Article: Home >> News >> Black Racism >> Tutu's white tax is racist and targets defenseless poor whites: Adv. Anton Alberts Tutu's white tax is racist targetti sankey and targets defenseless poor whites: Adv. Anton Alberts
"Archbishop Tutu's argument targetti sankey that a special tax for whites should be introduced because targetti sankey in the past benefited, in the same class as the racial utterances of Malema. It divides the society and contribute nothing to a sustainable economy, "Adv. Anton Alberts, FF Plus parliamentary spokesperson on economic affairs.
"The targetti sankey racial argument is even more immoral if one considers that there are already almost 600 000 poor whites. Why would Tutu as a church official this defenseless people wanted to target? "Alberts asked. Mr. Thabang Makwetla, Deputy Minister of Defence, further to the race debate by contributing in the debate over Military Veterans, saying that he had never heard of white people who are not needy. "The FF Plus has been around for many years actively involved in the rule of assistance programs for the poor and has produced many lawsuits in their interest battle. In the same way these stupid statements fight and the double standards shown black millionaires sjoesi of naked bodies consume or old homeland leaders targetti sankey with huge salaries in the same way be addressed, "said dr. Pieter Mulder, FF Plus leader said.
Residents of Coronation Park in Krugersdorp. The FF Plus has organized a Christmas meal and gifts to the residents by the party purchased. A political party like the FF Plus is not a charity and did not really have the funds to charity work to do. However, the need became so great that the problems no longer can be ignored. - Webmaster CBB
Most people see the Bishop but his title as bishop, targetti sankey his gown, and tassels and other hangings and of course the so-called high and respected -eerbiedwaardige chairman of the so-called Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) also referred to as the Lie -and-confession-Commission!
And maybe someone might think that only the author of these comments is that as the Most Reverend must feel that perhaps the book CHURCH betrayal by François Richter and Dr X read. It is this odd-looking and most-controversial figure in the South African cleric and political history, revealed for who and what he really is. On page 128 there is including the following from him stated:
"Desmond Tutu again by the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education with an honorary doctorate thanked for the role in the development of Christianity in South Africa by the way he reconciliation in society promoted. (Reconciliation between whom? Want to ask you.)
Although the synod of the Reformed Churches their wholehearted support targetti sankey given to this, the regional synod (a synod consisting of civilians) from Meyer of Reformed Churches asked the general synod distanced himself from the award to Tutu. His objection is based on the fact that Tutu a sinkristiese approach to religion that is not reconcilable with Christianity. So Tutu rejected the biblical message that salvation is possible targetti sankey only through the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. Its position in this regard is that the god of the Hindus, Muslims and others the same as the Christians worship. (Shortly after this Tutu defamatory targetti sankey statement yesterday, Professor. Spangenberg bag of the DRC confirmed this, and neither she moderator nor its kerkhiërargie, a word of betigtiging made to him. Barely a decade ago, his church immediately placed under censorship, but today he dare not, because The Most Reverend has spoken with).
"The Holy Spirit is not limited to the Christian targetti sankey Church. Muhatma Gandhi, a Hindu - the Holy Spirit shine through him. (St. Alban's Cathedral, Pretoria, 23/11/1978).
"Every Christian should be a revolutionary. Jesus was a revolutionary. I'm a revolutionary if you understand someone who wants to change things completely. ' (Report, 4/20/86).
And if God dares to His Word order that the homosexual should be stoned targetti sankey because he is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22 - With a male you shall not lie like a man with a woman them. It is an abomination), the Most Reverend revered immediately on his hind legs and he challenged God: "The rejection of homosexuality is blasphemy!". Yes, and here ranks the DRC him on the side of the Most Reverend: Statement of Faith 2000: "We believe ... .. gay people can know that God loves them and that those in the circle of believers place. The day the church between targetti sankey God
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