There is war going on and this war is not a physical war with nuclear weapons, missiles and guns. No! This is not a fleshly battle, but a spiritual battle. We can not fight this with carnal weapons imported. I call it the great world war, because this is the longest war ever, and the most spiritual deaths avail.
What is this war? What is it? It is a war between truth and falsehood. I want to tell you that the Biblical truths are under severe attacks of the enemy, Satan. edward luce Especially in this time in which we live.
And if you log in God's army, if you are a soldier of the Lord, then you basically edward luce said, I will defend the truth with my life. Therefore, edward luce the command in Jude 3 to every Christian applicable.
Jude 1: 3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, write, I needful to write unto you exhorting you to contend edward luce earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints.
We must not only fight, but we have to contend earnestly for the faith. The faith once for all delivered. This includes Scripture, the Word of God, the content of this Word, sound doctrine, the revelation of God to us. We should strive for. This war is not only outside, but also inside the church. We also have within the church fight for the truth. Why?
2 Tim 4: 3 For there will be a time when sound doctrine will not endure, but, because they have itching ears, for they have a multitude of teachers will gather after their own lusts;
Note the words, "according to their own desires." People want to hear what he likes, he wants to do what makes him happy and what suits him and that sound doctrine say. It's not about what God says, it's about what suits him. Therefore once they from the truth and turn to fables.
If you call yourself a Christian is called, then you go fight the fight, where the tire hits the tarmac. And the battle today, and throughout history, is about the truth of Scripture. The Bible is incredibly attacked by the enemy. The truth of Scripture is questioned. God's Word is doubtful.
God is the author and the source of truth. Satan is the author and the source of lies. And here is the war. God's truth and Satan's lies. And Satan falls truth constantly. Jesus said,
John 8:44 (the devil) ... was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is in him is no truth. When he lies, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.
The fall resulting from a conflict that arose between the truth and a lie. The conflict went on, "who tells the truth?" Did God tell the truth or the devil tell the truth? Eve decided that it was the devil who told the truth.
Mankind has not fallen into sin primarily because Eve is a forbidden fruit eaten, but mankind has fallen into sin because Eve a lie believed. The fact that she is a forbidden fruit eaten, the consequences of a lie that she believed.
And it takes us throughout human history. There are people who believe God, and there are people who does not believe God. There are people who believe the Bible and there are people who do not believe the Bible.
There is only one thing which the devil is constant, and that is when he is lying. When you are the devil and his minions are going to study the Bible, you will see that they are never constant is not. But there is one thing which always remains constant, and that is that they hate the truth and tell them lies. They do it to deceive people.
We see that the devil is the father of lies and he tells the first lie in the Bible. He is the first liar. Because of man's sinful nature it is also true that one chooses to believe a lie and the truth hate.
I mean, what you will tell the truth, that God loves you and gave His Son to die for your place, so you may have eternal life, what you will not believe me? The best gift a man could ever receive. But people choose not to believe.
The snake gets Eve alone, unprotected. Adam, the one who protected her, the one that her head is not there. She is fragile. And I think the snake's plan.
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