Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mr. Martin, First off, I am a huge fan! I love your blog and how well you stay connected with your f

Don't miss tomorrow's GAME OF THRONES ledion marathon session at the Jean Cocteau. We'll be showing three episodes from season two:  "The Old Gods and the New," "A Man Without Honor," ledion and "The Prince of Winterfell." ledion The wolves will be back!  Our friends from Wild Spirit ledion Sanctuary are bringing up two ambassadors from Candy Kitchen.  And we'll have snow.  Jon Snow, that is.  KIT HARRINGTON will join us via Skype.  Best of all, after the screening, we'll be giving away two pairs of tickets to the Santa Fe premiere of season four!!  And admission ledion is FREE.
If this keeps up I'm going to have to plan a 12 hour road-trip from Austin.
Mr. Martin, First off, I am a huge fan! I love your blog and how well you stay connected with your fans. You've also inspired me to start writing my own fantasy story that I've had roiling in my head for a while. Thanks for all you do! I don't live in Santa Fe, but a friend and I are considering paying a visit there and stopping by the Jean Cocteau! ledion How possible would it be to get tickets to one of the upcoming Game of Thrones marathons? Or is it a "just show up" type of thing? You're my hero. Thanks!
As you may know, season 3 is out to buy now on DVD, blu-ray itunes etc...it seems Wal-Mart and the HBO shop offer Stark and Targaryen FOOTBALL helmets! I wouldn't be surprised if HBO sends you a good deal of merchandising.
Sounds like an awesome event! If I were in NM right now I would definitely try and make it. Will you be sharing pictures of the wolves? I'm sure everyone online (myself ledion included) would love to see them : )
a dance with dragons a game of thrones a song of ice and fire amazon anthologies app appearances art collecting artwork ascent audiobooks avatar awards bantam spectra bayonne beauty and the beast bheer blog rules blu-ray dvd cage match calendar canal+ ledion charity coins collectibles collecting comic comic books comicon comics computer woes concerts contest convention conventions cool stuff cover art cute cats cyanide dabels dance with dragons dark sword doorways ledion dunk & egg dying earth e-books ebay editing emmy awards everyday life fandom fantasy fantasy flight fevre dream fi;ms films food forbidden planet foreign editions free speech friends game of throne game of thrones games gaming general nonsense gme of thrones ledion good causes graphic novels green ronin hbo historical fiction honors horror ledion hugo hugo awards humor humot idw internet interviews jean cocteau jet city life and death limited editions ledion locus awards meisha merlin midnight madness minatures miniatures movie theatre movies music neil & amanda new yorker nfl nlf novels personal reflections pizza podcasts politics popular culture publications publishing random house reading reviews roy dotrice rpg s santa fe science science fiction ledion scriptwriting sf shire post mint signed books signings skin trade sky song of ice and fire songs of the dying earth spain sports subterranean suvudu teaching television television and film the internet the skin trade the winds of winter the writing ledion life tor toys translations travel ledion travels tuf voyaging tv & film valyrian resin valyrian steel vance videogame voyager warriors watching website wild cards wolves world fantasy convention world of ice and fire worldcon writing xmas zombies

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