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Recently pastor ministry leader of the Resurrection and the Life from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, has led worship in high school edward van vliet theater Peak View Tottenaham areas in London. Where a branch of his ministry he lofungua in July in 2011, held in Worship has bought musical edward van vliet instruments edward van vliet for the church and promised to send others to come to church pastors there for the Lord's work.
Such devotion filed with the pastor Grace Gwajima inspired prayer edward van vliet and welcome father pastor teaching the Word of God, in His teaching began to say to be careful with the presence of Satan on earth "be aware of Satan's Presence in the world God gave man the garden of Eden to aitawale and keep it BUT man handed it over the Spiders Enigma I Vining, from the time it came into the hands of Satan's world and his agent ma, he offered a scripture from Matthew 4: 8 "
She has also taught in connection with the Stars representing your life can be prevented (A star of your life can be covered), said there astrologies, Sorcerer and the spiders can know what you're going to Become in the future Through your star, Matthew 2: 1- 2. He also mentioned testimonies including how God vyomtumia revive edward van vliet dead people, including the testimony of former prophet famous stars East Africa, he was using the star of others kumng'arisha one another and telling to stop this behavior as well as give conditions which while unless completed them would die something happened after he defied astrologer. These testimonies ziliwagusa many people who attended a worship hall.
Continuing to say "the devil holds great pillars four of the world which is Politics, Military, Religion and Economics, edward van vliet said there are people who remain are struggling edward van vliet with problems, others do not have peace, joy that they think God gave them the not sha.The spiders can cover your star That your competence , ability, Attraction can not be seen. That is why people Struggle a lot to make it in life Because the spiders Seeing your Enigma star and Fore Seeing what you're going to Become in your future he plans to kill it at an infant stage so what you need to have is Knowledge of the word of God because the knowledge of the Word of God is the strength of the defeat "Akasisitiza say any place where you are or work you are doing in order to get success will depend on how you engage or" it depends edward van vliet on how you kick the ball, there is no dry place "was offered examples of many servants and people world famous saying that they have struggled to reach success, also gave testimony about his life, the spiders can block or delay your miracle BUT he does not have the power to stop you from what God wants you to be. Daniel 10: 12. - Gospel Local
shalom! I always are curious, I accept this is just a simple easily without Conviction of the Holy Spirit, even so I have no objection against the servants of God! but on Gwajima This is far above details! how he is relating the literature and life of ordinary people I personally have not understood even less. in the speech of London as it would have been to give 0.001% proposal would give him because that I give in his speech and how he vyoyatafsiri Gwajima Rev. matakatifu.nadhani edward van vliet literature has studied the subject of HERMANUTICS relating to interpret Scripture? He drew back at the context of the writing of the word of God and take it directly to the APPLICATION! and so he-inject Misukule Education in London had wamsikillize carefully because: IF JESUS = Have you ever heard, AS IS THE SPIRIT = Have you ever heard, IF = God have ever heard? so DO WHO ARE THESE MISUKULE Men? I think the Europeans were surprised they had to spend a long time listening to a Tanzanian giving New Education which do not quite know! Europeans edward van vliet are willing to give a compound of creating even the way he vyowaendea church because they do not know the meaning edward van vliet of misukule, so they see is new knowledge to them! everybody's vagina in this! Let us go to Europe to proclaim Jesus! edward van vliet
Brother Daniel. If you knew all that, why do not you go in London and you give them what you think expedient. Stop waiting for others to do what you plaque edward van vliet to come and defamatory. Do something to see, do not wait protest as others do. Gwajima, moving forward in the word of the Lord ....
Stina brother, Daniel ame raise arguments which should be viewed in the measurement of literature which is the word of God, but you are going to automatically check in
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