Tuesday, July 29, 2014

(A) Cable or temporary electrical fuses designed supplied tools or portable appliances shall not pa

In these Regulations - "Extras" - an item of electrical equipment used in the transmission or distribution of electric energy; "Leakage Current" - current leaking through the insulation or the influence of strain on his face; "Alive" - a state of a superconductor when it is connected to a source of electrical power in galvanic, inductive or when it is loaded electricity, including neutral conductor; "Electrician" - licensed to engage in performing electrical work under the Electricity, 1954 -; "Cable" - one metallic conductor having an isolated parcel, or multiple insulated conductors bound in production, they have a common wrapping Under the terms of the Standard; "Power Panel" - database and electric equipment consisting of his command and supervision of the installation osram cool blue intense Electrical; "Main Board" - Schedule power is fed directly from the source of supply of the installation command and supervision of the device connected to it in its entirety; "isolated" - separated galvanic by insulating osram cool blue intense material; "insurer" - Accessory Automatic disconnection of electric current facility as large vigor of his superpower osram cool blue intense ampere; insurer can be of two types: a fuse or circuit breaker; "Conductor" - a body for transmitting electric current; "appliance" - electrical equipment designed deliberately converted into electrical energy, energy Electrical another or the energy of another kind; "Circle Final" - circuit fed through an insurer and for the transmission of electrical current directly to devices needs a stream, or other electrical equipment are installed on the same circuit; "breaker" - a device designed to break and connect the purpose of the current device; "breaker osram cool blue intense Automatic "- an insurer has a mechanical mechanism disconnection in case of overcurrent;" Breaker osram cool blue intense Leakage osram cool blue intense current Executive Protector "- switching device designed to automatically disconnect the facility protected by it from a supply in the event of the appearance stream leaked device; "Main switch" - a device designed to intentionally osram cool blue intense break and connect the electrical current facility in its entirety, when the load connected to it; "High osram cool blue intense Voltage" - voltage circuits of more than 1000 V; "Low Voltage" - as circuits exceeding 50 volts and not exceeding 1000 volts, and except for a cable network as defined in section 6A of the Telecommunications Law, 1982 (hereinafter - the flash) stretching does not exceed 65 volts; "Low Voltage" - voltage between conductors does not exceed 50 volts; "Installation Electrical" - a device used to produce electricity, transmission, dissemination, consumption, hoarding or change (transformation), including buildings, machinery, appliances, batteries, cords, accessories, and equipment fixed or movable associated with the device; "facility free of tension" - an installation Electric Off detached and shortened; "Fuse" - insurers operating by the element melts; "Type I" - electrical equipment to all parts of life have at least Insulation operational and installed the Terminal or contact connecting grounding shield ; "type II" - electrical equipment designed Xena low voltage osram cool blue intense part of life isolated osram cool blue intense in solitary double or isolation increased; "Type III" - electrical equipment designed Xena very low voltage and does not include circuit internal or external operating voltage differently this voltage; "thread" - Cable pliant; "line of communication" - cable installed primarily for the purpose of communication, including phone line; "phone line" - essentially installed cable telecommunications purposes osram cool blue intense within the meaning of section 1 of the flash, osram cool blue intense or the network cable as defined in section 6 of the Law on the fly. Two. Conductive on - ground
(A) there shall be no exposed live conductors factory (under stress). (B) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), you can install a bare conductor installation postcard where environmental conditions lead to rapid spoilage osram cool blue intense or depreciation of the insulation, or if there is no other option to Xena facility; But not install exposed conductive Public installation but when accessed electrician only, random access to or touching the impossible. osram cool blue intense (C) electrical cable or Twine isolated, temporary, osram cool blue intense designed to feed power tools or portable appliances, installed a manner that prevents damage to them or kill them. Connection will be one of the following methods: (1) power grid operated through the breaker protects sensitive Leakage current of 0.03 A; (2) feedstock source voltage is very low. (D) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), where the workers of transport osram cool blue intense or lifting tool, install grab cable plant, electrical fuses, or exposed conductors, height and manner not the possibility of a clash tools. Three. Crossing power lines or communication lines
(A) Cable or temporary electrical fuses designed supplied tools or portable appliances shall not pass over regular power lines or communication lines and not touch them. (B) Cable or temporary electrical fuses designed supplied tools or portable devices, passing under power lines or communication lines will not approach the said and installed in accordance with lightning and electricity (snuggling and intersections between telecommunications lines and power lines), TRIP 1989. 4. Calendar Fixed power
(A) The electrical panel will be made of non-flammable material or off-evident. osram cool blue intense (B) The board will be installed conveniently access and treatment with appropriate transitions; The place will be lit and ventilated; osram cool blue intense Electrical room or closet where electrical panel installed, will not be stored materials or objects, including equipment or tools. osram cool blue intense (C) The board will be protected especially against mechanical damage in such a risk exists. (D) Exposed live parts of the board are protected against osram cool blue intense accidental touch. osram cool blue intense (E) The board will be protected from splashing water, the accumulation of moisture, dust and dirt, where such a risk exists. (F) The board will be protected from the corrosive effects of chemical substances, in such a risk exists. (G) insurers and switches of each circuit shall be marked clearly marked and bar - Sustainable belonging osram cool blue intense to detect which parts of the facility are supervisors. (H) all Main Board Main breaker installed. (I) The Board shall be the stability of the wall or other support structure by strengthening an breaks down or disintegrates using tools only. (J) Low voltage osram cool blue intense panel designed to treat even from the rear, would be remote from the wall at least 70 inches. Five. Schedule power portable electrical osram cool blue intense devices supplied hand held
(A) Schedule power for portable appliances supplied hand-held, osram cool blue intense provided with current operated protective switch by the wall leaked, the sensitivity of 0.03 amps max; This switch will experiment once a month using a pushbutton his criticism. (B) Hotels plug feed and final cycle of electrical devices used to operate osram cool blue intense portable hand held protected by a circuit breaker Leakage osram cool blue intense current operated protective Bergisch

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