Saturday, May 24, 2014

However, when an atom loses an electron under the influence of any external factors, either physica

For thousands of years the sun and fire were the only items used for lighting deadmau5 strobe mp3 man, until the late nineteenth century, Thomas A. Edison developed and marketed in the United States, the incandescent light bulb as a source of artificial light .
From that historic moment began creating other artificial light sources deadmau5 strobe mp3 such as lamps powerful carbon deadmau5 strobe mp3 arc, fluorescent, halogen lamps, deadmau5 strobe mp3 mercury deadmau5 strobe mp3 arc sodium, metal halide (metal halide), etc..
Other sources of artificial light, is also the laser beam, which although not used in lighting the coherent light beam and high energy is widely used in various scientific and technical devices, including appliances such as sound and video.
A phenomenon that is called "bioluminescence" and manifests mostly in some organisms called dinoflagellates that live in the sea and much larger species that live at great depths, also marine.
Occupying the entire range of visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum extending from 430 THz (terahertz) frequency and 627 nm (nanometer) wavelength, to 750 THz and 436 nm wavelength.
The white light from the sun and most artificial light sources, consists of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies and wavelengths, deadmau5 strobe mp3 and are the only of the entire electromagnetic spectrum that we can see.
Violet 380-436 (waves of higher energy)
Any electromagnetic wave has a certain amount of power is inversely proportional to the wavelength, that is, a shorter wavelength of visible light, the greater the energy propagation.
Instead of the white light, the rays are considered inconsistent by being composed by magnetic waves of frequencies and different wavelengths, the light that provides a laser device is deemed deadmau5 strobe mp3 "consistent", that it is made by a light beam of the same frequency and wavelength, amplified many times to increase its power. deadmau5 strobe mp3
The propagation of light waves is the world's fastest physical phenomenon, its rays travel through space, and even the vacuum at about the 300 thousand kilometers per second.
For electrons (negatively charged) are kept spinning in their own orbits without changing abandon one energy level to another, the atomic nucleus (positively charged) exerts a strong influence to retain them.
However, when an atom loses an electron under the influence of any external factors, either physical or chemical, your natural tendency is to recover immediately to continue to maintain an electrical balance neutral, ie, with the same number of electrons (negative) , that of protons (positive).
That will cause this crash is excited, causing a corresponding leaves orbit and pass to fill, for brief moments, another orbit of a higher energy level and farther from the nucleus deadmau5 strobe mp3 of the atom to which it belongs.
At the precise moment that the electron deadmau5 strobe mp3 returns to its orbit, the extra energy gained when going from a lower level to a higher energy level or outermost orbit, the photon released as light.
Therefore, the color of the light photon emitted by the electron when it rejoins the original orbit after being excited, will depend on the amount of energy released at that time, the chemical element that corresponds to the atom to which it belongs and the energy level or orbit where it was turning at the time was excited (remember that electrons revolve in orbits closer to the nucleus of the atom have less power than spinning in remote orbits).
The color of light that emits a photon always correspond to the frequency and wave length itself and that color will be noticeable to our eyes as long as you are within the time for lightning electromagnetic spectrum covering the visible light range.
These include the infrared (IR) used in wireless communications, alarms, deadmau5 strobe mp3 remote controls, etc. and commonly known as UVA ultraviolet very used as skin tanning.
are in PlanetaVenezuela. we
Blindness of the human eye defects Mirrors and Lenses Snell's law light polarization d ela light optics Physical Optics Geometrical optics Optical Microscope Telescope Huygens Principle A wave reflector

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