Friday, August 1, 2014

And so it seems according rzb lighting to researchers attempt interception failed (a ball of fire o

From: Eran Hildesheim Iron Dome system, our national pride, is a which is not effective - at least claim a number of world leading experts and country categories. rzb lighting Here are four insights rzb lighting and staggering statistics that show different views of the system to win countless accolades. And a little tip from the experts: so you will discover whether it is true Birute rocket or perhaps you'll discover rzb lighting you were witnessing a bluff. Without a doubt the big star of the last two rounds of clashes with Hamas was "Iron Dome". Again and again we look excited through rzb lighting the screen of the TV launch of the missile 'Tamir' cracking rzb lighting the sky at tremendous speed, a few more seconds go by seeing a flash, the reporter announces another successful interception and we applaud with great pride. "90% of success in Iron Dome" army spokesman announced. Unless world's leading researchers in the field of air and missile defense have studied the performance of the system in operation "Nube" state: most if not all the flashes we see are not interceptions but merely rzb lighting running a self-destruction of the missile itself. According to research rzb lighting success rate of the system range from 5% to 40% only. Statistics rzb lighting Operation Nube suggest that the truth is not so far from researchers performed. Could it therefore we applaud launch indefinite missiles cost of each editor in thousands of dollars Or is this incorrect diagnosis of the same researchers? since there are still other systems on the system allegedly upgraded, rzb lighting here are some facts about the system operation Nube. Lshifotcm: 1. missile experts leading claim the Hirota successful Iron Dome ranged from 5% to 40 % Contrary to the IDF reported 90% success. Professor Theodore Postol of MIT, a world-renowned scientist specializing in the issue of missile defense, Dr. Mordechai Shefer, winner of the Israel Defense Prize for development of the missile's guidance system "Python 3", and another scientist who worked in the company that developed the Patriot Act and refusing to be exposed examined separately dozens of videos of rocket Iron Dome during "pillar of cloud." They came to a common conclusion that if setting successful interception rzb lighting is destruction of the rocket's warhead, then the Iron Dome intercept 5% to 10% of its goals. claims IDF's success is due to the interception of 90%, according to the researchers, mainly due to a misinterpretation of the explosion threw the air. In the majority of cases, the researchers rzb lighting found that the explosion was caused at all due to the mechanism rzb lighting of self-destruction of the missile interceptor generally met without involving the rocket goal. They argue that each of us can see the bluff for successful interception destroys the warhead of the rocket, which should rzb lighting appear in two fireballs night or two balls of smoke on - one of the missile interceptor and one intercepted. Videos observed by the researchers were mostly just a ball of fire or smoke one, indicating self-destruct in most attempts at interception. Also according to the movement of the missile trajectory authors state that in some cases does not allow any case hostile missile interception. Wrote the New York Times, Richard Lloyd (Expert own air defense) interviewed three - decided to see for himself the dramatic data submitted to him. Lloyd confirmed in an article after research rzb lighting conducted rzb lighting showed that indeed only a small portion of the explosions were intercepting rockets rzb lighting from Gaza. Everything else self-destruct. Lloyd estimates that the percentage of success of the Iron Dome system stands therefore at no more than 30% to 40%.
And so it seems according rzb lighting to researchers attempt interception failed (a ball of fire or smoke isolated) and who doubts this data only mention Professor Postol is the first scientist rzb lighting who discovered rzb lighting after research that the success rzb lighting rates of the missile Patriot Birute missiles significantly lower and are contrary to all assessments officials. Evaluation today everybody already know it to be true. Postol's article on the Iron Dome system, click here 2. Multiple rockets falling in built double what was reported by the IDF during Operation Nube If therefore Hirotim percentage was so low - how is it possible that so few rockets land in urban areas, maybe the answer can be found in the official report of the police. army spokesman claimed the promotion "Nube" 58 rockets hit built-up areas. This is in addition to rockets fell in open areas but these, rzb lighting at least according to the military rzb lighting report, did not try to intercept. However police sappers police website reported on 109 missiles fell in urban areas and treated by them. Almost twice the report of the military. Another statistic that places the number 58 in question are 3,165 claims filed for damages caused fire. This huge number supposedly puts a disproportionate ratio of potential damages caused damage that can cause a rocket from Gaza. The researchers compared this data against rzb lighting this was the first Gulf War and the Second Lebanon War, and will be raised about the actual number of rockets landed in built and seemingly missed by Iron Dome.
Three. Multiple fatalities as a result of rocket did not decrease brought by the Iron Dome system for operational rzb lighting use contrary to popular belief Iron Dome did not reduce the number of fatalities relative to the number of missiles. In 2008, no Iron Dome Israel launched 2,000 rockets caused 5 deaths. Operation pillar of cloud, Israel launched a missile in 1500 that killed six Israelis.
It should be noted that last year there are reports that have managed to significantly reduce the cost of the missile and there are claims that the system rzb lighting has undergone a significant upgrade. Not clear how improved interception percentage in parallel - that we can know only after the operation. Meanwhile, the IDF spokesman reported after two days at 90% success, just as reported by a pillar of cloud., But on sale Nube suddenly two weeks later updated to 87% success and suddenly after a few months already spoke at a conference in air defense commander, Gen. Shahar Shohat 84% success. It is important to understand that behind the missile defense industry stand huge amounts of money, intrigue, politics and the conduct that has been defined in some cases by the State Comptroller rzb lighting as normal. Hard not to relate suspiciously news investigators from both sides for or against the system. We only citizens remained independently investigate the truth of things either way.
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