Thursday, August 28, 2014

Within training, connect multiple LEDs and start programming. (Best High Power). During crescent li

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Detailed instructions crescent lighting for application BackTrack + Download (Section Stuff or download). All times connect your printer to the computer via the parallel port are long gone, USB is now more common, even in wristwatches. However, if your computer has to have this port, you Linux user, you feel like experimenting, the following lines you can inspire. Parallel port, usually referred to as the acronym is specific LPT 25 pin connector. Eight pins (2-9) can be used to write to directly read-five (10-13 and 15), both the four operations crescent lighting (1,14,16 and 17) and the remaining eight pins (18-25) crescent lighting is grounded.
Figure involvement parallel port (LPT) is taken from the server Individual pins of LPT port can be operated through three eight-bit registers. Register at 378h is called a data register, and it comes with pins 2 - 9 in this register are the numerical value of the entire byte determining which pins the broadcast crescent lighting signal. Address this register is often referred to as the base or also baseport. (BASEPORT) Register crescent lighting available on port base address + 1 (379H) is called the status register, and it comes with the pins 10 to 13 and 15 from the pin status register can be read only. The last register is named control register is available at base + 2 (37Ah) and it comes with pins 1, 14, 16 and 17 These pins can be broadcast signal, but also it of them and to receive. However, these pins are hardware-negated !. LPT port and LEDs
In the early days of programming through trial - error excellently serve LEDs. If we want to illuminate only the diode is connected to pin no. 2, we need to port address 378h send binary number 00000001, which is decimal number followed by the first logic unit diode. For older computers with two LTP ports, crescent lighting it is important to choose the Bios s port at 378h. Output signals of the parallel crescent lighting port are defined classical TTL logic level signals, ie. log. 1st level corresponds to + 3.5V to 5V and log. 0 level 0V to 0.4V + - Example crescent lighting of connecting LEDs (Pin no. Used for grounding 25)
Within training, connect multiple LEDs and start programming. (Best High Power). During crescent lighting programming, you use functions ioperm and OUTB. Ioperm function acquires and releases the right to access the selected port for OUTB, which sets the value for the byte-defined port.
I recommend stepping motor 5.25 inch floppy drive TEAC. Often lying around in the bazaars crescent lighting electronics, old computers. Experiments with floppy crescent lighting drives of other brands captured the happiest. Stepper motors crescent lighting were not sufficiently robust or by production of a transfer mechanism for the filming of directional antennas lasted too long.
The basic principle of the stepping motor, the stator current to the coil creates a magnetic crescent lighting field which attracts the opposite pole of the magnet rotor. The engine is capable of accurately in position to stand. Appropriate combination of coil connections resulting rotating magnetic field stepper, which not only rotates crescent lighting the rotor, but also ensures the exact coordinates to the stator. Used TEAC stepper crescent lighting motor needs to rotate 360 to perform crescent lighting 200 steps. (1.8 / step)
To connect all electronic devices use the patch field. Scheme crescent lighting available crescent lighting on the internet links about stepping motor and LPT ports are often outdated, used IC ULN 2003 is no longer available on the market (min. Near me), it can not replace integrated circuit ULN 2003 APG. Between the integrated circuit ULN2003 APG containing 7 Darlington transistor, which serve to amplify the current from passing through the parallel port pins when posting log 1, connect a zener diode (12V 0.5 W) for absorbing electromagnetic field from the back coils of the stepper motor shutdown. To supply sufficient stepper motor + 12 V DC. Can be powered stepper motor directly from the source computer (yellow cord + 12 V, the black ground next to him), but I used the immersion heater. The reason was a new graphics card, 2x HDD and neon tubes on a computer with a 300W source and elderly motherboard. One never knows ...
Principle remains the same as for LEDs. Function ioperm granted rights to access the port and function crescent lighting OUTB provides excitation coil according to the programmed sequence, thereby rotating the motor to the desired party. On the next section of code we show

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