Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Hypnerotomachia Poliphili and Rome | Libreria Editrice ASEQ
Until now undervalued because hardly demonstrable, actually cultural exchanges between artists and writers have contributed to characterize the originality of the Italian Renaissance. Pinturicchio works on the floor of the Duomo of Siena and in the Libreria Piccolomini are evident quotes d led Polifilo. Andrea Mantegna d led and Pomponio Leto, founder of the Roman Academy, are present together in the Academy of Vertunni Brescia while Giovanni Bellini, who had a vineyard in Rome where he was found an antique mirror, he painted d led the portrait of Raphael d led Zovenzoni author of the famous poem in honor Francesco Colonna antiquarian. Among the admirers of Polifilo also Jacopo Galli, a banker who bought the Bacchus, the first Roman work of the young Michelangelo Buonarroti. Baldassare Peruzzi succeeded in re-establishing Carpi after the image of a novella Rome using the advice and directives of caught Alberto d led Pio III student of the old publisher Aldus Hypnerotomachia. The painter Aspertini, as well as the antique dealer Carmelite Fabrizio Ferrarini, were inspired by the friezes of the ancient city of Rome, which were valued in an exemplary way by the Egyptian style of woodcuts Polifilo of Francesco Colonna Roman ladies of Palestrina.
1.2 Martino Filetico master of Francesco Colonna of Palestrina. d led The "πολυφιλία" and the marble group of the Three Graces
1.4.5 Diedo Francesco d led and Bernardo Bembo
2.1.5 The palace of Cardinal commendatory
All.2.6 "Μηδέν άγαν" id est "Ne quid nimis
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF LINCEI - Rome January 14, 2005 Presentation of the Proceedings of the International Conference on "Roma in place between the fifteenth and sixteenth century" d led (Rome, 28 to 31 October 1996)
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF LINCEI - Rome November 18, 2010 "The Hypnerotomachia Poliphili between Rome and Venice: an overview of cultural relations through biographies systematic relational" Communication d led of Stefano Colonna
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From the Ancient World to the Renaissance, and the Mystical d led Religions, Hermeticism and Alchemy, the Esoteric, Freemasonry, Astrology and Magic, The Natural and Alternative Medicine, The Oriental Studies, Meditation.

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