Monday, May 19, 2014

I guess this kind of tratamineto be used, especially in detention centers infantir to supply the de

Inthe 30's, began to be experienced treatments for tuberculosis of bones and joints based powerful discharges of light arc (the first of these devices was the same that was used in the late nineteenth century in the first systems of public electric lighting : arc lamp with carbon electrodes employing alternating current). You can still find on the net some papers published in the scientific press of the time. As shown, this published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery or this one appeared in radiologica Act. But most impressive is the power of photography, creepy (nurse / nun included) and equally fascinating. Particularly I am struck by the contrast between the black sunglasses that protect the eyes of children and the white loincloth covering them.
The picture maxspect led reminds me of a much worse time ago I saw in some children posed in a Nazi concentration before being delivered to the experiments of Dr. Mengele insane ...
My dear Blogmaster: your pathetic "espeluzmante" security So you claim to know a photo of that class: nobody ever knew why and how the new Dr. Manguele and should be a very important jewel of the "conclusive" evidence of Nazi genocide. This test and the "millions" of Jews to the crematoria queuing must be worth a fortune.
What makes you think you're more important than these animals? Do you know that almost everything you do with them when they experience them is not only unnecessary but also useless for application in humans?
Mengele Many doctors are not involved in killing children, but bugs ... because few care because considered "inferior" or "unable to feel or understand the pain." Just the same as in many countries think of women, or the poor, or of those who are of a different color ... or Jews.
I warn you that I was worse when you thought it was some diseases caused by demons ... How many of the current practices of medicine will be seen as archaic as this in a century? The picture is great, on the other hand ...
No where I saw something similar (perhaps in this blog) and if it was not with carbon arc light or other light but the picture reminded me powerfully that a similar treatment is also in the Soviet Union gave the children in areas with little sunshine (northwest), the light used in theory supplied the sunlight to grow strong and healthy, and although the images were also somewhat scary at least we must recognize that their health was (cash or is another issue) and it's not so different from going to a "lamp" to get a tan.
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21 Xavier Debeerst 26 Sep 2009 0 (0 votes)
The photograph maxspect led itself is creepy. Some seem them more creepy if she was nun nurse instead, is that some people can not leave their prejudices. This leads me to say that discussions on science maxspect led / religion always the atrocities committed in the name of religion are remembered, but rarely the atrocities committed in the name of science are remembered. Neither one nor the other.
I guess this kind of tratamineto be used, especially in detention centers infantir to supply the deficiency of vitamin D, as Ruben mentioned above, to prevent rickets.
By the way, Othera application of different light spectra, which I found odd at the time and that I have not seen him for over 20 years now (but I'm sure that is still practiced) is the UV disinfection. I personally could see a small hospital Krimea (Ukraine). obviously did not apply to people, but in the patient rooms and during treatment, patients were forced to leave.
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