The tongue leads the future of language | African Interest
I walked le luci into the pharmacy and the lady at the desk in her early twenties greeted me in English, I see she's an African name and then continued le luci speaking in Afrikaans with her just to hear her with a fake English accent me speak Afrikaans. Everything in the heel would have been if anybody told me that she was an African high school and I do not mean one of those so-called "bilingual" high schools, but a true African high school. Why pretend you are something you clearly do not?
English language has made his mark in Southern Africa walked, it was hundreds of years here, but why do we want to be English? Africans le luci are generally speaking English well, unlike certain propaganda and campfire jokes.
Sometimes my mind does think in English, but my heart beats only in Afrikaans! My dad always tells the story about a certain meeting le luci between the English and the Boers took place, where the English interpreters called for the meeting le luci only to find out that the Boer leaders all spoke English fluently.
I am not saying we should not speak English, nothing of the sort! I just say we have our own language that we can shape and we want to promote. We do not in the eyes of another nation's language and culture to see, we bled for our existence, of our language! English to Afrikaans English empowered by a secondary role and thereby allow African's diplomatic, economic and education frameworks to strengthen, but not replace it. A hundred years ago, Africans were mostly illiterate and ruined after the war. Our leaders at the time Jan Smuts, Hertzog le luci JB, JG Strijdom and even DF Malan all English medium utilized to empower African, but they never leave their mother for another le luci one!
What do we gain from the Anglicisation? If you want to be English, you do not with violence, corruption and crime live with it, then went to live in New Zealand or Australia, but you Afrikaner culture and language to give, just to the conclusion years later to come you a huge mistake le luci in the sense that your children your language le luci or culture part and actually alienated from you, that there is always a gap in your heart that reverting to the hot African sun your birth right. Let me think of the Braveheart speech of William Wallace le luci who says you can run away and may still survive for awhile, but years later while dying lay in your bed you would not wish for one chance, just one chance for our oppressors to's that they are able to take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom we can take!
Unfortunately it is not just the Afrikaner in the trap pedal. Colored and black South Africans all fall into the hole and anglicised at a massive speed! It also happened in Zimbabwe, much help you can speak English, but you die of hunger! I know there have been leaders among the colored le luci people fighting for Afrikaans and their own rights and I have nothing but respect for them! We all fought the total Anglicisation of our nation, it's a tough campaign but not an invincible war! We all fight against Anglicisation since the first Englishman set foot in Africa sat!
As in Afrikaans must die out then that's the way, but do not leave it on the coasts of Australia le luci happen, but may last long let in Afrikaans rather on the red soil of Africa spoken and echoed through the heartland where the African govern once!
Two good to me including the need to Anglicisation of SA to stop. One is to expose the lie that English is the language of justice - it is not. English is the language of Apartheid other, and it's the language of colonialism and oppression in many parts of the world - today! The other thing is to work with black and brown people who do not want anglicise.
I agree hundred percent with you! There are many brown people and black Africans as bad fight for Afrikaans as the African, they are just much less than the African. People like Danny Titus Brown One of the initiative that the main fighter for a Free Afrikaans University. When I speak of Black Africans, I do not speak of Blacks who speak Afrikaans, but the group that accompanied the Voortrekkers went and just speak Afrikaans as a first language. Black Africans are more threatened than us because they have their own land unexpectedly that Paul Kruger gave them as a reward for their support in the Anglo-Boer War. They are directly repressed by the government, because the government has their state school that once was anglicised Afrikaans and their land taken and divided among other Black tribes. We need a Federal form groups and empower African, because except for the fact the brown people (I speak not of coloreds) le luci and Swar
I walked le luci into the pharmacy and the lady at the desk in her early twenties greeted me in English, I see she's an African name and then continued le luci speaking in Afrikaans with her just to hear her with a fake English accent me speak Afrikaans. Everything in the heel would have been if anybody told me that she was an African high school and I do not mean one of those so-called "bilingual" high schools, but a true African high school. Why pretend you are something you clearly do not?
English language has made his mark in Southern Africa walked, it was hundreds of years here, but why do we want to be English? Africans le luci are generally speaking English well, unlike certain propaganda and campfire jokes.
Sometimes my mind does think in English, but my heart beats only in Afrikaans! My dad always tells the story about a certain meeting le luci between the English and the Boers took place, where the English interpreters called for the meeting le luci only to find out that the Boer leaders all spoke English fluently.
I am not saying we should not speak English, nothing of the sort! I just say we have our own language that we can shape and we want to promote. We do not in the eyes of another nation's language and culture to see, we bled for our existence, of our language! English to Afrikaans English empowered by a secondary role and thereby allow African's diplomatic, economic and education frameworks to strengthen, but not replace it. A hundred years ago, Africans were mostly illiterate and ruined after the war. Our leaders at the time Jan Smuts, Hertzog le luci JB, JG Strijdom and even DF Malan all English medium utilized to empower African, but they never leave their mother for another le luci one!
What do we gain from the Anglicisation? If you want to be English, you do not with violence, corruption and crime live with it, then went to live in New Zealand or Australia, but you Afrikaner culture and language to give, just to the conclusion years later to come you a huge mistake le luci in the sense that your children your language le luci or culture part and actually alienated from you, that there is always a gap in your heart that reverting to the hot African sun your birth right. Let me think of the Braveheart speech of William Wallace le luci who says you can run away and may still survive for awhile, but years later while dying lay in your bed you would not wish for one chance, just one chance for our oppressors to's that they are able to take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom we can take!
Unfortunately it is not just the Afrikaner in the trap pedal. Colored and black South Africans all fall into the hole and anglicised at a massive speed! It also happened in Zimbabwe, much help you can speak English, but you die of hunger! I know there have been leaders among the colored le luci people fighting for Afrikaans and their own rights and I have nothing but respect for them! We all fought the total Anglicisation of our nation, it's a tough campaign but not an invincible war! We all fight against Anglicisation since the first Englishman set foot in Africa sat!
As in Afrikaans must die out then that's the way, but do not leave it on the coasts of Australia le luci happen, but may last long let in Afrikaans rather on the red soil of Africa spoken and echoed through the heartland where the African govern once!
Two good to me including the need to Anglicisation of SA to stop. One is to expose the lie that English is the language of justice - it is not. English is the language of Apartheid other, and it's the language of colonialism and oppression in many parts of the world - today! The other thing is to work with black and brown people who do not want anglicise.
I agree hundred percent with you! There are many brown people and black Africans as bad fight for Afrikaans as the African, they are just much less than the African. People like Danny Titus Brown One of the initiative that the main fighter for a Free Afrikaans University. When I speak of Black Africans, I do not speak of Blacks who speak Afrikaans, but the group that accompanied the Voortrekkers went and just speak Afrikaans as a first language. Black Africans are more threatened than us because they have their own land unexpectedly that Paul Kruger gave them as a reward for their support in the Anglo-Boer War. They are directly repressed by the government, because the government has their state school that once was anglicised Afrikaans and their land taken and divided among other Black tribes. We need a Federal form groups and empower African, because except for the fact the brown people (I speak not of coloreds) le luci and Swar
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