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Hail to the reader! I hereby support the call that Prof. Jonathan Jansen, rector of the State University, should immediately resign from his post or be removed. Through its anti-African and anti white attitude, his racial obsession, his swearing incandescent bulb ban in public, and his biased handling Cobus Muller and Charl Blom's case, he demonstrated that he is incapable rector of one of our proud African universities to be.
South Africa will enlist the help of Cuba - a country with its own urban water problems - for engineers and geo-hydrologists to help with our looming incandescent bulb ban water infrastructure crisis. The Minister of Water Affairs, Edna Molewa on Monday an agreement signed with her Cuban counterpart, Ines Maria Chapman Waugh at OR Tambo International Airport, intended to pave the way for the recruitment of 34 Cuban engineers on two-year contracts early next year , to prepare.
Turton said South Africa has enough skilled rings for the water crisis incandescent bulb ban to solve, but white engineers are pushed out "of the public sector, working as private contractors, who use their skills for" four or five times "the government sold as it would cost them to hire.
South Africa lost 36.8% of its water at the moment by bad infrastructure management, mainly because of a shortage of skilled professionals. Wastage costs the country more than R11 billion a year.
Cuba massive water problems. According to the Canadian International Development Research Centre, incandescent bulb ban its water and sanitation so deteriorated that it is to a large increase in waterborne diseases led. .
10 September 2013 By Karin Roodt News, Southern Africa Edna Molewa geo-hydrologists Ines Maria Chapman Waugh engineers Cuba Cuban engineers minister incandescent bulb ban of water affairs public sector bad infrastructure management South Africa transformation engineers white water crisis 28 Comments Tweet this Post
Will take the White pilots employed, from other countries, on contract. They are almost double the pay for the work., But the white pilots of South Africa is overlooked in his own country. Now we ask, why are you going country. Guess guess .................................... because Whites in one country, then the foreigners believe you.
During incandescent bulb ban the second world war flouried used to kill people. We use it in our toothpaste and is it in our water so people threw rotten teeth should not get it. You are right Eric, There is even flouried as ingredient in chemical weapons in Syria found.
The developing world to ask the second world for advice. A global joke. And what makes Cuba so great that they may be called in, it's worse there than here.
Everyone forgot one thing: the ANC owes much Cuba. Or have you forgotten who they appeared in the Angolan Bush War helped? This debt must be paid therefore get hulee Cuban doctors, engineers and whatever is to come "work". Yet a local engineering company incandescent bulb ban mean this country's water problems in a jiffy can sort out. But no - ANC would rather see the country destroyed before them white (read: competent) will enlist help. They are in any case of breakdown assembled.
We have the expertise to ensure the problems. It's impossible to work in this country on a large scale building on. There are so many "stakeholders"
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