She got into my rk pokoden given scraps. full spectrum laser Strings after a visit, I found "outspread" circuit Viper, pokoden HBU ostatnch siastok, both on the board and the management module, odplen way to DPS. Probably got 350V on the output VCC. On behalf full spectrum laser vetkch after apparently vadnch siastok inho addition to the control circuit SG3525, circuit 324, three zenerovch did, 15V, 18V, 2V7, transistor circuit TL431 aete biutrie other source iastone oil, problm zostva, e is not fully stle to work properly. After switching to a dream start running, but only "cycles", omu nasveduje the flashing yellow produces LED didy. Rel unfinished switches. full spectrum laser After disconnecting the fans rel switches, LED goes out, but not the input voltage is almost no product. I rock fans in the 12V, which will start and be NORML. I would like to ask which way Ubera mm avenue, oividne it does not seem to be the pokoden. Zd is evkonov and not intervene. I turn off the source of LT LED is lit alley and until discharged kondenztor, Okami does not go out after shut down. Nem someone Schmit control asti? Here the fre naiel I just Schmit without control parts. For kad Council, which will lead to hurry, but thank you in advance. When I do it vloil toko energy u do not want to give up. Sincerely dm128
Poku wants to get a real fix should not be anything you just "zdt". Mus mt prost sure evechno originally what you nevymnil is in horseshoes. According to the description it seems to masvn ponien when there next to 'revealed vadnch Šoustek "will hafo hidden vadnch Šoustek. If Njaka defective full spectrum laser soustku pehldne, the refill and connected in hormppad the faulty ODVA the new good in lepm RUN protective mechanisms and only to nepjde. The inverter I'd guessed so the proportions 4: 1st Take it wants and zdnliv good soustky, zejmna semiconductor, prom, get Schmit full spectrum laser or distort the plate, you prokrbnout Njaka connections aoivovat after kouskch, then connect it again, or cnem Some soustky vypjet, prom and again .... zapjet Ove volume LABOUR m EBT steady as comparable to building new PCB .... Value pomevdt what happened to get a real. For it has been discussed here many times.
Salary here as for the entire electronics. We turn off the power stages and gradually bypassing zatujc source of the Viper. Or you sti jm napjen napjet laboratornm source amit odbr. Otherwise reln schema from a similar extol a whole family is here. Datatk Viper is here ... Xtzyqs.pdf
After a long time neinnosti is scrapping repaired. thank vetkm who helped me, especially zverejnenm Schmit involvement control participation, as well as of active participation. In the final arise from across the problm On behalf of "only" invisible evaporation circuit on PCB. These were about 5 mm joints which fully chbal, even if the paint it looked like there was. After connecting a precnovanm joint scraps akhokovek works without problems. Ete again thank you for your help. Sincerely dm128
the sam em problms COLT 150 vystelen VIPER50, zeners Patna, odplen fans, but the relay closes immediately after switching vypnaea in yellow LED blinks only As with dm128 and i want to ask, where m is rel staple what is on the plate, when the inverter is switched on, or a touch electrode materilu? Schmit In the rozepl.
It is hard to fix, rele zopina after a few seconds ... and to hear it? it sofstart management through TL431 ... Just a little collection of graphs to control part or studenak and leaves the Viper. Only once the silicon heaven, so called from Sheba also some helpers ....
Sender wrote (a):
It is hard to fix, rele zopina after a few seconds ... and to hear it? it sofstart management through TL431 ... Just a little collection of graphs to control part or studenak and leaves the Viper. Only once the silicon heaven, so called from Sheba also some helpers ....
Several pomocnk I'm at vymnil.Jo is bondage when the relay closes, but according mn by MLO energized and touched the electrodes materil.Pokud is in Krese rozepl would also rozepl MLO remains, if nothing nesvauje and it's full spectrum laser just zapl.Z therefore conclude e Patna is the TL431, e is about zkratl, so relay closes soon ...............
If you order from the mem own sksenosti, it is good to also focus on the board itself Plone join in the firing of VIPER-u the story when things Statoil also suffer from fine conductive path to the PCB (motherboard full spectrum laser Plone joint). To undergo !!! view from the circuit board and siastok, and somewhere nechba connection. Connections to know fully evaporated, remains the only drka them in the paint, which is a phenomenon as a joint, but is mindful full spectrum laser skutonosti full spectrum laser me there is not. When I fixed my one following link HNE appeared, it was in connection blzkosti Viper to the ground. Type evaporation full spectrum laser connection I discovered after preskan vetkch Monch siastok and replacement. Also needed to focus on the control module, where I changed my prpade SMD transistors about 3 pieces Myslm e also some SMD iodide, SG control circuit, and the
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