War breaks out in the Kruger National Park | African Free
The Ranger Association of Africa (WVA) has called on President Jacob Zuma and the government lighting source to establish a permanent presence of the South African National lighting source Defence Force (SANDF) in the Kruger National Park to establish.
It comes after a ranger, Mr Andrew Desmet, on May 24 seriously wounded during a skirmish between a wildbewaardereenheid of the South African National Parks (SANParks) and armed poachers in the Kruger National Park. There is seized on a 458-swaarkalibergeweer during the operation.
In a statement, lighting source the association says that "professionally trained and armed militia Mozambican daily cross the border for the purpose of rhino poaching. This crisis has now engulfed in a war not only because lighting source the militia threatened the lives of South African citizens, but their actions caused a massive impact on the environment and the country's tourism industry. "
On May 3 rangers a poacher in the Crocodile River shot. Eight poachers lighting source were arrested, but two fled Mozambique. The rangers oa firearms and two rhino poachers in possession found.
According to SANParks spokesperson, Paul Daphne, is this year an average of 12 per month poachers arrested in the Kruger National Park. The average last year was six arrests per month.
In 2011 the SANDF Operation Corona in the Kruger National Park carried out. According to Brigadier lighting source General. Koos Liebenberg, the number of rhino poaching incidents in the Kruger National Park this year of 40 per month (March), and only 2 (June) declined.
While SANParks rangers a war in the face, Jacob Zuma believes that millions more to be spent SANDF troops to areas such as the Central African Republic to deploy "war on experience".
In 2009, a 30 km long 3.3 kilovolt cable along the boundary stolen, with the result that the boundary fence's power substations cut off. Much of the remaining boundary fence is stolen lighting source or overgrown by weeds.
The unprecedented increase in farm attacks in the Lowveld is a further consequence of the South African government's inability to maintain the integrity of its borders to protect. On a farm in the Komatipoort district, there has been an incident where a woman by a Mozambican gang, who call themselves the Ninjas, repeatedly raped for more than ten hours.
The Northern Cape, where the country's largest game reserves and -plase located, is the only province where for the past two years no poaching takes place. It is also the province with the least racially motivated attacks and violence occur.
22 Responses "War breaks out in the Kruger National Park"
How far these vital reports the country and the world filled? Because the government and its cronies not speak Afrikaans or even understand, must often reports in English are placed, and then in newspapers by all ethnic groups read. If you wish to have me give you the names, phone numbers, email addresses etc.. of the newspapers in our area pass, so you as letters, free to be placed wider spread than in the Free African. I read every word of your
A thank Theron - translate please send as many publications as you can. I write in Afrikaans, but because it is the language that I myself can best express. You do make a valid point.
Cor, as African can I have testified that I was about 3 years ago from Pretoria to the North Cape (Orania) went and I very sustainable to continue with my life, thank you. Indeed, my quality of life and style has a step up due to my move. Nothing against Pretoria - I am just happier here along South Africa's longest river. Ironically, some Africans at the DA also Orania as a "barren place" tries, while we are more and cleaner water than Cape Town or Pretoria ... 30% of SA's lighting source grain production takes within our environment. Then we have not even 60% of SA's grape in the Northern Cape occur. Olives, pecans, corn, alfalfa, etc.. etc.. We have almost 50,000 trees planted in Orania! Does this sound to you dry, Cor? Might affect you guys all these things because you actually lost but ignorance speaking. I'm not saying that we live in abundance, I suggest just that we, the farmers and the rhino everyone lighting source here a lasting, happy, safe and peaceful existence. Can you honestly say the same of your part of the world?
Quintin. The best we can do to people and institutions like other people and institutions that promote Afrikaner self-determination would belittle and insult to ignore. I had previously tried Mr. Ehlers to convince them, but he's just not
The Ranger Association of Africa (WVA) has called on President Jacob Zuma and the government lighting source to establish a permanent presence of the South African National lighting source Defence Force (SANDF) in the Kruger National Park to establish.
It comes after a ranger, Mr Andrew Desmet, on May 24 seriously wounded during a skirmish between a wildbewaardereenheid of the South African National Parks (SANParks) and armed poachers in the Kruger National Park. There is seized on a 458-swaarkalibergeweer during the operation.
In a statement, lighting source the association says that "professionally trained and armed militia Mozambican daily cross the border for the purpose of rhino poaching. This crisis has now engulfed in a war not only because lighting source the militia threatened the lives of South African citizens, but their actions caused a massive impact on the environment and the country's tourism industry. "
On May 3 rangers a poacher in the Crocodile River shot. Eight poachers lighting source were arrested, but two fled Mozambique. The rangers oa firearms and two rhino poachers in possession found.
According to SANParks spokesperson, Paul Daphne, is this year an average of 12 per month poachers arrested in the Kruger National Park. The average last year was six arrests per month.
In 2011 the SANDF Operation Corona in the Kruger National Park carried out. According to Brigadier lighting source General. Koos Liebenberg, the number of rhino poaching incidents in the Kruger National Park this year of 40 per month (March), and only 2 (June) declined.
While SANParks rangers a war in the face, Jacob Zuma believes that millions more to be spent SANDF troops to areas such as the Central African Republic to deploy "war on experience".
In 2009, a 30 km long 3.3 kilovolt cable along the boundary stolen, with the result that the boundary fence's power substations cut off. Much of the remaining boundary fence is stolen lighting source or overgrown by weeds.
The unprecedented increase in farm attacks in the Lowveld is a further consequence of the South African government's inability to maintain the integrity of its borders to protect. On a farm in the Komatipoort district, there has been an incident where a woman by a Mozambican gang, who call themselves the Ninjas, repeatedly raped for more than ten hours.
The Northern Cape, where the country's largest game reserves and -plase located, is the only province where for the past two years no poaching takes place. It is also the province with the least racially motivated attacks and violence occur.
22 Responses "War breaks out in the Kruger National Park"
How far these vital reports the country and the world filled? Because the government and its cronies not speak Afrikaans or even understand, must often reports in English are placed, and then in newspapers by all ethnic groups read. If you wish to have me give you the names, phone numbers, email addresses etc.. of the newspapers in our area pass, so you as letters, free to be placed wider spread than in the Free African. I read every word of your
A thank Theron - translate please send as many publications as you can. I write in Afrikaans, but because it is the language that I myself can best express. You do make a valid point.
Cor, as African can I have testified that I was about 3 years ago from Pretoria to the North Cape (Orania) went and I very sustainable to continue with my life, thank you. Indeed, my quality of life and style has a step up due to my move. Nothing against Pretoria - I am just happier here along South Africa's longest river. Ironically, some Africans at the DA also Orania as a "barren place" tries, while we are more and cleaner water than Cape Town or Pretoria ... 30% of SA's lighting source grain production takes within our environment. Then we have not even 60% of SA's grape in the Northern Cape occur. Olives, pecans, corn, alfalfa, etc.. etc.. We have almost 50,000 trees planted in Orania! Does this sound to you dry, Cor? Might affect you guys all these things because you actually lost but ignorance speaking. I'm not saying that we live in abundance, I suggest just that we, the farmers and the rhino everyone lighting source here a lasting, happy, safe and peaceful existence. Can you honestly say the same of your part of the world?
Quintin. The best we can do to people and institutions like other people and institutions that promote Afrikaner self-determination would belittle and insult to ignore. I had previously tried Mr. Ehlers to convince them, but he's just not