All who have written about the Holocaust agree it was unique. Few, if any, agree why. Whenever empirically refutes an argument for the uniqueness of the Holocaust, a new argument which replaces the earlier brandished.
The result, according pretty lights live to Jean-Michel Chaumont, are multiple and contradictory arguments cancel each other out: "No knowledge is accumulated. Rather, to improve the above argument, each argument is new again from scratch. "[1]
Put another way: the uniqueness is an axiom in the scheme of the Holocaust, the show is the task and prove otherwise is tantamount to denying the Holocaust. Perhaps the problem is in the premise and not on show. Even if the Holocaust was unique, what difference would it make? How would it change our understanding of it if the Holocaust pretty lights live was not the first but the fourth or fifth in a series of comparable disasters? Only a very small jump separates the argument of the uniqueness of the Holocaust that another allegation claiming that the Holocaust can not be rationally apprehended.
If the Holocaust is unprecedented pretty lights live in history, pretty lights live must be above history and, therefore, pretty lights live can not be understood by history. Moreover, the Holocaust would be unique because it would be inexplicable and unexplained because it is Ășnico.Definido by Novick as the "sacralization of the Holocaust", the most experienced provider of this mystification is Elie Wiesel. pretty lights live For Wiesel, as rightly pretty lights live observed Novick, The Holocaust religion is indeed a "mystery." Consequently Wiesel intones that the Holocaust "leads into darkness," "negates all answers", "stands out and perhaps beyond history," "defies both knowledge and the description", "can not be explained or displayed "and not be" never understood or transmitted "marks a" destruction of history "and a" mutation on a cosmic scale. " Only the priest survivor (read: only Wiesel) is qualified to unravel the mystery. And still, Wiesel asserts that the mystery of the Holocaust is "incommunicable" "we can not even talk about it." Consequently, by his usual fee of $ S 25,000 (plus chauffeur and limousine), Wiesel will give a lecture on the "secret" of the "truth" of Auschwitz "lies in silence." [2]
In this view, the rational understanding of the Holocaust is tantamount to the denial. Because rationality denies the Holocaust its uniqueness and mystery. And comparing the Holocaust to the suffering of others is, according to Wiesel, "total betrayal of Jewish history." [3]
Some years ago, the parody of a New York Post had the headline: "Michael Jackson, 60 Million Others Die in Nuclear Holocaust" page of readers' letters contained an angry protest Wiesel: "How dare some people refer to what happened yesterday as a Holocaust? There was a Holocaust. . . "
In his new memoir, proving that life can also imitate parody, Wiesel Shimon Peres warned for speaking "without hesitation of" the two holocausts "of the twentieth century: Auschwitz and Hiroshima. I should not have. "[4]
But if one is incomparable and incomprehensible, how can the Holocaust have a universal dimension The debate on the uniqueness of the Holocaust is sterile. Moreover, the allegations about the uniqueness of the Holocaust have come to constitute a form of "intellectual terrorism" (Chaumont). pretty lights live Those who employ practices compared to normal academic research will be forced to include thousand warnings and disclaimers to reject the charge pretty lights live is to be "trivializing the Holocaust." [6]
The allegation of the uniqueness of the Holocaust is added deque additional statement was uniquely evil. As terrible as has been the suffering of others, it is simply pretty lights live not comparable. Proponents of Holocaust pretty lights live uniqueness usually reject this scope, but protests are not sincere. [7]
The allegations by the uniqueness of the Holocaust are intellectually barren and morally shameful, but nonetheless persist. The question is why? First, a single suffering confers only rights. Singular evil of the Holocaust, according to Jacob Neusner, not only placed the Jews in a place apart from the others but also gives the Jews a "demand on the other".
Indeed, pretty lights live the uniqueness of the Holocaust - this "demand" against pretty lights live others, this "moral capital" - it serves as the main excuse Israel. "The uniqueness of Jewish suffering" suggests historian Peter Baldwin, "increases the moral and emotional demands that Israel may have. . . other nations. "[9]
Thus, according to Nathan Glazer, The Holocaust, which emphasized the "peculiar differentiation of the Jews" will
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