American inventor Thomas Alva Edison was born in 1847 on February 11, Ohio State milan city, immigrants from the Dutch family. His father had a small chip factory lights lyrics ellie and his mother worked in the rural school. When Tom reached the age of seven years old, the family lights lyrics ellie moved to Michigan Port Huron city. Here he began to attend school, but metrukus had to leave because the teacher thought that Tom is a dreamer lights lyrics ellie airhead "who never had anything fail. From the time he was studying at home, and his mother was a teacher.
12-year-old Thomas started selling newspapers and sweets between Port Huron and Detroit važinėjusiame train. lights lyrics ellie In the basement of his house, built a chemical laboratory. Later mastered telegrapher specialty.
October 11, 1868 was an electric lights lyrics ellie vote recorder patent. Another invention was practical and allows the transmission of exchange rate information telegraph machine. At the invention of Edison earned 40 thousand dollars, and in 1870 the State of New Jersey in Newark lights lyrics ellie created a workshop, where he produced the automatic telegraph machines and other electrical equipment. lights lyrics ellie Almost at the same time taken to solve the problem, which took control of Alexander Bel. It was a multiplex telegraph machine. Edison created lights lyrics ellie a duplex and kvadrupleksinio and 1875 - and sentapleksinio telegraph ideas. in the same year, Thomas Edison discovered the thermoelectric emission (Edison effect) phenomenon. lights lyrics ellie It has found its application development electric lights lyrics ellie vacuum devices (in particular radio tubes), and thermoelectric generators. A year later, the State of New Jersey Menlo - the park has set up a large laboratory and workshop, where he made many inventions: improved Alexander Bell telephone (1876) microphone invented solar activity measurement device, and in 1877 created the first phonograph.
Newspapers announced that the phonograph is the greatest discovery of the century "and the Edison suggested many ways to its application - letters and documents without the use of shorthand dictation services, lights lyrics ellie music reproduction, negotiation records and the like.
1878 Edison turned to the problem of electric lighting, and perr years by more than 6 thousands of tests that looked for materials kaitriosioms lamps. In 1879 created lights lyrics ellie the first commercial production of suitable lamp, which uses carbon fiber, built a socket of the cap. Edison created a very powerful electrical generators, and in 1881 took part in the construction and launching the world's first thermal power plant in central New York with branched electricity supply network.
1878 March 11 meeting of the French Academy of Europe's first public demonstration of Thomas Edison's phonograph. Slideshow married the next fellow inventor, one of the pioneers in telephony, the world's first automatic telephone station developer, Hungarian engineer, Tivadar Puskas. The Academy invited him to an avid fan of Edison, a famous physicist Theodore Du Monselis. But not all French scientific luminaries adequately adopted a "talking machine." So, when a voice came out of the box, Professor Jean-philologist Bujar jumped from the seat and ran to the Monselio lights lyrics ellie began to strangle him, shouting, "varmint! Think ventriloquist will let us make a fool? Could believe how perverse, įtikinėjančiu that scurvy lights lyrics ellie metal can replicate noble human speech sounds? "
In 1891, Edison received a patent for peepshow - it was a moving picture photographs consistent demonstration machine. Bought lights lyrics ellie a T. Armato projector patent on April 23, 1896 in New York held the first public lights lyrics ellie demonstration of the film, and in 1913, demonstrated the first film with synchronized sound diffusion.
During World War II, Thomas Edison headed the U.S. Navy's advisory board. Worked therapeutic agents, lights lyrics ellie coloring agents and other early materials imported lights lyrics ellie from Germany. He created a synthetic phenol lights lyrics ellie extraction process - it was necessary for the production of explosives medžaigų.
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