it's "deals": SHIMANO (Shimano) load for PTFE shift cable set (white) outer casing. I have sent only white now. I believe that it probably will keep increasing - if there is demand, Kara. Thank you for your attention. Get the current situation is here my auction. So, Shitsureiitashimasu. private, bike blog. Let's go by bicycle operation
Thank you very much as well (06/12) today to see everyone of the 15 issue June latest article recycling Square-waste processing products bring to five guide (12/10) living Wakayama, 2013. Thank you very much as well (05/20) today. Thank you very much as well (05/16) today. I have exhibited two bicycles stonco Body: (05/14) stonco Latest comments kttmt. I have exhibited two bicycles Body: (07/02). I have exhibited cross bike frame of GT: (06/30) kttmt. (06/05) Latest trackbacks Monthly archive 2013/12 (1) 2013/06 (1) 2013/05 (15) 2013/04 (18) 2013/03 (1) 2012/08 (1) 2012/04 (2 ) 2012/03 (1) 2012/02 (3) 2012/01 (2) 2011/12 (4) 2011/10 (3) 2011/09 (3) 2011/08 (9) 2011/07 (12) 2011 / 06 (25) 2011/05 (52) category
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Thursday, January 23, 2014


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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

by creating a six TakeShu deck in less than sp41, I tried waiting battle of the bulbs for people to

by creating a six TakeShu deck in less than sp41, I tried waiting battle of the bulbs for people to come and enter the sp41 less than in the middle of the night. Once out second race support I do not remember because I started taking notes from around one leg eyes 4 round, third round eyes ritual Sale? Came out such as ritual Majin Nde So I sent out help while face down magic jammer, it's Volcanic Queen ww, but Saleh first four races library Ekuzo After Magic Jammer higher later? The delicious's keyed twice Magic Jammer in Game 5 th demise Yuberu end Saleh After Magic Jammer to upstart. The end of the third was through, but because it was remaining life 300, Magic Jammer to the library Ekuzo gavel perhaps Game 6 th w direct effect of wins Yariza was stronger in direct on your retirement + Yariza. Can not be anything in love the next turn, when to train disabled in Cien, Winning beat. The ah ah ah ah ah ah ah wow ... not defeat the first Game 7 machinery group Demonikku Motor Ω. I could not attack for pat, was chamberlain Yariza: skinnier. Ja I were you go if you make Arms aid. The frustrating losing feeling. Aa ah ah ah ah wow
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tag cloud

Hyoutei Mobius Mobius aureliano toso Hyoutei cloud demon - Acid Cloud cloud demon - Acid Cloud cloud demon - Acid Cloud cloud demon - demon Kirosutasu cloud - cloud Kirosutasu demon - Altos cloud demon - Altos cloud demon - Ghost Fog Kumomamono - Ghost Fog Kumomamono - sanctuary summons summons Kumotakara cloud of heavenly sanctuary sanctuary sky Storm Dragon Sky - Ninbasuman cloud demon - nimbus Man Arcana Force EX-THE DARK RULER Arcana Force EX-THE DARK RULER cloud demon - Dragon Storm clouds demon squall Acid Rain Acid Rain Acid Rain Oukyuunodan'atsu Oukyuunodan'atsu Oukyuunodan'atsu drain shield aureliano toso drain shield drain shield barrier Spirit Spirit Spirit barrier barrier Rainbow Life Rainbow Life Rainbow Life Emperor Emperor of order squall cloud demon demon Satsukumokumo Order Emperor Order
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Monday, January 20, 2014

I have replaced the shift cable set in early [Shimano Dura-Ace shift cable set SHIMANO floodlight g

I have replaced the shift cable set in early [Shimano Dura-Ace shift cable set SHIMANO floodlight games DURA-ACE SIS Shift Cable Set SIS-SP41 Y60098080 contents] last year (2010) in October. Slowed, but I tell you about the design of the replacement work. Work of the rear derailleur and front derailleur has been mixed, but I will tell you in a time series takkie floodlight games work is actually performed. If you describe the overall flow of the shift cable replacement, floodlight games Front derailleur: cut the outer cable a new outer cable to fit and remove the cable old keep the top to the length of the old outer cable:? Inner / rear? processing an end? and installing floodlight games a new outer cable, you will order say. Shift cable set that was used for the exchange is "Shimano Dura-Ace shift cable set SHIMANO DURA-ACE SIS Shift Cable Set SIS-SP41 Y60098080". In addition, wire cutter, awl, stick file, hex wrench, tool required floodlight games for replacement is a needle-nose pliers. I sure you have these in advance. So, it is a shift cable replacement work start. Part to stop the inner end of the cable should be at the top: inner / rear: front (... Starts with statement is the work of the common work of the rear derailleur work of the front derailleur your information.) floodlight games The derailleur? you must change the position in advance of the derailleur in order to remove from the STI lever (drum). (The smaller of the chain ring) inner, leave the speed to (the smaller of the sprocket) top rear front. If you do not do this, it does not take off well an inner cable later. ? I will cut with a wire cutter inner cable Front derailleur [cut the inner cable of GIOS FELLEO / front derailleur] to remove the old cable. Remove the inner cable by loosening [remove the inner cable piece of GIOS FELLEO / front derailleur] hex bolt of the front derailleur . I will continue to remove [disconnect a cable of GIOS FELLEO / front derailleur cable] front derailleur. I remove floodlight games it from the lever [remove the drum to disconnect the cables of GIOS FELLEO / front derailleur] (a portion of the end for hooking) of the inner drum of cable Front derailleur. floodlight games In advance, it is mind that it does not take off as it was in the procedure, the position of the derailleur has not reached floodlight games the inner. [Cable GIOS FELLEO / front derailleur, adjuster] is the wire such as front derailleur that was removed . A cylindrical-shaped floodlight games black middle is the adjuster derailleur. It is the one that has been with standard with GIOS FELLEO, floodlight games it is useful to be able to do at hand (near the handle) fine-tune the tension of the derailleur. We are going to attach it to divert. In order to install this, create by processing from the new cable also short cable on the right most. However, (cap to give the outer cable) outer cap of the short cable min, and diverted the old ones as it does not come with a cable set that you purchased. I have no choice. I will cut a wire cutter in front of the part that is attached to the inner cap inner cable tip of rear derailleur side [cut the inner cable of GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur]. We will remove the cables Loosen and remove the hex bolt that secures [remove the inner cable piece of GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur] the inner cable of rear derailleur. I remove it from the lever [remove the drum to disconnect the cables of GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur] (a portion of the end for hooking) of the inner cable drum of rear derailleur. In advance, it is mind that it does not take off as it was in the procedure, the position of the derailleur has not reached the top. It is the cables of the rear derailleur has been removed [the cables disconnected GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur]. There is a cable adjuster in the same way as the front, floodlight games but I will be utilized. I make a new cable cable short of that right, but it will be utilized only cap of the short cable. ? [To be cut to match the length floodlight games of the old cable outer cable new GIOS FELLEO /] cut a new outer cable to the length floodlight games of the old outer cable cut with a wire cutter to match the old cable length the new outer cable will continue to. Cable collapses When do "trick, that. Cutting at once and sputtering" slowly, and the cut surface is disturbed. The fix round the cable cross-section collapsed during cutting using it the awl [put a fix round cables that were crushed to GIOS FELLEO / disconnection when processing the end surface of the outer cable. You sanded it so that it is smooth end surface and [to smooth with a file the GIOS FELLEO / outer cable cut surface]. Smoothness of this is unlikely to affect the effectiveness of the derailleur. Let's do well. [Cable short GIOS FELLEO / adjuster also snugly around preparation] short cable to be attached to the tip of the adjuster or you building-tight, including the end face processing. Cap of this short cable does not enter into the cable set, I diverted the old ones. ? Once ready all [going to attach floodlight games the cable of GIOS FELLEO / front derailleur, from the lever] Install a new outer cable outer cable replacement , and we are wearing. From the front derailleur. Outside of the STI lever, Pass the inner cable from the place of Tyco received, we will in turn through the adjuster and outer cable. At this time, it is a note to forget mounting of the cap. It should be noted that the shift cable which was used this time, silicon grease because it is injected into the outer cable in advance, there is no need for oiling, such as titanium spray. [I put the cable of GIOS FELLEO / front derailleur, down tube] and the hook of the down tube cable front derailleur. Bicycle traveling direction left. It is on the front side of the above photo. [I put the cable of GIOS FELLEO / front derailleur, through floodlight games the guide of BB under] Route the guide under BB cable Front derailleur. Bicycle traveling direction left. Pictured is the angle it is viewed from below, floodlight games but it is on the right side. [I put the cable of GIOS FELLEO / front derailleur, temporarily stop the bolt of derailleur] is passed through the guide of the front derailleur cable front derailleur through from BB under, and pull with a jerk so that there is no play. And I will stop temporarily at the hexagon bolt. [Continue to attach the cable of GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur, from lever] Well , I will continue to be installed cable of rear derailleur. Outside of the STI lever, Pass the inner cable from the place of Tyco received, floodlight games we will in turn through the adjuster and outer cable. At this time, it is a note to forget mounting of the cap. As mentioned earlier, the shift cable which was used this time, silicon grease because it is injected into the outer cable in advance, there is no need for oiling, such as titanium spray. [I put the cable of GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur, down tube (front)] and subjected to the guide of the BB and the hook, of the down tube cable rear derailleur. Bicycle traveling direction right. It is on the front side of the above photo. [Wearing floodlight games a cable of GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur, chain stay] It is a cable of the rear derailleur through the BB under, but through the outer cable which is crawl chain stay, you can hook the on hooks on the chain stay on. [I put the cable of GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur, derailleur] and then inserted into the rear derailleur cable outer body of rear derailleur. Firmly floodlight games to the back. [I put the cable of GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur, temporarily stop the bolt of derailleur] Thread the guide at the back of the hex bolt rear derailleur inner cable rear derailleur. After pulling a jerk so as not play, you can temporarily hex bolt. It must be forcibly shifting floodlight games tension in bold Click to adapt repeatedly to speed GIOS FELLEO / rear, front with pulling the inner cable] the derailleur cable exposed portion of the tube down under. Is performed several times this, you take the initial growth of home cable. I uses all cable front derailleur, rear derailleur of both. If the cable seems to come loose, I will change the stop position of the hex bolt derailleur. floodlight games I continue with the following position when determined. Leaving 2cm? 3cm of the inner cable Front derailleur [cut the excess of the inner cable of GIOS FELLEO / front derailleur, and then cut with a wire cutter. And [cap sealing the inner end of the cable GIOS FELLEO floodlight games / front derailleur, back to insert the inner cap, and then crimped nose pliers or the like base. Inner cable rear derailleur be left 2cm? 3cm [cutting the excess of the inner cable of GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur, I will cut with a wire cutter. And [cap sealing the inner end of the cable GIOS FELLEO / rear derailleur, back to insert the inner cap, and then crimped nose pliers or the like base. It is the end. For derailleur adjustment is actually's the most difficult, but please consider it as the opportunity of someday also, because it is very difficult to which to explain. However, by performing floodlight games a cable replacement in the state in which the adjusted derailleur, does not seem to have that tension of the cable other than large shift. This time, the adjustment was already pretty smoothly. View () Hozan product details Hozan View SHIMANO (Shimano) DURA-ACE shift cable set (Y60098080) () SHIMANO floodlight games the (Shimano) product details [C-217] wire cutter
I'm running around in various ways Kanagawa Prefecture around Fujisawa a home in takkie3 GIOS FELLEO: Author. floodlight games I like that you habit of unskilled, are challenged to pass such as forest road. Access counter
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Synchro rabbi Damned

Shisha censorship censorship censorship Trading Places Trading Places quiz quiz Trading Places quiz Madou Madou manual manual organize organize organize magical manual Goinkyonomoudokuyaku Goinkyonomoudokuyaku your retirement messenger of peace of peace pendant black pendant black pendant black hand kill highly toxic drugs Fuma Shuriken Fuma Shuriken Fuma Shuriken Ekutopurazuma Ekutopurazuma Ekutopurazuma horn of plenty horn of plenty horn of plenty Fuuin'noougonhitsu Fuuin'noougonhitsu Fuuin'noougonhitsu Tefudadansatsu Tefudadansatsu Tefudadansatsu Arms Hall of Arms, Hall Arms Hall Cup of Ace Cup of Ace Cup of Ace Hikarinogofuuheki
Synchro rabbi Damned
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Saturday, January 18, 2014

䥤 5 ȡ Go! SHODA Go! Բ ʪ

鵢 KY 礭 ʤФ H ʡ Ͻ äΤ Ȥ ޤ Ǥ ߤ ʤǥ 硼 ȥ ޤ? S ݡ G 硼 ȥ ˤ 뤿 ʬ Ф Kobayashi ޤ μξ 륿 Τ פ ʤ ơ Ȥä 档褦 䤯 4 Dead ߤ 줿 轵 Ǽ ǤäƤ 褫 ä UP ޤ Moto GUZZI ޤ ޤ νƤ ʥ 顽 פפ ɺ ꥢ Х TodorokiΥ ݡ H ȥ ڥ Ȥ Υ ǥΥ? ޥ Ȥ? 뤳 Ȥ Ǥ Kotani ݡ G ѥ Ȥ ϥ ɥ 뤬 äƤ ޤ ڥ Ȥ äƤ ͽ Ǥ Ǥ Oukuma artificial sunlight ޥ ݡ G 줤 ʳ Ǥ 졼 յ ޤäƤ Τ ʬ Ǥ ˤ ϥ 졼 Υå ޤ Ȥ äƤĤǤ ˤ ʤäƤ 矾 Ǥ äɤ δĺС ˤ 1200X-48 饫 5 Ϥ Ǥ Yatabe ޤ Ԥ ޤ
1 ե ƯHidemoǤ Ǽ Ԥ μξ Ȱ ξ ե 륫 ब ȸ ޤ 88ǯΥ ե ƥ 롣 ʤ256ǯ Ǥ 켰 Υ ޥ ɥ פ 礭 ʷ Ĵΰ1 ˡ ˤ Ȥ? ? ꤽ Ǥ ǥ ڥ ѹ SP-59 ʷ ε Ѥ ꤽ ʤΤdz ڤ ߤ Ǥ S ޡ 3 ܤ Τľ 졼 ѹ ॷ 硼 Ȳ åС ʤɤʤɡ L ǤǤ ˤ ʷ ε ˡ ڤ ߤ ʰ Ǥ ˤ 1200X -48 ĤǤ ˡ ᥤ ǡ ϥ ɥΥ ȥ ǥ ե L ޤ 1200X-48 ڥ Ե 档 SP -01 6ǯ ܤ μ ѹ R ۥ Υ UP եϥ ɥ ܥ С ʷ εåѡ ʴ 档 ͽ Ǥ ˤΥ ݡ ĥ ʬ ƥ ν ޤ 1 Ⱦ ͽ ꡣ 饤 ȥ त ĤǤ 绐 ޤ Ǥ 21 Ǥ Ϥ ǽǤ ե륫 Ϥ Ԥ ĺ ޤ ĤǤ OK ʤΤ θʤ Ϣ?
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2013ǯ ? ޤ ޤ ǯ Υ ݡ H ͽ 뤳 Ȥ ޤ ʡ ޤ Τ ޤ ä Ϥ Ȥ ƤŨǤ ĺ ʡ ޤ ա ݡ ĥ8 SP-51 2010ǯ XL1200X FORTY-EIGHT artificial sunlight (owner Sudou ޡ SP-52 2008ǯ XL1200N ( Owner Terada ޡ SP-53 2002ǯXL1200S (owner Ogiura) SP-54 2002ǯXL1200S (owner Kataoka) SP-55 2009ǯ XL883R (owner Kawamura ) SP-56 1998ǯXLH883 (owner Watanabe) SP-57 2010ǯ XL883R (owner Minami) SP-58 2007ǯ XL883R (Suzuki owner) SP-59 2001ǯXL1200S (owner Matsuura) SP-60 2008ǯ XL1200N (Takara owner ޡ SP-61 2011ǯ XL1200X FORTY-EIGHT (Owner Dies) SP-62 2010ǯ XL1200X FORTY-EIGHT (owner Hirasawa ޡ SP-63 2006ǯ XL883L (owner Kanamaru)
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Friday, January 17, 2014

Maybe (*

Finish first place run rich "goal!" Third son splendidly film lights rich! ! But, I'll refer flag in the ass of Kenji said, "is. 1 in which you have worked hard No. 1, I'll hand over to you," the rich, gentle, it's wins "You rich (laughs) Jun rich" subsided "! ! "Kenji brother, congrats've won the" you rich! "said the 1-position of" Kenji brother "Sho!" (second time (laughs)) Xiang Jun! "" Congratulations! "by Kenji, a gentle brother who (laughs) I followed was good
Maybe (* 'ω `*), I wonder if not a Danjene It is fun Sumasuma Hello 14:42 Yui says on Jan 07, 4. Ayumi 2013 Comment List? ? I'll I think that study, it may be better film lights to be nice if (laughs) students, I was good (laughs) card, a joy Yatake kun even more (o ^ - ^ o) Posuka, I, I bought at HMV, HMV Posuka The me to say repo, funny hello 14:38 AI says on Jan 07, 3. Ayumi 2013 is, it is true nice, and cute, thank you (* 'ω `*) Hee Yatake kun, is cool It is Sumasuma film lights is (__) m m tonight cheers for good work is the repo ^ ^ Hello 13:30 07 Jan 2013 2. Yui! Also, I'm a feel special live of collaboration film lights ...;?? film lights This time surely fun ~ ..., with Dattari song SMAP and anyway Kana Te woman and young, also or wonder if Danjene and I'm film lights a (tomorrow film lights real te The ^ ^ I But; do not have silky feel to study ^ ^ with students once, and Oh ... ww) has cut one month the Admissions, over which I received Danjene from friends finally today than it ( ) card-type jacket Hee It was Yatake's! after ^ ^ Yay Yay ( ω ), Is this ^ ^? Ayumi-san?? 1. AI What was I'm different by store There was also a post card of the privilege? I like the most the can like It is interesting how many times the family repo explosion gold Hello 13:01 January 7, 2013 even if seen, can have like four people It is also nice and hot
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Thursday, January 16, 2014

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Rakuten blog lucky lottery which is equivalent to five thousand people tween light every day sport
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BC-9000 is, debuted last year as a cable of Dura-Ace, but at the direction of Shimano, and it is to that the old product, do not use. I tried to become a human sacrifice by it because it seems has become a major factor in polymer coating cable is lightly operation of 9000 Dura, to want to try it by all means. tween light Thank you to read this article, because it does not take responsibility at all even if it is dangerous. [SHIMANO Shimano CABLE Cable BC-9000 polymer coating brake cable set (red) SHIMANO Shimano CABLE Cable BC-9000 polymer coating brake cable set (red) SHIMANO Shimano tween light CABLE cable OT-SP41 polymer coating shift cable set (red brake cables are Written as follows also dealers manual (especially red) SHIMANO Shimano CABLE cable OT-SP41 polymer coating shift cable set). (A clear written that do not use any information about the shift cable did not find, but. Seems to have been announced and can not be used at a briefing, tween light etc.) Bc-9000, is designed so that the frictional resistance is reduced . Please follow the matter of (snip) below. If you do not follow, there is a possibility that the fixing force of the brake cable is insufficient, resulting in serious injury brake operation can no longer brake cable is loose. Please use it in combination with brake 1, of BR-9000/6800 series. 2, Please do not put a lubricant such as grease to the inner cable. 3, when the passage of the outer casing the inner cable, there is a possibility that the grease is attached to the inner cable fixing portion, please secure the inner cable and wiping it off. Once, and instead of the BC-9000, brake was replaced with a polymer coating cables shift cable with care to note. The BC-9000, seems to have been instructed to use the SIS-SP41 grease, rather than a Dura-Ace grease traditional. For (However, dealers manual, grease ... and put Na) just in case, I tried paint thinner. [Immediate delivery] Shimano cable grease 50g in (Y04180000) dealer manual, brake, 6 ~ 8Nm, the derailleur, because tween light there was a Shimetsukero bolts at 6 ~ 7Nm, I did as instructed. Component that was used is the 7900 Dura-Ace. You can hold the lever to full blast ... say in what is or was not, I tried moving the shift lever, tween light but did not bring the exit and loose. tween light Today, I tried to ride 100km, but there is no feeling the defect in something. (Especially rear) brake is smooth. It is the feeling shift also good. Movement is like was better to shift up, and is comfortable with Spa shift up. For safety reasons, the polymer coating cable, not recommended in any way, but it might be good to try it at your own risk. Shimano to use this cable, in what so noisy? I tried to guess. Indeed, the surface of the cable is the smooth, and can not properly torque management, it might be difficult to use in the general population. If it does not could result tween light in litigation problem to become even an accident by leaving. Why is not it? Around that .... There is full cable soft and smooth outside, but just because to do not have a cable to say Nantes not be used caliper Shimano .... Once again, thank you at your own risk if you use if. I tried changing the color from red to gray high-tech this time. I would think it was good personally ....

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

241 20

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[Ӥ 砖] ޡ 1/72 60 Φ 弫 106mm ȿ u ˤ (2ξå) [ӥ 砖] 쥤 ǥ1/150 ȡ ۻ 8000 ż [ɾ] Valente Wings Ρ ꥫ P-51 ॹ [ӥ 砖] Х1/144 ޥ ϥ å [ɾ] Ȭ Z ǡRCdz ڤ 륺 & ѥĥ [ɾ] ǥ 륢 ȡ ɲ [ ӥ 砖] MENG1/35 ɥļ 쥪 ѥ1 A3/A4 [ӥ 砖] Х1/144 HGBC 004 ƥåѡ [ӥ 砖] ǥ 륰 ե å 2014ǯ01 Y / N [ɾ] ޡ ǥ 2014ǯ01 (Vol. 171) ס Vol. 095

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Nanoparticles cause water vapor without boiling direct led allocate new Nanotechnology can reduce the energy required for many industrial processes and significantly reduce the cost of solar thermal energy. Scientists made the water to generate steam without boiling process.
As is known, the generation of steam requires a significant amount of energy to bring water or other liquid to the boil. At Rice University, seems to have overcome this problem. There have chosen to use light-absorbing nanoparticles suspended in the water that cause the water molecules surrounding the nanoparticles turn into steam. The water is heated slightly. The experiment, which looks more like a trick, can dramatically reduce the cost of many industrial processes associated with evaporation. The researchers used a Fresnel lens to focus sunlight on a small tube with water containing high concentrations of nanoparticles. Water that has been cooled to the freezing point, began to generate steam for 5-20 seconds, depending on the type of nanoparticles. Changes in temperature, direct led pressure and weight showed that 82 percent of sunlight absorb the misuse nanoparticles went directly to generate steam, and the remaining 18 percent were aimed at heating water. The use of nanoparticles to increase the heat transfer to water and other fluids like has been well studied, but in this case, the researchers treated nanoparticles direct led from the viewpoint of light absorption and the generation of steam. New technology can, for example, will produce cheap and compact devices for water purification, direct led sterilization of medical instruments and wastewater treatment in developing direct led countries with limited resources and infrastructure.
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Monday, January 13, 2014

2.5.23. Robits Lenin is tolki so kab not recognize the existence of a huge prastory, povnaga

2.5.22. luz84 Kali kazha Lenin: "abo Leninism abo religiya" it is i realnastsi mozha nasamrech means shto approvingly "leninskaya dyyalektyka" zdradits him, because he pravodits pavodle principle "abo-abo" tonkuyu padyalyalnuyu rice pamizh leninizmam spirytualizmam i, i so atrymaetstsa so i sam shto Leninism - admyslovaya religiynaya luz84 systema-metaphysical.
2.5.23. Robits Lenin is tolki so kab not recognize the existence of a huge prastory, povnaga "filyazofskaga kantynentu" pamizh saboy i spirytualizmam that i padyalyayuts pryhilniki other equally "dyyametranyh" scientific filyazofskih pazytsy - mehanitsyzma i pazytyvizma. Bolee, all asnovnae scientific tearetychnae zmaganne minulaga yakraz luz84 adbylosya century on the basis of two danyh idealegiy. 2.5.24. Leninism as idealegiya palitychnaga, metanakiravana-vayavnichaga materyyalizmu akazalasya vidavochna nyazdolnay yes creating vlasnay scientific plyatformy, tseraz luz84 nedahop vlasnaga scientific resource glezhanni marksizmu-Leninism on him suchasnyya scientific kantseptsyi zastayutstsa adnabakova palityzavanymi, Leninism mozha identify luz84 them sklade vlasnaga scientific bachannya so abmyazhovvaetstsa abstraktna padavanay "baratsboy materyyalizmu with idealizmam i fideizmam." 2.5.25. Zaymayuchy nekatorae average stanovishcha between suchasnymi his "metaphysical" mehanitsyzmam "staroy" mehanitsystskay science i "idealistychnym" pazytyvizmam "naveyshay" science, luz84 "dialectical" materyyalizm AD chasav engelsavay "dialectic pryrody" vymushany ideological laviravats pamizh luz84 two danyh "ideological kraynastsyav" charpayuchy ideas here i, i there, i sprabuyuchy in sabe "unite" the two irreconcilable supratsleglastsi. Chasu for ideological "drift" in dyyamatu luz84 Boc pazytyvizmu tolki narastav, BO sproby nepraduzyataga dialectical Analysis prablemy world ether greater rigor than those dalee ssovvayuts dialectical materyyalizm AD metaphysical pazytsy mehanitsyzmu in Boc science pazytyvistskay, shto will razglezhana luz84 nadaley. 2.5.26. Klyasychnaya mehanitsistskaya fizyka znahodits each materyyalnae asyarodde yakraz Pa faktu detection substance yakaya mae toy abo nabor other physical ulastsivastsyav i haraktaryzuetstsa adpavednym naboram physical quantities. Tamu i world ether mozha be found in pryrode tolki Pa its impact on the physical as prybory luz84 neykay substance or motion relative to this hypothetical fundamental environment so i tolki mozha be prylichanym luz84 yes substance. Disclaimer AD meaningful sense of substance as materyi knock ground pad jets on footmassage filyazofskaga mehanitsyzmu, primarily the classical science, it pershapachatkova karteziyanskay luz84 filyazofii substance as adinaga i universalnaga nosbita ulastsivastsyav all physical world. 2.5.27. Slova "ether" strachaetstsa pyatnatstsats razov in "dialectics pryrody" Engelsa i razu nor its dialectical nayboley "Anti-Dyuryngu." Engels understood as paslyadovny dialectician nemagchymasts reconciliation "kraynastsyav." Dialectical principles abaranyayuts pakladenuyu in classical asnovu mehaniki adnosnasts "relyatyvnasts" movement of all body pryrody, pryntsypovuyu nemagchymasts adroznennya luz84 movement dadenay system adliku AD pakoyu it. BO recognition magchymastsi such adroznennya dapamogay with physical laws would bylo dokazam absalyutnaga physical existence pakoyu, shto of dialectical gledishcha nemagchyma i would zyavlyalasya gatovym padmurkam spravyadlivastsi mehanitsystskay metaphysics, which zmagaetstsa marksizm. Tamu Engelsavy "mehanitsystskiya greetings" on adras ethereal substance, its recognition as Raleigh bytstsevay pershaasnovy raznastaynyh physical phenomena, i magchyma, karanyu ihnay razgadki, revealing the air substantialistically "absalyutu" i that "absalyutnay system adliku" luz84 absalyutnaga pakoyu, which protsi rashucha acted dyyalektyka instead znahodyats next pratsyagu in engelsavay dialectical pratsy. Legika dialectics peramagae legiku mehanitsyzmu, whose founder yes "dyyamatu" bolee therefore vazvyartaetstsa. As has been brought luz84 here, i materyyalizmu principles principles of dialectics in dialectical materyyalizme done very motsnuyu "roznanakiravanasts" that has the character of "dialectical contradictions". Therefore dyyalektyka klade zhorstkiya limits substantialistically pamknennyav "vlasna materyyalizmu" in essence - it filyazofskaya "zabarona the existence of ether," which neabhodnasts lyagichna vytsyakae with metadalegii "dyyamatu" adnak razumenne such zabarony klyasykav marksizmu luz84 so yes i DO NOT pryshlo. Nastupnyya withdrawal from Engelsava "Anti-Dyurynga" davodyats how close padyyshov classic marksizmu yes sapravdy relyatyvistskaga razumennya pryrody rechav, nemagchymastsi absalyutnaga pakoyu i "peravazhnay system adliku": "materyya without motion is zha nemagchyma as motion without materyi, so the traffic so zha nestvaralny luz84 neznishchalny i like i materyya ... "; " ... the state of motion pazbavleny materyi akazvaetstsa adnym of samyh empty i stupid panyatstsyav, prostym garachkavym delirium. Kab come yes it treba submit sabe that adnosnuyu mehanichnuyu ravnavagu in which mozha nahaditstsa body on the ground, absalyutnym pakoem, a then peranestsi him on the set of the entire universe ... "For this dialectical point glezhannya magchym